3.9 Posting setup
The two windows that control posting behavior in Dynamics GP are Posting Setup and Posting Accounts Setup.
Posting Setup
Options chosen on the Posting Setup window determine the behavior of each type of transaction that is posted in Dynamics GP. To open the Posting Setup window navigate to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Posting | Posting. Transactions on the Posting Setup window are grouped by Series,
for example Payables Management and Purchase Order Processing
transactions will be under the Purchasing Series. Once you select a Series, the available transactions for the series will populate the Origin drop-down:
Any changes made when the Origin is set to All will propagate to all the transactions for the selected Series when the Save button is clicked. As only changes will propagate, if the All selection already shows the desired setting, it does not necessarily follow that each transaction within the Series has that same setting. So while it may be more time consuming to go through each individual transaction Origin, you are safer doing that than making changes using the All selection.
The following is a list of the posting settings and
recommendations for them:
Post to General Ledger: This should be checked for every transaction type.
Post Through General Ledger Files:
For companies just starting to use Dynamics GP it may be advantageous to
leave this option unchecked, so that users have an opportunity to
examine the GL transactions that get created as a result of subledger
transaction postings. Otherwise, select this setting to automatically
post subledger postings through to the General Ledger.
Allow Transaction Posting: This is typically left checked, allowing users to post a transaction without having to create a batch.
Include Multicurrency Info: If Multicurrency is being used, this should be checked, otherwise it should not.
Verify Number of Trx and Verify Batch Amounts:
These options are available to help catch mistakes during data entry.
If a batch of 20 cash receipts is being entered and the total of the
cash receipts is $25,000, these totals would be entered during the
creation of the cash receipt batch as control
totals. As each cash receipt is saved, the actual totals will be
incremented by Dynamics GP. Once transaction entry is done, if the
actual totals for the batch do not match the control totals, Dynamics GP
will prevent the batch from being posted. Most companies do not choose
to verify transaction totals prior to posting batches, as it can slow
down transaction entry.
Create a Journal Entry Per: The most commonly used setting for this is Transaction,
which will allow for the most detailed level of records kept. Companies
with very large volumes of certain types of transactions may decide to
change this.
Posting Date From: The more common setting for this is Transaction, although this can greatly depend on the accounting habits and practices within each company.
If Existing Batch: Append is recommended so that your system does not end up with a very large number of batches quickly.
Require Batch Approval: Most
companies do not use this option, however this is another setting that
may depend greatly on your accounting practices and the desired
Reports: There are a number of
posting reports that print for every transaction posted in Dynamics GP.
If you choose a transaction type under Origin you will see the list of reports for that particular transaction type listed at the bottom. When you choose All for Origin you will see every report possible for the Series you have selected.
default, all the reports are set to print to the printer and many
companies find this to be a big waste of paper. Some reports are quite
useful, so it
may not be practical to turn all the reports off (which sometimes
becomes tempting when fi ve reports come out after posting each
transaction). An
alternate option may be to change all reports globally to automatically
print to the screen, so the user can look at each report and decide
whether they
want to print that particular report to the printer. You can change all
the posting reports to print to the screen by running the following SQL
scriptn against your company database in SQL Server Management Studio:
posting, setting upPosting setupSET PRNTJRNL = 1, ASECTMNT = 0, PRTOPRNT = 0, PRTOSCNT = 1, PRTOFLNT = 0, EXPTTYPE = 0, APNDRPLC = 0
The OK button on the Posting Setup window will close the window, the Save button will apply your selections and clear all the options, but keep the window open.
All changes on the Posting Setup window, except those made using the All
origin, are applied right away. If users are posting transactions in
Dynamics GP or unposted batches for a particular type of transaction
exist, making changes to the posting settings can have unpredictable
The following is an example of the Sales Transaction Entry posting settings using the previous recommendations:
Note that this transaction type has seven posting
reports associated with it. Typically, companies will decide to turn off
at least three or four of these reports, depending on the details of
their sales transactions, but it is recommended to have the users take a
look at the reports first to see if they are deemed useful.
Posting Accounts
Posting Accounts are company-wide
defaults used by Dynamics GP to determine what General Ledger accounts
to use for various transaction components. Setting up posting accounts
can reduce the amount of time and effort it takes to enter transactions
into Dynamics GP, and can also help avoid errors caused by users
choosing incorrect accounts during transaction entry.
The company-wide posting accounts will be superseded
by the accounts set up on individual objects, such as vendors,
customers, inventory items, and multicurrency rate types. Also, during
transaction entry, almost every transaction in Dynamics GP allows the
user to override defaulted accounts prior to posting the transaction. If
there is only one Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable GL account,
consider specifying these globally for the entire company, rather than
setting them up for each customer or vendor or having the users type the
account numbers in every time a transaction is entered for a customer
or vendor.
To set up posting accounts, navigate to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Posting | Posting Accounts. The Posting Accounts Setup window will list all available Posting Accounts
that can be set up in Dynamics GP. You may find it easier to navigate
around this window and find accounts if you choose a series under the Display drop-down first.
There is no requirement to fill in every Posting Account,
many companies may not ever enter transactions that will use all the
possible accounts listed. Only fill in what is needed and what is global
to the entire company. If you have not yet created your entire Chart of
Accounts in Dynamics GP, you may want to mark this as a setup task to
return to once the GL account numbers are created.
Any changes to posting accounts will only affect
future transactions, no existing transactions will be updated when
changes are made on the Posting Accounts Setup window.
3.10 E-mail setup
New functionality in Dynamics GP 2010 adds the
ability to e-mail certain types of reports directly out of Dynamics GP
to your customers and vendors. Each module that allows e-mailing
functionality will have some additional setup steps, however first the
company e-mail setup must be completed.
Company e-mail setup
To set up the company-wide options for e-mail, navigate to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Company | E-mail Settings. On the Company E-mail Setup window, select whether to allow the option to Embed Documents in Message Body on an e-mail, Send Documents as Attachments, or both. If Send Documents as Attachments is selected, choose the File Formats Allowed: