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SQL Server 2008 R2 : Query Analysis in SSMS (part 2) - Logical and Physical Operator Icons

12/3/2012 10:44:49 AM
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Logical and Physical Operator Icons

If you want to better understand the graphical execution plans displayed in SSMS, it helps to be able to recognize what each of the displayed icons represents. Recognizing them is especially valuable when you need to quickly locate operations that appear out of place for the type of query being executed. The following sections cover the more common logical and physical operators displayed in the Query Analyzer execution plans.


Assert is used to verify a condition, such as referential integrity (RI) or check constraint, or to ensure that a scalar subquery returns only a single row. It acts as sort of a roadblock, allowing a result stream to continue only if the check being performed is satisfied. The argument displayed in the Assert ToolTip spells out each check being performed.

For example, a deletion from the titles table in the bigpubs2008 database has to be verified to ensure that it doesn’t violate referential integrity with the sales and titleauthors table. The reference constraints need to check that the title_id being deleted does not exist in either the sales or titleauthors tables. If the result of the Assert returns a NULL, the stream continues through the query. Figure 5 shows the estimated execution plan and ToolTip of the Assert that appears for a delete on titles. The Predicate indicates that the reference constraint rejects any case in which the matching foreign key expression that returns from both child tables is NOT NULL. Notice that it returns a different value (0 or 1), depending on the table on which the foreign key violation occurs so that the appropriate error message can be displayed.

Figure 5. An Assert example.

Clustered Index Delete  , Insert  , and Update 

The Clustered Index physical operators Delete, Insert, and Update indicate that one or more rows in the specified clustered index are being deleted, inserted, or updated. The index or indexes affected by the operation are specified in the Object item of the ToolTip. The Predicate indicates which rows are being deleted or which columns are being updated.

Nonclustered Index Delete  , Insert  , and Update 

Similar to the Clustered Index physical operators Delete, Insert, and Update, the Nonclustered Index physical operators Delete, Insert, and Update indicate that one or more rows in the specified nonclustered index are being deleted, inserted, or updated.

Clustered Index Scan  and Seek 

A Clustered Index Seek is a logical and physical operator that indicates the Query Optimizer is using the clustered index to find the data rows via the index pointers. A Clustered Index Scan (also a logical and physical operator) indicates whether the Query Optimizer is scanning all or a subset of the table or index rows. Note that a table scan against a table with a clustered index displays as a Clustered Index Scan; the Query Optimizer is performing a full scan against all data rows in the table, which are in clustered key order.

Figure 6 shows a Clustered Index Seek ToolTip. The ToolTip indicates that the seek is being performed against the UPK_Storeid index on the stores table. The Seek Predicates item indicates the search predicate being used for the lookup against the clustered index, and the Query Optimizer determines that the results will be output in clustered index order, as indicated by the Ordered item indicating true.

Figure 6. Clustered Index Seek ToolTip example.

Nonclustered Index Scan  and Seek 

A Nonclustered Index Seek is a logical and physical operator that indicates the Query Optimizer is using the nonclustered index to find the data rows via the index pointers. A Nonclustered Index Scan (also a logical and physical operator) indicates whether the Query Optimizer is scanning all or a subset of the nonclustered index rows. The Seek Predicates item in a Nonclustered Index Seek operator identifies the search predicate being used for the lookup against the nonclustered index. The Ordered item in the ToolTip indicates true if the rows will be returned in nonclustered index key order.

Collapse  and Split 

A Split physical and logical operator indicates that the Query Optimizer has decided to break the rows’ input from the previous update optimization step into a separate delete and insert operation. The Estimated Number of Rows in the Split icon ToolTips is normally double the input row count, reflecting this two-step operation. If possible, the Query Optimizer might choose later in the plan to collapse those rows, grouping by a key value. The collapse typically occurs if the query processor encounters adjacent rows that delete and insert the same key values.

Compute Scalar 

The Query Optimizer uses the Compute Scalar operator to output a computed scalar value. This value might be returned in the result set or used as input to another operation in the query, such as a Filter operator. You might see this operator when data values that are feeding an input need to be converted to a different data type first.

Concatenation  [

The Concatenation operator indicates that the result sets from two or more input sources are being concatenated into a single output. You often see this when a UNION ALL is being used. You can force a concatenation union strategy by using the OPTION clause in the query and specifying a CONCAT UNION

Constant Scan 

The Constant Scan operator introduces one or more constant rows into a query. A Compute Scalar operation sometimes is used to provide input to the Constant Scan operator. A Compute Scalar operator often follows a Constant Scan operator to add columns to any rows produced by the Constant Scan operator.

Deleted Scan  and Inserted Scan 

The Deleted Scan and Inserted Scan icons in the execution plan indicate that a trigger is being fired and that within that trigger, the Query Optimizer needs to scan either the deleted or inserted tables.


The Filter icon indicates that the input rows are being filtered according to the predicate indicated in the ToolTip. This operator is used primarily for intermediate operations that the Query Optimizer needs to perform.

Hash Match 

In a hash join, the keys common between the two tables are hashed into a hash bucket, using the same hash function. This bucket usually starts out in memory and then moves to disk as needed. The type of hashing that occurs depends on the amount of memory required. Hashing is commonly used for inner and outer joins, intersections, unions, and differences. The Query Optimizer often uses hashing for intermediate processing.

A hash join requires at least one equality clause in the predicate, which includes the clauses used to relate a primary key to a foreign key. Usually, the Query Optimizer selects a hash join when the input tables are unsorted or are different in size, when no appropriate indexes exist, or when specific ordering of the result is not required. Hash joins help provide better query performance for large databases, complex queries, and distributed tables.

A hash match operator uses the hash join strategy and might also include other criteria to be considered a match. The other criteria are indicated in the Probe Residual clause shown in the Hash Match ToolTip.

Nonclustered Index Spool  , Row Count Spool  , and Table Spool 

An Index Spool, Row Count Spool, or Table Spool icon indicates that the rows are being stored in a hidden spool table in the tempdb database, which exists only for the duration of the query. Generally, this spool is created to support a nested iteration operation because the Query Optimizer might need to use the rows again. If the operator is rewound (for example, by a Nested Loops operator) but no rebinding is needed, the spooled data is used instead of rescanning the input data.

Often, you see a Spool icon under a Nested Loops icon in the execution plan. A Table Spool ToolTip does not show a predicate because no index is used. An Index Spool ToolTip shows a SEEK predicate. A temporary work table is created for an index spool, and then a temporary index is created on that table. These temporary work tables are local to the connection and live only as long as the query.

The Row Count Spool operator counts how many rows are present in the input and returns just the number of rows. This operator is used when checking for the existence of rows, rather than the actual data contained in the rows (for example, an existence subquery or an outer join when the actual data from the inner side is not needed).

Eager Spool  or Lazy Spool 

The Query Optimizer selects to use either an Eager or Lazy method of filling the spool, depending on the query. The Eager method means that the spool table is built all at once upon the first request for a row from the parent operator. The Lazy method builds the spool table as a row is requested by its parent operator.

Log Row Scan 

The Log Row Scan icon indicates that the transaction log is being scanned.

Merge Join 

The merge join is a strategy requiring that both the inputs be sorted on the common columns, defined by the predicate. The Merge Join operator may be preceded by an explicit sort operation in the query plan. A merge join performs one pass through each input table, matching the columns defined in the WHERE or JOIN clause as it steps through each input. A merge join looks similar to a simple nested loop but uses only a single pass of each table. Occasionally, you might see an additional sort operation prior to the merge join operation when the initial inputs are not sorted properly. Merge joins are often used to perform inner joins, left outer joins, left semi-joins, left anti-semi-joins, right outer joins, right semi-joins, right anti-semi-joins, and union logical operations.

Nested Loops 

Nested loop joins are also known as nested iteration. Basically, in a nested iteration, every qualifying row in the outer table is compared to every qualifying row in the inner table. This is why you may at times see a Spool icon of some sort providing input to a Nested Loop icon. This allows the inner table rows to be reused (that is, rewound). When every row in each table is being compared, it is called a naïve nested loops join. If an index is used to find the qualifying rows, it is referred to as an index nested loops join. Nested loops can be used to perform inner joins, left outer joins, left semi-joins, and left anti-semi-joins.

The number of comparisons performed for a nested loop join is the calculation of the number of outer rows times the estimated number of matching inner rows for each lookup. This can become expensive. Generally, a nested loop join is considered to be most effective when both input tables are relatively small.

Parameter Table Scan 

The Parameter Table Scan icon indicates that a table is acting as a parameter in the current query. Typically, this icon is displayed when INSERT queries exist in a stored procedure.

Remote Delete  , Remote Insert  , Remote Query  , Remote Scan  , and Remote Update 

The Remote Delete, Remote Insert, Remote Query, Remote Scan, and Remote Update operators indicate that the operation is being performed against a remote object such as a linked table.

RID Lookup 

The RID Lookup operator indicates that a bookmark lookup is being performed on a heap table using a row identifier (RID). The ToolTip indicates the bookmark label used to look up the row and the name of the table in which the row is being looked up. The RID Lookup operator is always accompanied by a Nested Loop Join operator.


The Sequence operator executes each operation in its child node, moving from top to bottom in sequence, and returns only the end result from the bottom operator. You see this most often in the updates of multiple objects.


The Sort operator indicates that the input is being sorted. The sort order is displayed in the ToolTip’s Order By item.

Stream Aggregate 

You most often see the Stream Aggregate operation when you are aggregating a single input, such as a DISTINCT clause or a SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, or AVG operator. The output of this operator may be referenced by later operators in the query, returned to the client, or both.

Because the Stream Aggregate operator requires input ordered by the columns within its groups, a Sort operator often precedes the Stream Aggregate operator unless the data is already sorted due to a prior Sort operator or due to an ordered index seek or scan.

Table Delete  , Table Insert  , Table Scan  , and Table Update 

You see the Table Delete, Table Insert, Table Scan, and Table Update operators when the indicated operation is being performed against that table as a whole. The presence of these operators does not always mean a problem exists, although a table scan can be an indicator that you might need some indexes to support the query. A table scan may be performed on small tables even if appropriate indexes exist, especially when the table is only a single page or two in size.

Table-valued Function 

The Table-valued Function operator is displayed for queries with calls to table-valued functions. The Table-valued Function operator evaluates the table-valued function, and the resulting rows are stored in the tempdb database. When the parent operators request the rows, the Table-valued Function operator returns the rows from tempdb.


The Top operator indicates a limit that is set, either by number of rows or a percentage, on the number of results to be returned from the input. The ToolTip may also contain a list of the columns being checked for ties if the WITH TIES option has been specified.

Parallelism Operators

The Parallelism operators indicate that parallel query processing is being performed. The associated logical operator displayed is one of the Distribute Streams, Gather Streams, or Repartition Streams logical operators.

Distribute Streams : The Distribute Streams operator takes a single input stream of records and produces multiple output streams. Each record from the input stream appears in one of the output streams. Hashing is typically used to decide to which output stream a particular input record belongs.

Gather Streams : The Gather Streams operator consumes several input streams and produces a single output stream of records by combining the input streams. If the output is ordered, the ToolTip will contain an Order By item indicating the columns being ordered.

Repartition Streams : The Repartition Streams operator consumes multiple streams and produces multiple streams of records. Each record from an input stream is placed into one output stream. If the output is ordered, the ToolTip contains an Order By item indicating the columns being ordered.

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