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SQL Server 2008 R2 : Creating and Managing User-Defined Functions (part 1) - Creating User-Defined Functions - Creating T-SQL Functions

1/29/2013 4:17:37 PM
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The following sections discuss in more detail the CREATE FUNCTION syntax and the types of operations allowed in functions. These sections also show how to create and manage T-SQL functions by using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

1. Creating User-Defined Functions

You create T-SQL functions by using T-SQL statements. You can enter the T-SQL code in sqlcmd, SSMS, or any other third-party query tool that allows you to enter ad hoc T-SQL code. The following sections first show the basic syntax for creating functions and then show how you can create functions by using the features of SSMS.

Creating T-SQL Functions

User-defined functions can accept 0–2,100 input parameters but can return only a single result: either a single scalar value or table result set.

The T-SQL syntax for the CREATE FUNCTION command for scalar functions is as follows:

CREATE FUNCTION [ schema_name. ] function_name
    ( [ { @parameter_name [AS] [ schema_name.]scalar_datatype [ = default ] }
      [ ,...n ] ] )
RETURNS scalar_datatype
         [ , SCHEMABINDING ]
         [ , EXECUTE_AS_Clause ]
       } ]
 [ AS ]
    RETURN scalar_expression


The syntax for the CREATE FUNCTION command for inline table-valued functions is as follows:

CREATE FUNCTION [ schema_name. ] function_name
    ( [ { @parameter_name [AS] [ schema_name.]scalar_datatype [ = default ] }
      [ ,...n ] ] )
         [ , SCHEMABINDING ]
         [ , EXECUTE_AS_Clause ]
       } ]
[ AS ]
RETURN [ ( ] select-stmt [ ) ]


The syntax for the CREATE FUNCTION command for multistatement table-valued functions is as follows:

CREATE FUNCTION [ schema_name. ] function_name
    ( [ { @parameter_name [AS] [ schema_name.]scalar_datatype [ = default ] }
      [ ,...n ] ] )
RETURNS @table_variable TABLE ( { column_definition | table_constraint }
                                [ ,...n ] )
         [ , SCHEMABINDING ]
         [ , EXECUTE_AS_Clause ]
       } ]
 [ AS ]


The types of SQL statements allowed in a function include the following:

  • DECLARE statements to define variables and cursors that are local to the function.

  • Assignments of values to variables that are local to the function, using the SET command or an assignment select.

  • Cursor operations on local cursors that are declared, opened, closed, and de-allocated within the function. FETCH statements must assign values to local variables by using the INTO clause.

  • Control-of-flow statements such as IF, ELSE, WHILE, GOTO, and so on, excluding the TRY...CATCH statements.

  • UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements that modify table variables defined within the function.

  • EXECUTE statements that call an extended stored procedure. (Any results returned by the extended stored procedure are discarded.)

  • Other user-defined functions, up to a maximum nesting level of 32.

If you specify the ENCRYPTION option, the SQL statements used to define the function are stored encrypted in the syscomments table. This prevents anyone from viewing the function source code in the database.


If you choose to encrypt the function code, you should be sure to save a copy of the script used to create the function to a file outside the database, in case you ever need to modify the function or re-create it. After the source code for the function is encrypted, you cannot extract the original unencrypted source code from the database.

If a function is created with the SCHEMABINDING option, the database objects that the function references cannot be altered or dropped unless the function is dropped first or the schema binding of the function is removed, using the ALTER FUNCTION command and without specifying the SCHEMABINDING option. A CREATE FUNCTION statement with the SCHEMABINDING option specified fails unless all the following conditions are met:

  • Any user-defined functions and views referenced within the function are also schema bound.

  • Any objects referenced by the function are referenced using a two-part name (schema.object_name).

  • The function and the objects it references belong to the same database.

  • The user executing the CREATE FUNCTION statement has REFERENCES permission on all database objects that the function references.

You can specify the SCHEMABINDING option only for T-SQL functions. The following example modifies the AveragePricebyType2 function by specifying the SCHEMABINDING option:

ALTER FUNCTION AveragePricebyType2 (@price money = 0.0)
RETURNS @table table (type varchar(12) null, avg_price money null)
with schemabinding
    insert @table
       SELECT type, avg(price) as avg_price
             FROM dbo.titles
             group by type
             having avg(price) > @price

The following example shows what happens if you try to modify a column in the titles table referenced by the function:

alter table titles alter column price smallmoney null

Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The object 'AveragePricebyType2' is dependent on column 'price'.
Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The statistics 'price' is dependent on column 'price'.
Msg 4922, Level 16, State 9, Line 1
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN price failed because one or more objects access this


If the RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT option is specified, the function automatically returns NULL as a result, without invoking the function body. If this option is not specified, the default option of CALLED ON NULL INPUT is applied. The following example shows the difference between these two options:

CREATE FUNCTION striptime (@datetimeval datetime)
RETURNS datetime
    DECLARE @dateval datetime
    SELECT @dateval = convert(date, isnull(@datetimeval, getdate()))
    RETURN @dateval
CREATE FUNCTION striptime2(@datetimeval datetime)
RETURNS datetime
    DECLARE @dateval datetime
    SELECT @dateval = convert(date, isnull(@datetimeval, getdate()))
    RETURN @dateval


select dbo.striptime(NULL), dbo.striptime2(NULL)

----------------------- -----------------------
2006-06-05 00:00:00.000 NULL


The EXECUTE AS clause allows you to specify the security context under which the user-defined function will execute. This way, you can control which user account SQL Server uses to validate permissions on any database objects referenced by the function. This option cannot be specified for inline table-valued functions.

Another key restriction on user-defined functions is that SQL statements within a function cannot generate side effects; that is, a user-defined function cannot generate permanent changes to any resource whose scope extends beyond the function. For example, a function cannot modify data in a table, operate on cursors not local to the function, create or drop database objects, issue transaction control statements, or generate a result set other than the defined function result via a SELECT statement or an extended stored procedure that would be returned to the user. The only changes that can be made by the SQL statements in a function are to the objects local to the function, such as local cursors or variables.

A new feature in SQL Server 2008 is that you can now include most built-in system functions within a user-defined function, even ones that are nondeterministic (that is, functions that can return different data values on each call). For example, the getdate() function is considered nondeterministic because even though it is always invoked with the same argument, it returns a different value each time it is executed. However, the following nondeterministic built-in functions are still not allowed in user-defined functions:

  • newid()

  • newsequentialid()

  • rand()

  • textptr()

User-defined functions can also call other user-defined functions, with a limit of 32 levels of nesting. Nesting of functions can help improve the modularity and reusability of function code.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.getonlydate()
RETURNS datetime
DECLARE @date datetime
SET @date = dbo.striptime( getdate())
RETURN @date
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