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SQL Server 2008 R2 : Locking Contention and Deadlocks (part 2) - Deadlocks

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2.4 Deadlocks

A deadlock occurs when two processes are each waiting for a locked resource that the other process currently holds. Neither process can move forward until it receives the requested lock on the resource, and neither process can release the lock it is currently holding until it can receive the requested lock. Essentially, neither process can move forward until the other one completes, and neither one can complete until it can move forward.

Two primary types of deadlocks can occur in SQL Server:

  • Cycle deadlocks— A cycle deadlock occurs when two processes acquire locks on different resources, and then each needs to acquire a lock on the resource that the other process has. Figure 3 demonstrates an example of a cycle deadlock.

    Figure 3. An example of a cycle deadlock.

    In Figure 37.11, Process 1 acquires an exclusive lock on page 1:201 in a transaction. At the same time, Process 2 acquires an exclusive lock on page 1:301 in a transaction. Process 1 then attempts to acquire a lock on page 1:301 and begins waiting for the lock to become available. Simultaneously, Process 2 requests an exclusive lock on page 1:201, and a deadlock, or “deadly embrace,” occurs.

  • Conversion deadlocks— A conversion deadlock occurs when two or more processes each hold a shared lock on the same resource within a transaction and each wants to promote the shared lock to an exclusive lock, but neither can do so until the other releases the shared lock. An example of a conversion deadlock is shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4. An example of a conversion deadlock.

It is often assumed that deadlocks happen at the data page or data row level. In fact, deadlocks often occur at the index page or index key level. Figure 5 depicts a scenario in which a deadlock occurs due to contention at the index key level.

Figure 5. Deadlock scenario due to locks on index keys.

SQL Server automatically detects when a deadlock situation occurs. A separate process in SQL Server, called LOCK_MONITOR, checks the system for deadlocks roughly every 5 seconds. In the first pass, this process detects all the processes that are waiting on a lock resource. The LOCK_MONITOR thread checks for deadlocks by examining the list of waiting lock requests to see if any circular lock requests exist between the processes holding locks and the processes waiting for locks. When the LOCK_MONITOR detects a deadlock, SQL Server aborts the transaction of one of the involved processes. How does SQL Server determine which process to abort? It attempts to choose as the deadlock victim the transaction that it estimates would be least expensive to roll back. If both processes involved in the deadlock have the same rollback cost and the same deadlock priority, the deadlock victim is chosen randomly.


As deadlocks occur, SQL Server begins reducing the deadlock detection interval and can potentially go as low as 100ms. In addition, the first few lock requests that cannot be satisfied after a deadlock is detected immediately trigger a deadlock search instead of waiting for the next deadlock detection interval. When deadlock frequency declines, the deadlock detection interval begins to increase back to 5 seconds.

You can influence which process will be the deadlock victim by using the >SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY statement. DEADLOCK_PRIORITY can be set to LOW, NORMAL, or HIGH. Alternatively, DEADLOCK_PRIORITY can also be set to any integer value from -10 to 10. The default deadlock priority is NORMAL. When two sessions deadlock, and the deadlock priority has been set to something other than the default, the session with the lower priority is chosen as the deadlock victim. If you have lower-priority processes that you would prefer always be chosen as the deadlock victims, you might want to set the process’s deadlock priority to LOW. Alternatively, for critical processes, you might want to set the deadlock priority to HIGH to specify processes that should always come out as the winners in a deadlock scenario.

Avoiding Deadlocks

Although SQL Server automatically detects and handles deadlocks, you should try to avoid deadlocks in your applications. When a process is chosen as a deadlock victim, it has to resubmit its work because it has been rolled back. Frequent deadlocks create performance problems if you have to keep repeating work.

You can follow a number of guidelines to minimize, if not completely eliminate, the number of deadlocks that occur in your application(s). Following the guidelines presented earlier to minimize locking contention and speed up your transactions also helps to eliminate deadlocks. The less time for which a transaction is holding locks, the less likely the transition will be around long enough for a conflicting lock request to be requested at the same time. In addition, you might want to follow this list of additional guidelines when designing applications:

  • Be consistent about the order in which you access the data from tables to avoid cycle deadlocks.

  • Minimize the use of HOLDLOCK or queries that are running using Repeatable Read or Serializable Read isolation levels. This helps avoid conversion deadlocks. If possible, perform UPDATE statements before SELECT statements so that your transaction acquires an update or exclusive lock first. This eliminates the possibility of a conversion deadlock. 

  • Choose the transaction isolation level judiciously. You might be able to reduce deadlocks by choosing lower isolation levels.

Handling and Examining Deadlocks

SQL Server returns error number 1205 to the client when it aborts a transaction as a result of deadlock. The following is an example of a 1205 error message:

Msg 1205, Level 13, State 51, Line 1
Transaction (Process ID 53) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process
 and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.


Because a deadlock is not a logical error but merely a resource contention issue, the client can resubmit the entire transaction. To handle deadlocks in applications, be sure to trap for message 1205 in the error handler. When a 1205 error occurs, the application can simply resubmit the transaction automatically. It is considered bad form to allow end users of an application to see the deadlock error message returned from SQL Server.

You learned how to use sp_who2 and the sys.dm_tran_locks and sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks system catalog views to monitor locking contention between processes. However, when a deadlock occurs, one transaction is rolled back, and one is allowed to continue. If you examine the output from sp_who2 or the system catalog views after a deadlock occurs, the information likely will not be useful because the locks on the resources involved will have since been released.

Fortunately, SQL Server provides a couple of trace flags to monitor deadlocks within SQL Server. They are trace flag 1204 and trace flag 1222. When enabled, they print deadlock information to the SQL Server error log. Trace flag 1204 provides deadlock information generated by each process involved in the deadlock. Trace flag 1222 provides deadlock information by processes and by resources. Both trace flags can be enabled to capture a complete representation of a deadlock event.

You use the DBCC TRACEON command to turn on the trace flags and DBCC TRACEOFF to turn them off. The 1204 and 1222 trace flags are global trace flags. Global trace flags are set at the server level and are visible to every connection on the server. They cannot be set for a specific session only. They enable or disable a global trace flag, and the -1 option must be specified as the second argument to the DBCC TRACEON and DBCC TRACEOFF commands. The following example shows how to globally enable the 1204 trace flag:

dbcc traceon(1204, -1)

If possible, it is best to set global trace flags whenever SQL Server is started up by adding the -T option with the appropriate trace flag value to the SQL Server startup parameters. For example, to have SQL Server turn on the 1204 trace flag automatically on startup, you use the SQL Server Configuration Manager. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager window, you click SQL Server 2005 Services; in the right pane, right-click the SQL Server service for the appropriate SQL Server instance name and then click Properties. On the Advanced tab, expand the Startup Parameters box and type a semicolon (;) and -T1204 after the last startup parameter listed (see Figure 6); then click OK to save the changes. You then need to stop and restart SQL Server for the trace flag to take effect.

Figure 6. Setting the 1204 trace flag to be enabled on SQL Server startup.


The 1204 and 1222 trace flags may incur some additional processing overhead in SQL Server. They should be used only when you are debugging and tuning SQL Server performance, and they should not be left on indefinitely in a production environment. You should turn them off after you have diagnosed and fixed the problems.

The 1204 Trace Flag

Trace flag 1204 prints useful information to the SQL Server error log when a deadlock is detected. The following output is from the error log for this trace flag:

2010-02-14 18:44:36.27 spid6s     Deadlock encountered .... Printing deadlock
2010-02-14 18:44:36.27 spid6s     Wait-for graph
2010-02-14 18:44:36.27 spid6s
2010-02-14 18:44:36.27 spid6s     Node:1

2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s     KEY: 8:391941215944704 (59d1a826552c) CleanCnt:3
 Mode:S Flags: 0x1
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s      Grant List 0:
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s        Owner:0x0FE274C0 Mode: S       Flg:0x40
 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:53 ECID:0XactLockInfo: 0x05626F00
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s        SPID: 53 ECID: 0 Statement Type: DELETE
 Line #: 1
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s        Input Buf: Language Event: delete
where stor_id = '7066'
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s     Requested by:
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s       ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR'Xdes:0x06136280
 Mode: X SPID:57 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy:(0x062DE354) Value:0xfe27580 Cost:(0/0)
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s     Node:2

2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s     KEY: 8:391941215944704 (59d1a826552c)
 CleanCnt:3 Mode:S Flags: 0x1
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s      Grant List 0:
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s        Owner:0x0FE27480 Mode: S
Flg:0x40 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:57 ECID:0 XactLockInfo: 0x061362A8
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s        SPID: 57 ECID: 0 Statement Type: DELETE
 Line #: 1
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s        Input Buf: Language Event: delete
where stor_id = '7066'
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s     Requested by:
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s       ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR'Xdes:0x05626ED8
 Mode: X SPID:53 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy:(0x06892354) Value:0xfe27240 Cost:(0/0)
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s     Victim Resource Owner:
2010-02-14 18:44:36.33 spid6s      ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR'Xdes:0x06136280

 Mode: X SPID:57 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy:(0x062DE354) Value:0xfe27580 Cost:(0/0)


Although the 1204 output is somewhat cryptic, it is not too difficult to read if you know what to look for. If you look through the output, you can see where it lists the SPIDs of the processes involved in the deadlock (in this example, SPIDs 53 and 57) and indicates which process was chosen as the deadlock victim (SPID:57). The type of statement involved is indicated by Statement Type. In this example, both processes were attempting a DELETE statement. You can also examine the actual text of the query (Input Buf) that each process was executing at the time the deadlock occurred. The output also displays the locks granted to each process (Grant List), the lock types (Mode:) of the locks held, and the lock resources requested by the deadlock victim.

The 1222 Trace Flag

Trace flag 1222 provides deadlock information, first by processes and then by resources. The information is returned in an XML-like format that does not conform to an XML schema definition. The output has three major sections:

  • The first section declares the deadlock victim.

  • The second section describes each process involved in the deadlock

  • The third section describes the resources involved

The following example shows the 1222 trace flag output for the same deadlock scenario displayed by the 1204 trace flag output in the previous section:

2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s    deadlock-list
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     deadlock victim=process2e4be40
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s      process-list
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s       process id=process2e4be40 taskpriority=0
 logused=0 waitresource=KEY: 8:391941215944704 (59d1a826552c) waittime=4719
 ownerId=3060410 transactionname=user_transaction lasttranstarted=
 2010-02-14T18:50:19.863 XDES=0x5626ed8 lockMode=X schedulerid=1 kpid=
 8316 status=suspended spid=57 sbid=0 ecid=0 priority=0 trancount=2
 lastbatchstarted=2010-02-14T18:50:34.170 lastbatchcompleted=
 2010-02-14T18:50:19.867 lastattention=2010-02-14T18:40:55.483 clientapp=
 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query hostname=LATITUDED830-W7
 hostpid=940 loginname=LATITUDED830-W7\rrankins isolationlevel=serializable
 (4) xactid=3060410 currentdb=8 lockTimeout=4294967295 clientoption1=671090784
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s        executionStack
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s         frame procname=adhoc line=1 stmtstart=36
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     DELETE [bigpubs2008]..[stores] WHERE
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s          frame procname=adhoc line=1
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     delete bigpubs2008..stores
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     where stor_id = '7066'
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s         inputbuf
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     delete bigpubs2008..stores
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     where stor_id = '7066'
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s        process id=process2e4b390 taskpriority=0
 logused=0 waitresource=KEY: 8:391941215944704 (59d1a826552c) waittime=9472
 ownerId=3060605 transactionname=user_transaction lasttranstarted=
 2010-02-14T18:50:24.447 XDES=0x6136280 lockMode=X schedulerid=1 kpid=7384
 status=suspended spid=53 sbid=0 ecid=0 priority=0 trancount=2
 lastbatchstarted=2010-02-14T18:50:29.413 lastbatchcompleted=
 2010-02-14T18:50:24.447 clientapp=Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio -
 Query hostname=LATITUDED830-W7 hostpid=940 loginname=LATITUDED830-W7\rrankins
 isolationlevel=serializable (4) xactid=3060605 currentdb=8 lockTimeout=4294967295
 clientoption1=671090784 clientoption2=390200
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s         executionStack
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s          frame procname=adhoc line=1 stmtstart=36
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     DELETE [bigpubs2008]..[stores] WHERE
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s         frame procname=adhoc line=1
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     delete bigpubs2008..stores
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     where stor_id = '7066'
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s        inputbuf
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     delete bigpubs2008..stores
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s     where stor_id = '7066'
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s       resource-list
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s        keylock hobtid=391941215944704 dbid=8
 objectname=bigpubs2008.dbo.stores indexname=UPK_storeid id=lockfd432c0 mode=S
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s        owner-list
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s         owner id=process2e4b390 mode=S
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s        waiter-list
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s         waiter id=process2e4be40 mode=X
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s       keylock hobtid=391941215944704 dbid=8
 objectname=bigpubs2008.dbo.stores indexname=UPK_storeid id=lockfd432c0 mode=S
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s        owner-list
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s         owner id=process2e4be40 mode=S
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s        waiter-list
2010-02-14 18:50:38.95 spid19s         waiter id=process2e4b390 mode=X


Monitoring Deadlocks with SQL Server Profiler

If you still find the 1204 and 1222 trace flag output too difficult to interpret, you’ll be pleased to know that SQL Server Profiler provides a much more user-friendly way of capturing and examining deadlock information. SQL Profiler provides three deadlock events that can be monitored:

  • Lock:Deadlock

  • Lock:Deadlock Chain

  • Deadlock Graph

The Lock:Deadlock and Lock:Deadlock Chain events aren’t really very useful in SQL Server 2008. The Lock:Deadlock event generates a simple trace record that indicates when a deadlock occurs between two processes. The SPID column indicates what process was chosen as the deadlock victim. The Lock:Deadlock Chain event generates a trace record for each process involved in the deadlock. Unfortunately, neither of these trace events provides any detailed information, such as the queries involved in the deadlock. (You would need to also trace the T-SQL commands executed to capture this information, but you would then be capturing all SQL statements, not just those involved in the deadlock.)

Fortunately, SQL Server Profiler provides the new Deadlock Graph event. When this event is enabled, SQL Server Profiler populates the TextData data column in the trace with XML data about the process and objects involved in the deadlock. This XML data can then be used to display a Deadlock Graph in SQL Server Profiler itself, or the XML can be extracted to a file, which can be read in and viewed in SSMS. Figure 7 shows an example of a Deadlock Graph being displayed in SQL Server Profiler.

Figure 7. Displaying a Deadlock Graph in SQL Server Profiler.

The Deadlock Graph displays the processes, resources, and relationships between the processes and resources. The following components make up a Deadlock Graph:

  • Process node— An oval containing information about each thread that performs a task involved in the deadlock (for example, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE).

  • Resource node— A rectangle containing information about each database object being referenced (for example, a table, an index, a page, a row, or a key).

  • Edge— A line representing a relationship between a process and resource. A request edge occurs when a process waits for a resource. An owner edge occurs when a resource waits for a process. The lock mode is included in the edge description.

Figure 37.15 displays the deadlock information for the processes involved in the deadlocks displayed by the 1204 and 1222 trace flag output listed in the previous sections. You can see that it displays the resource(s) involved in the deadlock in the Resource node (Key Lock), the lock type held on the resource by each process (Owner Mode: S), the lock type being requested by each process (Request Mode: X), and general information about each process (for example, SPID, deadlock priority) displayed in each process node. The process node of the process chosen as the deadlock victim has an X through it. If you place the mouse pointer over a process node, a ToolTip displays the SQL statement for that process involved in the deadlock. If the graph appears too large or too small for the profiler window, you can right-click anywhere within the graph to bring up a context menu that allows you to increase or decrease the size of the graph.

To save a Deadlock Graph to a file for further analysis at a later date, you can right-click the Deadlock Graph event in the top panel and choose the Extract Event Data option. To save all Deadlock Graph events contained in a SQL Server trace to one or more files, you select File, Export, Extract SQL Server Events and then choose the Extract Deadlock Events option. In the dialog that appears, you have the option to save all Deadlock Graphs contained in the trace to a single file or to save each to a separate file.

SQL Server Profiler can also save all Deadlock Graphs to a file automatically. When you are configuring a trace with the Deadlock Graph event selected, you go to the Events Extraction Settings tab and click Save Deadlock XML Events Separately. Then you specify the file where you want the deadlock events to be saved. You can select to save all Deadlock Graph events in a single XML file or to create a new XML file for each Deadlock Graph. If you choose to create a new XML file for each Deadlock Graph, SQL Server Profiler automatically appends a sequential number to the filename. Figure 8 shows an example of the Events Extraction Settings tab to have a Profiler trace automatically generate a separate file for each deadlock trace.

Figure 8. Configuring SQL Server Profiler to export Deadlock Graphs to individual files.

You can use SSMS to open and analyze any SQL Server Profiler Deadlock Graphs that you have saved to a file. To do so, in SSMS you choose File, Open and then click File. In the Open File dialog box, you select the .xdl file type as the type of file. You now have a filtered list of only deadlock files (see Figure 9). After you select the file or files, you are able to view them in SSMS.

Figure 9. Opening a Deadlock Graph file in SSMS.
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