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SQL Server 2008 R2 : Implementing Data Integrity (part 4) - Using Constraints - The CHECK Constraint, Creating Constraints

12/1/2012 4:52:34 PM
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The CHECK Constraint

You can use the CHECK constraint to enforce domain integrity and to provide a means for restricting the values that can be entered in a column. A CHECK constraint is implemented as a Boolean expression, and it must not be FALSE if the insertion or update is to proceed. The Boolean expression can reference other columns in the same table, but it cannot reference other tables. Foreign keys and triggers can be used to reference columns in other tables, if needed. The expression can also include functions that do not return results. A CHECK constraint that is defined on a specific column can reference only the values in the column.

CHECK constraints are good for ensuring the format of data inserted in a column and for defining a list of acceptable values. Columns with phone numbers or Social Security numbers are good candidates for CHECK constraints that enforce formatting restrictions. Columns that have the data types money or integer can use CHECK constraints to ensure that the values are always greater than or equal to zero. A column that has a small fixed number of valid values is also a good candidate for a CHECK constraint. A fixed number of values can be defined in the CHECK constraint, and no additional table lookup or coding is necessary to ensure that the valid values are inserted. The following example shows a CHECK constraint on the Employee table that checks the values for the Gender column:

ALTER TABLE [HumanResources].[Employee]  WITH CHECK
 ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Employee_Gender]
 CHECK  ((upper([Gender])='F' OR upper([Gender])='M'))

The CHECK constraint in this example ensures that only F or M is inserted in this column. These types of CHECK constraints are relatively fast and are preferred over FOREIGN KEY constraints when the values are fixed.


Be careful with CHECK constraint expressions that can evaluate to NULL. CHECK constraints allow insertions and updates to the table to proceed when the CHECK constraint expression does not evaluate to FALSE. A NULL value is considered to be unknown and does not evaluate to FALSE, so the insertion or update succeeds. For example, if you have a nullable column that has a constraint specifying that the value must be greater than or equal to zero, this constraint does not prevent a NULL value from being inserted into the column.

Keep in mind that the creation of a CHECK constraint on a table that already has data in it may fail. This is due to a validation performed when the constraint is created. If existing data violates the constraint, the constraint is not created. The only exception is to create the constraint by using the NOCHECK option. When this option is used, the existing data is not checked, but any future updates or insertions are. The following example shows the creation of a CHECK constraint on the Employee table:

 ALTER TABLE [HumanResources].[Employee]  WITH NOCHECK
 ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Employee_Gender_F]
 CHECK  ((upper([Gender])='F'))

The constraint is on the Gender column that already has a check constraint on it, which ensures that the data values are only F or M. The new constraint on the Gender column specifies that the value must be F. The existing data has values of F and M, but the NOCHECK option allows you to add the constraint anyway.

Any new rows added to the Employee table after the new CK_Employee_Gender_F CHECK constraint has been added are then checked. With multiple CHECK constraints defined on a column, the constraints are evaluated in the order in which they were added to the table. In the preceding example, the CK_Employee_Gender constraint is evaluated first, and then the new CK_Employee_Gender_F constraint is evaluated. If a Gender value of F is entered, both constraints evaluate to TRUE, and the change is accepted. If a value of M is inserted in the Gender column, the CK_Employee_Gender constraint succeeds, but the CK_Employee_Gender_F constraint fails, and the change is rejected.

Creating Constraints

You can define constraints on a single column or on multiple columns. Single-column constraints are referred to as column-level constraints. You can define this type of constraint when you create the column on the table. Constraints that reference multiple columns must be defined on the table and are considered table-level constraints. Table-level constraints must be defined after all the referenced columns in the table are created.

Using T-SQL to Create Constraints

You can create constraints with T-SQL by using the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. When you create a column-level constraint by using the CREATE TABLE statement, the CONSTRAINT keyword and constraint definition are included immediately after the column definition. Table-level constraints defined with the CREATE TABLE statement are specified after the column list in the table definition.

The Customer table in the Adventureworks2008 database is a good example of a table that has several different types of constraints. Listing 2 shows the CREATE TABLE command, along with the constraint definitions for a table named Customer2 that is modeled after the Customer table. All the constraints in this example have been included in the CREATE TABLE statement. The constraints on this table include PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, and CHECK constraints. You can find all the constraints in the CREATE TABLE statement by looking for the CONSTRAINT keyword.

Listing 2. Creating Constraints by Using a CREATE TABLE Statement
CREATE TABLE [Sales].[Customer2](
   [TerritoryID] [int] NULL,
   [AccountNumber]  AS
   [CustomerType] [nchar](1) NOT NULL
      CONSTRAINT CK_Customer_CustomerType2 CHECK
       ((upper([CustomerType])='I' OR upper([CustomerType])='S')),
   [rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NOT NULL
      CONSTRAINT [DF_Customer_rowguid2]  DEFAULT (newid()),
   [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL
      CONSTRAINT [DF_Customer_ModifiedDate2]  DEFAULT (getdate()),
   ([CustomerID] ASC),
 CONSTRAINT FK_Customer_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID2 FOREIGN KEY
   REFERENCES [Sales].[SalesTerritory] ([TerritoryID])

Generally, it is easier to manage constraints by using the ALTER TABLE statement than by integrating them into the CREATE TABLE statement. One of the biggest reasons is that the scripting capability in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) generates ALTER TABLE statements for many of the constraints. You can easily script a table and its constraints by using SSMS, and you will find that SSMS uses the ALTER TABLE statement extensively. Listing 3 includes a statement to remove the Customer2 table and a subsequent set of statements that re-creates the Customer2 table and utilizes the ALTER TABLE statement to create several of the constraints. The statements to re-create the Customer2 table were generated using the Object Explorer in SSMS. Some of the constraints are created within the initial CREATE TABLE statement, and some are created with the ALTER TABLE statement.

Listing 3. Creating Constraints by Using ALTER TABLE
IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id
   = OBJECT_ID(N'[Sales].[Customer2]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
 DROP TABLE [Sales].[Customer2]

CREATE TABLE [Sales].[Customer2](
   [TerritoryID] [int] NULL,
   [AccountNumber]  AS (isnull('AW'+[dbo].[ufnLeadingZeros]([CustomerID]),'')),
   [CustomerType] [nchar](1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
   [rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NOT NULL
    CONSTRAINT [DF_Customer_rowguid2]  DEFAULT (newid()),
   [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL
    CONSTRAINT [DF_Customer_ModifiedDate2]  DEFAULT (getdate()),
   [CustomerID] ASC

ALTER TABLE [Sales].[Customer2]  WITH CHECK
 ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_Customer_SalesTerritory_TerritoryID2]
  FOREIGN KEY(   [TerritoryID])
   REFERENCES [Sales].[SalesTerritory] (   [TerritoryID])
ALTER TABLE [Sales].[Customer2]  WITH CHECK
 ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Customer_CustomerType2]
  CHECK  ((upper([CustomerType])='I' OR upper([CustomerType])='S'))


Using SSMS to Create Constraints

SSMS simplifies the administration of constraints by providing a user-friendly interface that allows you to view and manage constraints. The visual tools available for managing constraints in SSMS include the Object Explorer, Database Diagram Editor, and Table Designer.

Figure 3 shows the Object Explorer with the Constraints node expanded for the Employee table and the New Constraint option selected. The Constraints node contains the CHECK and DEFAULT constraints for the table. Notice in the Object Explorer that some of the constraints (PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, and FOREIGN KEY) are actually contained under the Keys node.

Figure 3. Constraints in Object Explorer.

When you select the New Constraint option from the Object Explorer, the Check Constraints dialog, shown in Figure 4, appears. This dialog gives you the option to define a new CHECK constraint on the table selected. You simply fill in a valid expression for the constraint, give it a unique name, and select the options you want.

Figure 4. A new CHECK constraint in Object Explorer.

Similarly, you can right-click the Keys node and select New Foreign Key to add a new FOREIGN KEY constraint. Figure 5 shows the Foreign Key Relationships dialog displayed after you select New Foreign Key. You click the ellipsis to the right of Tables and Columns Specification, and you can select the primary key table you want the foreign key to relate to. Finally, you select the desired options, and you are ready to add your new FOREIGN KEY constraint.

Figure 5. A new FOREIGN KEY constraint in Object Explorer.


When you use the Object Explorer to add or modify constraints, two windows are important to this process. The first window is the Constraint window, which allows you to input the constraint information. The Table Designer window that displays the column properties for the table is the other window that is important to the change process. It is launched in the background, and you can view it on the tabbed display of SSMS. When you make changes using the Constraint window, those changes are not applied via SSMS until the Table Designer window is closed. This may cause some confusion because even though you close your Constraint window with your changes, those changes may not be reflected in the database. You must close the Table Designer window to be able to actually make the changes to the table. When you close the Table Designer window, a prompt appears, asking whether you want to save the changes to the table. If you click Yes, your constraint changes are applied to the database. If you click No, none of the constraint changes you have made are applied. You can also use the Table Designer menu to script out the related changes and apply them manually via a database engine query window.

The Database Diagram Editor is another great visual tool for adding constraints. This tool is particularly useful for viewing and adding foreign key relationships to tables. Consider, for example, the database diagram shown in Figure 26.6. This diagram shows the AddressType and BusinessEntityAddress tables and the relationships that exist between them. To add a new relationship, you right-click the table you want to add the foreign key to and select the Relationships option. After you fill in the appropriate information for the relationship, you can generate a change script by using the Table Designer menu, or you can simply close the database diagram window and respond to the prompt to save changes. You can also see options to add other constraints, such as CHECK constraints, by right-clicking the table in the database diagram and selecting the desired option.

Figure 6. Adding constraints by using a database diagram.

You can also launch windows for adding constraints from the Table Designer menu. To enable the Table Designer menu, you right-click the table in Object Explorer that you want to add constraints to and select the Design option. The table and column properties are displayed, and the Table Designer menu is enabled. The Table Designer menu includes options to manage relationships, indexes/keys, and CHECK constraints.


It is a good idea to generate a script to implement changes made using SSMS visual tools. You can review the script for accuracy, run it at a later time, and save it in a file to keep track of the changes. You can also apply the saved script to other environments, if needed.

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