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My SQL : Logging Statements (part 4) - Triggers, Events, and Stored Routines

6/5/2013 4:05:13 AM
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6. Triggers, Events, and Stored Routines

A few other constructions that are treated specially when logged are stored programs—that is, triggers, events, and stored routines (the last is a collective name for stored procedures and stored functions). Their treatment with respect to the binary log contains some elements in common, so they will be covered together in this section. The explanation distinguishes statements of two types: statements that define or destroy stored programs and statements that invoke them.

6.1. Statements that define or destroy stored programs

The following discussion shows triggers in the examples, but the same principles apply to definition of events and stored routines. To understand why the server needs to handle these features specially when writing them to the binary log, consider the code in Example 5.

In the example, a table named employee keeps information about all employees of an imagined system and a table named log keeps a log of interesting information. Note that the log table has a timestamp column that notes the time of a change and that the name column in the employee table is the primary key for the table. There is also a status column to tell whether the addition succeeded or failed.

To track information about employee information changes—for example, for auditing purposes—three triggers are created so that whenever an employee is added, removed, or changed, a log entry of the change is added to a log table.

Notice that the triggers are after triggers, which means that entries are added only if the executed statement is successful. Failed statements will not be logged. We will later extend the example so that unsuccessful attempts are also logged.

Example 5. Definitions of tables and triggers for employee administration
CREATE TABLE employee (
   name CHAR(64) NOT NULL,
   email CHAR(64),
   password CHAR(64),
   PRIMARY KEY (name)

   email CHAR(64),
   message TEXT,

CREATE TRIGGER tr_employee_insert_after AFTER INSERT ON employee FOR EACH ROW
   INSERT INTO log(email, status, message)
     VALUES (, 'OK', CONCAT('Adding employee ',;

CREATE TRIGGER tr_employee_delete_after AFTER DELETE ON employee FOR EACH ROW
   INSERT INTO log(email, status, message)
     VALUES (, 'OK', 'Removing employee');

delimiter $$
CREATE TRIGGER tr_employee_update_after AFTER UPDATE ON employee FOR EACH ROW
  IF != THEN
    INSERT INTO log(email, status, message)
      VALUES (, 'OK',
              CONCAT('Name change from ',, ' to ',;
  IF OLD.password != NEW.password THEN
    INSERT INTO log(email, status, message)
      VALUES (, 'OK', 'Password change');
  IF != THEN
    INSERT INTO log(email, status, message)
      VALUES (, 'OK', CONCAT('E-mail change to ',;
END $$
delimiter ;


With these trigger definitions, it is now possible to add and remove employees as shown in Example 3-6. Here an employee is added, modified, and removed, and as you can see, each of the operations is logged to the log table.

The operations of adding, removing, and modifying employees may be done by a user who has access to the employee table, but what about access to the log table? In this case, a user who can manipulate the employee table should not be able to make changes to the log table. There are many reasons for this, but they all boil down to trusting the contents of the log table for purposes of maintenance, auditing, disclosure to legal authorities, etc. So the DBA may choose to make access to the employee table available to many users while keeping access to the log table very restricted.

To make sure the triggers can execute successfully against a highly protected table, they are executed as the user who defined the trigger, not as the user who changed the contents of the employee table. So, the CREATE TRIGGER statements in Example 5 are executed by the DBA, who has privileges to make additions to the log table, whereas the statements altering employee information in Example 6 are executed through a user management account that only has privileges to change the employee table.

When the statements in Example 6 are executed, the employee management account is used for updating entries in the employee table, but the DBA privileges are used to make additions to the log table. The employee management account cannot be used to add or remove entries from the log table.

As an aside, Example 6 assigns passwords to a user variable before using them in the statement. This is done to avoid sending sensitive data in plain text to another server; more details can be found in Security and the Binary Log.

Example 6. Adding, removing, and modifying users
master> SET @pass = PASSWORD('xyzzy');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

master> INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('mats', '[email protected]', @pass);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

master> UPDATE employee SET name = 'matz' WHERE email = '[email protected]';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

master> SET @pass = PASSWORD('foobar');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

master> UPDATE employee SET password = @pass WHERE email = '[email protected]';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

master> DELETE FROM employee WHERE email = '[email protected]';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

master> SELECT * FROM log;
| id | email            | message                       | ts                  |
|  1 | [email protected] | Adding employee mats          | 2010-01-13 18:56:08 |
|  2 | [email protected] | Name change from mats to matz | 2010-01-13 18:56:11 |
|  3 | [email protected] | Removing employee             | 2010-01-13 18:57:11 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Security and the Binary Log

In general, a user with REPLICATION SLAVE privileges has privileges to read everything that occurs on the master and should therefore be secured so that the account cannot be compromised.

  • Make it impossible to log into the account from outside the firewall.

  • Log all attempts to log into the account, and place the log on a separate secure server.

  • Encrypt the connection between the master and the slave using, for example, MySQL’s built-in SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) support.

Even if the account has been secured, there is information that does not have to be in the binary log, so it makes sense not to store it there in the first place.

One of the more common types of sensitive information is passwords. Events containing passwords can be written to the binary log when executing statements that change tables on the server and that include the password required for access to the tables.

A typical example is:

UPDATE employee SET pass = PASSWORD('foobar')
  WHERE email = '[email protected]';

If replication is in place, it is better to rewrite this statement without the password. This is done by computing and storing the hashed password into a user-defined variable and then using that in the expression:

SET @password = PASSWORD('foobar');
UPDATE employee SET pass = @password WHERE email = '[email protected]';

Since the SET statement is not replicated, the original password will not be stored in the binary log, only in the memory of the server while executing the statement.

As long as the password hash, rather than the plain-text password, is stored in the table, this technique works. If the raw password is stored directly in the table, there is no way to prevent the password from ending up in the binary log. But storing hashes for passwords is a standard good practice in any case, to prevent someone who gets his hands on the raw data from learning the passwords.

Encrypting the connection between the master and the slave offers some protection, but if the binary log itself is compromised, encrypting the connection doesn’t help.

If you recall the earlier discussion about implicit information, you may already have noticed that both the user executing a line of code and the user who defines a trigger are implicit. Neither the definer nor the invoker of the trigger is critical to executing the trigger on the slave, and the user information is effectively ignored when the slave executes the statement. However, the information is important when the binary log is played back to a server—for instance, when doing a PITR.

To play back a binary log to the server without problems in handling privileges on all the various tables, it is necessary to execute all the statements as a user with SUPER privileges. But the triggers may not have been defined using SUPER privileges, so it is important to re-create the triggers with the correct user as the trigger’s definer. If a trigger is defined with SUPER privileges instead of by the user who defined the trigger originally, it might cause a privilege escalation.

To permit a DBA to specify the user under which to execute a trigger, the CRE⁠ATE TRIG⁠GER syntax includes an optional DEFINER clause. If a DEFINER is not given to the statements—as is the case in Example 7—the statement will be rewritten for the binary log to add a DEFINER clause and use the current user as the definer. This means that the definition of the insert trigger appears in the binary log, as shown in Example 3-7. It lists the account that created the trigger (root@localhost) as the definer, which is what we want in this case.

Example 7. A CREATE TRIGGER statement in the binary log
*************************** 1. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000038
        Pos: 92236
 Event_type: Query
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 92491
       Info: use `test`; CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` TRIGGER ...
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

6.2. Statements that invoke triggers and stored routines

Moving over from definitions to invocations, we can ask how the master’s triggers are handled during replication. Well, actually they’re not handled at all.

The statement that invokes the trigger is logged to the binary log, but it is not linked to the particular trigger. Instead, when the slave executes the statement, it automatically executes any triggers associated with the tables affected by the statement. This means that there can be different triggers on the master and the slave, and the triggers on the master will be invoked on the master while the triggers on the slave will be invoked on the slave. For example, if the trigger to add entries to the log table is not necessary on the slave, performance can be improved by eliminating the trigger from the slave.

Still, any context events necessary for replicating correctly will be written to the binary log before the statement that invokes the trigger, even if it is just the statements in the trigger that require the context events. Thus, Example 8 shows the binary log after executing the INSERT statement in Example 5. Note that the first event writes the INSERT ID for the log table’s primary key. This reflects the use of the log table in the trigger, but it might appear to be redundant because the slave will not use the trigger.

You should, however, note that using different triggers on the master and slave—or no trigger at all on either the master or slave—is the exception and that the INSERT ID is necessary for replicating the INSERT statement correctly when the trigger is both on the master and slave.

Example 8. Contents of the binary log after executing INSERT
*************************** 1. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000038
        Pos: 93340
 Event_type: Intvar
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 93368
       Info: INSERT_ID=1
*************************** 2. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000038
        Pos: 93368
 Event_type: User var
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 93396h
       Info: @`pass`=_latin1
0x2A39423530303334334243353245323931313137324542353241... COLLATE
*************************** 3. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000038
        Pos: 93396
 Event_type: Query
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 93537
       Info: use `test`; INSERT INTO employee VALUES ...
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)			  
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