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SQL Server 2008 R2 : Locking Contention and Deadlocks (part 1) - Identifying Locking Contention

1/10/2013 11:37:41 AM
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1. Lock Compatibility

If a process has already locked a resource, the granting of lock requests by other transactions on the same resource is governed by the lock compatibility matrix within SQL Server. Table 1 shows the lock compatibility matrix for the locks most commonly acquired by the SQL Server Lock Manager, indicating which lock types are compatible and which lock types are incompatible when requested on the same resource.

Table 1. SQL Server Lock Compatibility Matrix
Requested Lock TypeExisting Lock Type
Intent sharedYesYesYesYesYesNoYesNoNo
Intent exclusiveYesNoNoYesNoNoYesNoNo
Shared with intent exclusiveYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNo
Schema stabilityYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYes
Schema modifyNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Bulk updateNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoYes

For example, if a transaction has acquired a shared lock on a resource, the possible lock types that can be acquired on the resource by other transactions are intent shared, shared, update, and schema stability locks. Intent exclusive, SIX, exclusive, schema modification, and bulk update locks are incompatible with a shared lock and cannot be acquired on the resource until the shared lock is released.

2. Locking Contention and Deadlocks

In the grand scheme of things, the most likely culprits of SQL Server application performance problems are typically poorly written queries, poor database and index design, and locking contention. Whereas the first two problems result in poor application performance, regardless of the number of users on the system, locking contention becomes more of a performance problem as the number of users increases. It is further compounded by increasingly complex or long-running transactions.

Locking contention occurs when a transaction requests a lock type on a resource that is incompatible with an existing lock type on the resource. By default, the process waits indefinitely for the lock resource to become available. Locking contention is noticed in the client application through the apparent lack of response from SQL Server.

Figure 1 demonstrates an example of locking contention. Process 1 has initiated a transaction and acquired an exclusive lock on page 1:325. Before Process 1 can acquire the lock that it needs on page 1:341 to complete its transaction, Process 2 acquires an exclusive lock on page 1:341. Until Process 2 commits or rolls back its transaction and releases the lock on Page 1:341, the lock continues to be held. Because this is not a deadlock scenario  by default, SQL Server takes no action. Process 1 simply waits indefinitely.

Figure 1. Locking contention between two processes.

2.1 Identifying Locking Contention

When a client application appears to freeze after submitting a query, this is often due to locking contention. To identify locking contention between processes, you can use the SSMS Activity Monitor; use the sp_who2 stored procedure; or query the sys.dm_tran_locks system catalog view. Figure 2 shows an example of a blocking lock as viewed in the SSMS Activity Monitor.

Figure 2. Examining locking contention between two processes in SSMS Activity Monitor.

To identify whether a process is being blocked using sp_who2, examine the BlkBy column. If any value besides ‘-’ is displayed, it is the SPID of the process that is holding the blocking lock. In the following output of sp_who2 (edited for space), you can see that process 57 is SUSPENDED, waiting on a lock held by process 53:

exec sp_who2
SPID  Status     Login     HostName        BlkBy DBName     Command
----- ---------- --------- --------------- ----- ----------- ----------------
*** info for internal processes deleted ***
51    sleeping   rrankins  LATITUDED830-W7  .    master      AWAITING COMMAND
52    sleeping   SQLADMIN  LATITUDED830-W7  .    msdb        AWAITING COMMAND
53    sleeping   rrankins  LATITUDED830-W7  .    bigpubs2008 AWAITING COMMAND
54    sleeping   rrankins  LATITUDED830-W7  .    tempdb      AWAITING COMMAND
55    sleeping   rrankins  LATITUDED830-W7  .    master      AWAITING COMMAND
56    sleeping   SQLADMIN  LATITUDED830-W7  .    msdb        AWAITING COMMAND
57    SUSPENDED  rrankins  LATITUDED830-W7 53    bigpubs2008 INSERT
58    sleeping   rrankins  LATITUDED830-W7  .    bigpubs2008 AWAITING COMMAND
59    RUNNABLE   rrankins  LATITUDED830-W7  .    master      SELECT INTO


To determine what table, page, or rows are involved in blocking and at what level the blocking is occurring, you can query the sys.dm_tran_locks catalog view, as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1. Viewing Locking Contention by Using the sys.dm_tran_locks View
use bigpubs2008
select str(request_session_id, 4,0) as spid,
       convert (varchar(12), db_name(resource_database_id)) As db_name,
       case when resource_database_id = db_id() and resource_type = 'OBJECT'
            then convert(char(12), object_name(resource_Associated_Entity_id))
            else convert(char(16), resource_Associated_Entity_id)
            end as object,
       convert(varchar(12), resource_type) as resource_type,
       convert(varchar(8), request_mode) as mode,
       convert(varchar(14), resource_description) as resource_desc,
       convert(varchar(6), request_status) as status
   from sys.dm_tran_locks
order by request_session_id, 3 desc

spid db_name      object           resource_type mode     resource_desc status
---- ------------ ---------------- ------------- -------- -------------- ------
 52 msdb          0                DATABASE      S                       GRANT
 53 bigpubs2008  673416192655360   PAGE          IX       1:608          GRANT
 53 bigpubs2008  673416192655360   KEY           X        (928195c101b1) GRANT
 53 bigpubs2008  391941215944704   KEY           X        (59d1a826552c) GRANT
 53 bigpubs2008  391941215944704   PAGE          IX       1:280          GRANT
 53 bigpubs2008  stores            OBJECT        IX                      GRANT
 53 bigpubs2008  0                 DATABASE      S                       GRANT
 56 msdb         0                 DATABASE      S                       GRANT
 57 bigpubs2008  391941215944704   PAGE          IS       1:280          GRANT
 57 bigpubs2008  391941215944704   KEY           S        (59d1a826552c) WAIT
 57 bigpubs2008  stores            OBJECT        IS                      GRANT
 57 bigpubs2008  0                 DATABASE      S                       GRANT


From this output, you can see that Process 57 is waiting for a shared (S) lock on key 59d1a826552c of page 1:280 of the stores table. Process 53 has an intent exclusive (IX) lock on that page because it has an exclusive (X) lock on a key on that page. (Both have the same resource_Associated_Entity_id of 59d1a826552c.)

As an alternative to sp_who and the sys.dm_tran_locks view, you can also get specific information on any blocked processes by querying the sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks system catalog view, as shown in Listing 2.

Listing 2. Viewing Blocked Processes by Using the sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks View
select convert(char(4), session_id) as spid,
       convert(char(8), wait_duration_ms) as duration,
       convert(char(8), wait_type) as wait_type,
       convert(char(3), blocking_session_id) as blk,
from sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks
where blocking_session_id is not null

spid duration wait_type blk  resource_description
---- -------- --------- ---- -----------------------------------------------------
57   134118   LCK_M_S   53   keylock hobtid=391941215944704 dbid=8 id=lockfd43800
  mode=X associatedObjectId=391941215944704


2.2 Setting the Lock Timeout Interval

If you do not want a process to wait indefinitely for a lock to become available, SQL Server allows you to set a lock timeout interval by using the SET LOCK_TIMEOUT command. You specify the timeout interval in milliseconds. For example, if you want your processes to wait only 5 seconds (that is, 5,000 milliseconds) for a lock to become available, you execute the following command in the session:


If your process requests a lock resource that cannot be granted within 5 seconds, the statement is aborted, and you get the following error message:

Server: Msg 1222, Level 16, State 52, Line 1
Lock request time out period exceeded.

To examine the current LOCK_TIMEOUT setting, you can query the system function @@lock_timeout:

select @@lock_timeout


If you want processes to abort immediately if the lock cannot be granted (in other words, no waiting at all), you set the timeout interval to 0. If you want to set the timeout interval back to infinity, execute the SET_LOCK_TIMEOUT command and specify a timeout interval of -1.

2.3 Minimizing Locking Contention

Although setting the lock timeout prevents a process from waiting indefinitely for a lock request to be granted, it doesn’t address the cause of the locking contention. In an effort to maximize concurrency and application performance, you should minimize locking contention between processes as much as possible. Some general guidelines to follow to minimize locking contention include the following:

  • Keep transactions as short and concise as possible. The shorter the period of time locks are held, the less chance for lock contention. Keep commands that are not essential to the unit of work being managed by the transaction (for example, assignment selects, retrieval of updated or inserted rows) outside the transaction.

  • Keep statements that comprise a transaction in a single batch to eliminate unnecessary delays caused by network input/output (I/O) between the initial BEGIN TRAN statement and the subsequent COMMIT TRAN commands.

  • Consider coding transactions entirely within stored procedures. Stored procedures typically run faster than commands executed from a batch. In addition, because they are server resident, stored procedures reduce the amount of network I/O that occurs during execution of the transaction, resulting in faster completion of the transaction.

  • Commit updates in cursors frequently and as soon as possible. Cursor processing is much slower than set-oriented processing and causes locks to be held longer.


    Even though cursors might run more slowly than set-oriented processing, cursors can sometimes be used to minimize locking contention for updates and deletions of a large number of rows from a table, which might result in a table lock being acquired. The UPDATE or DELETE statement itself might complete faster; however, if it is running with an exclusive lock on the table, then no other process can access the table until it completes. By using a cursor to update a large number of rows one row at a time and committing the changes frequently, the cursor uses page- or row-level locks rather than a table-level lock. It might take longer for the cursor to complete the actual update or delete, but while the cursor is running, other processes are still able to access other rows or pages in the table that the cursor doesn’t currently have locked.

  • Use the lowest level of locking isolation required by each process. For example, if dirty reads are acceptable and accurate results are not imperative, consider using transaction Isolation Level 0. Use the Repeatable Read or Serializable Read isolation levels only if absolutely necessary.

  • Never allow user interaction between a BEGIN TRAN statement and a COMMIT TRAN statement because doing so may cause locks to be held for an indefinite period of time. If a process needs to return rows for user interaction and then update one or more rows, consider using optimistic locking or Snapshot Isolation in your application. 

  • Minimize “hot spots” in a table. Hot spots occur when the majority of the update activity on a table occurs within a small number of pages. For example, hot spots occur for concurrent insertions to the last page of a heap table or the last pages of a table with a clustered index on a sequential key. You can often eliminate hot spots by creating a clustered index in a table on a column or columns to order the rows in the table in such a way that insert and update activity is spread out more evenly across the pages in the table.

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