IT tutorials

My SQL : Logging Statements (part 7) - Nontransactional Changes and Error Handling

6/5/2013 4:08:49 AM
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9. Events

The events feature is a MySQL extension, not part of standard SQL. Events, which should not be confused with binlog events, are handled by a stored program that is executed regularly by a special event scheduler.

Similar to all other stored programs, definitions of events are also logged with a DEFINER clause. Since events are invoked by the event scheduler, they are always executed as the definer and do not pose a security risk in the way that stored functions do.

When events are executed, the statements are written to the binary log directly.

Since the events will be executed on the master, they are automatically disabled on the slave and will therefore not be executed there. If the events were not disabled, they would be executed twice on the slave: once by the master executing the event and replicating the changes to the slave, and once by the slave executing the event directly.


Since the events are disabled on the slave, it is necessary to enable these events if the slave, for some reason, should lose the master.

So, for example, don’t forget to enable the events that were replicated from the master. This is easiest to do using the following statement:

    SET Status = ENABLED

The purpose of the check is to enable only the events that were disabled when being replicated from the master. There might be events that are disabled for other reasons.

10. Special Constructions

Even though statement-based replication is normally straightforward, some special constructions have to be handled with care. Recall that for the statement to be executed correctly on the slave, the context has to be correct for the statement. Even though the context events discussed earlier handle part of the context, some constructions have additional context that is not transferred as part of the replication process.

10.1. The LOAD_FILE function

The LOAD_FILE function allows you to fetch a file and use it as part of an expression. Although quite convenient at times, the file has to exist on the slave server to replicate correctly since the file is not transferred during replication, as the file to LOAD DATA INFILE is. With some ingenuity, you can rewrite a statement involving the LOAD_FILE function either to use the LOAD DATA INFILE statement or to define a user-defined variable to hold the contents of the file. For example, take the following statement that inserts a document into a table:

master> INSERT INTO document(author, body)
     ->   VALUES ('Mats Kindahl', LOAD_FILE('go_intro.xml'));

You can rewrite this statement to use LOAD DATA INFILE instead. In this case, you have to take care to specify character strings that cannot exist in the document as field and line delimiters, since you are going to read the entire file contents as a single column.

master> LOAD DATA INFILE 'go_intro.xml' INTO TABLE document
     ->    (author, body) SET author = 'Mats Kindahl';

An alternative is to store the file contents in a user-defined variable and then use it in the statement.

master> SET @document = LOAD_FILE('go_intro.xml');
master> INSERT INTO document(author, body) VALUES('Mats Kindahl, @document);


11. Nontransactional Changes and Error Handling

So far we have considered only transactional changes and have not looked at error handling at all. For transactional changes, error handling is pretty uncomplicated: a statement that tries to change transactional tables and fails will not have any effect at all on the table. That’s the entire point of having a transactional system—so the changes that the statement attempts to introduce can be safely ignored. The same applies to transactions that are rolled back: they have no effect on the tables and can therefore simply be discarded without risking inconsistencies between the master and the slave.

A specialty of MySQL is the provisioning of nontransactional storage engines. This can offer some speed advantages, since the storage engine does not have to administer the transactional log that the transactional engines use, and it allows some optimizations on disk access. From a replication perspective, however, nontransactional engines require special considerations.

The most important aspect to note is that replication cannot handle arbitrary nontransactional engines, but has to make some assumptions about how they behave. Some of those limitations are lifted with the introduction of row-based replication in version 5.1— but even in that case, it cannot handle arbitrary storage engines.

One of the features that complicates the issue further, from a replication perspective, is that it is possible to mix transactional and nontransactional engines in the same transaction, and even in the same statement.

To continue with the example used earlier, consider Example 13, where the log table from Example 5 is given a nontransactional storage engine while the employee table is given a transactional one. We use the nontransactional MyISAM storage engine for the log table to improve its speed, while keeping the transactional behavior for the employee table.

We can further extend the example to track unsuccessful attempts to add employees by creating a pair of insert triggers: a before trigger and an after trigger. If an administrator sees an entry in the log with a status field of FAIL, it means the before trigger ran, but the after trigger did not, and therefore an attempt to add an employee failed.

Example 13. Definition of log and employee tables with storage engines
CREATE TABLE employee (
   name CHAR(64) NOT NULL,
   email CHAR(64),
   password CHAR(64),
   PRIMARY KEY (email)
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

   email CHAR(64),
   message TEXT,
   status ENUM('FAIL', 'OK') DEFAULT 'FAIL',

delimiter $$
CREATE TRIGGER tr_employee_insert_before BEFORE INSERT ON employee FOR EACH ROW
  INSERT INTO log(email, message)
    VALUES (, CONCAT('Adding employee ',;
END $$
delimiter ;

CREATE TRIGGER tr_employee_insert_after AFTER INSERT ON employee FOR EACH ROW
   UPDATE log SET status = 'OK' WHERE id = @LAST_INSERT_ID;


What are the effects of this change on the binary log?

To begin, let’s consider the INSERT statement from Example 6. Assuming the statement is not inside a transaction and AUTOCOMMIT is 1, the statement will be a transaction by itself. If the statement executes without errors, everything will proceed as planned and the statement will be written to the binary log as a Query event.

Now, consider what happens if the INSERT is repeated with the same employee. Since the email column is the primary key, this will generate a duplicate key error when the insertion is attempted, but what will happen with the statement? Is it written to the binary log or not?

Let’s have a look…

master> SET @pass = PASSWORD('xyzzy');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

master> INSERT INTO employee(name,email,pass)
     ->   VALUES ('mats','[email protected]',@pass);
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '[email protected]' for key 'PRIMARY'
master> SELECT * FROM employee;
| name | email            | password                                  |
| mats | [email protected] | *151AF6B8C3A6AA09CFCCBD34601F2D309ED54888 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

*************************** 1. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000038
        Pos: 38493
 Event_type: User var
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 38571
       Info: @`pass`=_latin1 0x2A313531414636423843334136414130394346434... 
             COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci
*************************** 2. row ***************************
   Log_name: master-bin.000038
        Pos: 38571
 Event_type: Query
  Server_id: 1
End_log_pos: 38689
       Info: use `test`; INSERT INTO employee(name,email,pass) VALUES ...
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


As you can see, the statement is written to the binary log even though the employee table is transactional and the statement failed. Looking at the contents of the table using the SELECT reveals that there is still a single employee, proving the statement was rolled back—so why is the statement written to the binary log?

Looking into the log table will reveal the reason.

master> SELECT * FROM log;
| id | email            | message                | status | ts                  |
|  1 | [email protected] | Adding employee mats   | OK     | 2010-01-13 15:50:45 |
|  2 | [email protected] | Name change from ...   | OK     | 2010-01-13 15:50:48 |
|  3 | [email protected] | Password change        | OK     | 2010-01-13 15:50:50 |
|  4 | [email protected] | Removing employee      | OK     | 2010-01-13 15:50:52 |
|  5 | [email protected] | Adding employee mats   | OK     | 2010-01-13 16:11:45 |
|  6 | [email protected] | Adding employee mats   | FAIL   | 2010-01-13 16:12:00 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Look at the last line, where the status is FAIL. This line was added to the table by the before trigger tr_employee_insert_before. For the binary log to faithfully represent the changes made to the database on the master, it is necessary to write the statement to the binary log if there are any nontransactional changes present in the statement or in triggers that are executed as a result of executing the statement. Since the statement failed, the after trigger tr_employee_insert_after was not executed, and therefore the status is still FAIL from the execution of the before trigger.

Since the statement failed on the master, information about the failure needs to be written to the binary log as well. The MySQL server handles this by using an error code field in the Query event to register the exact error code that caused the statement to fail. This field is then written to the binary log together with the event.

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