Problems: bonnet requires a four-stage
opening process; paintwork Dicky; slight thirst for coolant; nearside door
speaker dead. There has also been an incident, resulting in a split nearside
front wheel arch liner. I blame the UK’s badly maintained roads, poor drainage
and unseasonably inclement weather.

On the school run, there’s a narrow road
where I was forced into a large puddle. It caught the Shed on the nearside with
a splash and a thud. I thought no more of it, until I used full lock and
noticed a rubbing sound.
The wheel arch liner had lost one retaining
screw and had been ripped away from the other, leaving a big tear. First of
all, I planned to take it off and bond the whole thing back together with
fiberglass, but that was too much bother. Jacking up the car gave me enough
room to effect a repair without even having to take the wheel off. And in
keeping with the principles of Bangernomics, rather than buying bits, I looked
at what I had lying around. This led to some proper, old-school bodging.

A large tube of exterior-grade,
water-resistant grab adhesive, some fiberglass fly screen material and some
gaffer tape patched up the hole and held everything in place. The finishing
touch was a tin of roofing mastic. It was so old and thick that I used a trowel
instead of a brush. I don’t know how long this quick and cheap fix will last;
perhaps I should have bought a replacement liner.

728i interior
This minor drama aside, I still top up the
coolant weekly. Opening the bonnet is a palaver (pull handle inside car, then
pull handle at kidney grille, and repeat) and the dead speaker might have to be
A member of the unofficial Autocar E38
appreciation society has just bought a donor Seven for $525 to keep for those days
when you go through a puddle a bit too quickly. Maybe I should do the same.

BMW 728i
Price: $55,350 (1999), $750 (2011)
Economy: 30.7mpg
Faults: Wind noise in cabin, perished
suspension bushes, Dicky paintwork, thirst for coolant, dead door speaker,
split front wheel arch liner
Expenses: Service (including two new tires and
front suspension bushes) $709, jacking point rubber $15
Last seen: 27.3.13