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Diagnosing SQL Server 2012 Using Extended Events (part 4) - Extended Events Terminology - Filters, Targets

12/14/2013 8:35:43 PM
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4.2.5 Filters

Filters are also known as predicates in the context of Extended Events, and both terms accurately describe their purpose, as they act like a where clause when a session is defined such that only events that meet certain criteria have their actions performed. For example, you may only want data to be collected when an event happens in the context of a specific database or when a specific user executed the query that caused the event. Although these may seem like reasonably high-level conditions on which to filter, you would be correct to assume that with Extended Events they can be a lot more technical, as you’ll see in a moment.

Filters can delve deep into a database’s internal objects, as well as a SQL Server instance’s and query’s runtime properties. For that reason, the most common filters you’ll likely start using are for a query’s runtime duration, the lock mode taken, or the object ID affected by the event. Defined filters must always evaluate as a Boolean expression; meaning you should focus on using the usual =, >, <, and <> operators.

Following are some examples of filters you might define for your sessions:

  • For events in all user databases:
    sqlserver.database_id > 4
  • For events in all user databases not performed by a system task:
    sqlserver.database_id > 4
    and sqlserver.is_system = 0
  • For queries taking longer than 10 seconds:
    duration > 10000

The complete list of available filters, or predicate sources, as you’ll see them referred to, is available by querying a DMV as shown here:

select name, description from sys.dm_xe_objects where object_type = 'pred_source'

If you’re beginning to use Extended Events instead of Profiler, these filters are the ones you are likely to initially want to use; however, some filters contain internal logic that wasn’t available in Profiler. For example, you can set a session to count how many times an event it monitors for occurs, and only perform an action every n occurrences of the event. This might be useful for something that happens so often that it’s not practical to log every occurrence, but you still want to monitor it.

Finally, the way in which filters are evaluated is also more efficient than what you might be used to with other tools, as the objective is always to limit the overhead of using Extended Events as much as possible. Although filters are evaluated each time their associated events occur, they don’t have to add significant overhead to the user’s query execution time if they’re written optimally. Extended Events use a method known as short circuiting to evaluate a session’s filters. This means each part of the filter’s definition is put in an ordered list, and each item in the list is evaluated only if the previous item evaluated to true. Therefore, if the most selective items in the filter are defined first, most of the filter may never need to be evaluated until necessary. This is very different from traditional SQL Server select queries, for which each part of the where clause is evaluated and included in the query plan before execution, regardless of the value it might actually bring to the query.

4.26 Targets

A target is the destination for all the information you can capture with Extended Events. However, whereas the terminology used so far has been fairly straightforward, now you start to see some terms that are less self-explanatory. In fact, it may be these terms you’ve seen in the past that made you think twice about using the feature. Fortunately, the SSMS interface hides some of the complexity from us.

Event Files

Event files, like their name suggests, are flat files that reside on an operating system drive and to which event data is written. They remain there until you delete them manually. The event files themselves have a default file extension of .xel and store data in a binary format that isn’t human-readable without a tool such as SQL Server Management Studio. Fortunately, SSMS can open these files even if they were captured on another server. It can also export the data to a database table or a CSV file, making the data more portable if needed.

When an Extended Events session is configured to use an event file as a target, the event data is first written by the Extended Events engine to memory buffers before a second process writes it from memory to disk. This separation of processes is an important difference between Extended Events and other troubleshooting tools, as it prevents the physical writing of the data to disk from affecting performance for end users under normal circumstances. This behavior explains why event files are considered asynchronous targets.

Because Extended Events has been designed for use on servers with even the heaviest of workloads, there are several options you can configure regarding how the data is buffered and what should occur when the buffer is overwhelmed. The next three settings reviewed, memory buffer size, event retention, and maximum dispatch latency, apply to most of the targets Extended Events sessions can use, but it is useful to consider them now that you understand the potential problems a session with a full memory buffer and an event file target could have.

It’s worth mentioning that the path and filename you specify when you create a session must exist otherwise the session won’t start. It’s often useful to create your own directory for Extended Events files, and then make sure SQL Server can read and write to it.

Memory Buffer Size

The size of the memory buffer is a configurable session option that can ultimately determine how much of a performance impact an Extended Events session has on your server, and potentially how much event data you might lose in busy conditions. For a small server with a small workload, the default maximum buffer size of 4MB is probably sufficient; but on a much busier server, you might be writing more event data to the memory buffer than your target can subsequently flush to its storage during peak periods.

As a hypothetical example, if your Extended Events session is capturing event data at the rate of 200MB/sec, but your server can only write 100MB/sec to disk, you’re very quickly going to either need a lot of memory to store events before they’re flushed to disk or begin discarding data from the buffer. The buffer is a First in, First out (FIFO) list, so if unflushed events need to be deleted to make room for newer events, then the oldest ones will be removed first.

That example should explain why you might choose to configure your session to use more memory, based upon your preference for what should happen if the buffer ever fills up, and therefore, how much event data you’re willing to lose in order to maintain system performance for users. Exactly what events are dropped is determined by the Event Retention option.

Event Retention

What should happen if the memory buffer ever fills up is also a configurable session option, known as Event Retention. Three options determine how SQL Server should respond when the memory buffer is full and a session tries to write event data to it:

  • no event loss — This option is the strictest of the possible settings and is not recommended for production environments. This setting means if the memory buffer ever fills up, end user queries must wait until there is free space in the memory buffer for their event data to be written to before they are allowed to continue. It’s very similar to how SQL Trace works in that event data is never lost, but the consequences of guaranteeing that complete set of event data on a busy system can be disastrous.
  • single event loss — This is the default when you create an Extended Events session. It instructs SQL Server that losing individual events is acceptable if it means the end user’s query performance won’t be affected like it would be with the no event loss option. Because the memory buffer is a FIFO list, the oldest event in the buffer is deleted to make room for the latest system activity. Although events are removed one at a time, if the Extended Events engine needs to write 500 new events to the buffer, it may have to delete the 500 oldest events first. While this sounds like a good compromise, it won’t protect you from having an undersized memory buffer on a busy system, as ultimately the amount of data you lose will render your captured data worthless.
  • multiple event loss — This tells SQL Server to favor protecting query performance at the expense of capturing event data on a massive scale. If the memory buffer is overwhelmed by incoming events, it can decide to completely empty the buffer rather than delete events one by one to maintain query performance. While this might mean you lose your event data, it’s a good fail-safe option to have in place if you ever deploy a session on a busy server for the first time and not know what its event generation rate is likely to be.

Maximum Dispatch Latency

Now that you’ve seen how crucial it is to have adequate space in the memory buffer used by the Extended Events engine, you can understand why there are various options that determine what should happen if it fills up. Of course, the best solution is to ensure that it never fills up. There are two options for this: setting a very large memory buffer size or configuring the maximum dispatch latency.

If an asynchronous target is being used, it’s possible that events aren’t transferred from the memory buffer to the target until either the session stops and flushes the buffer, or there is memory buffer pressure that forces a flush. This shouldn’t usually be a problem, but you might think it’s good to keep as much free space in the memory buffer as possible in case of sudden system activity that generates a lot of event data.

This is where you can use the Maximum Dispatch Latency setting to specify the maximum amount of time event data can stay in the memory buffer before it is flushed to the target. The default is 30 seconds, which for a session with a properly sized memory buffer should be more than adequate; there’s no need to change any of the default settings unless necessary. However, if you want to be cautious you can lower the maximum dispatch latency value; the minimum accepted value is 1 second.

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