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SQL Server 2012 : Configuration Options (part 11) - Trigger Configuration Properties

1/12/2014 2:17:05 AM
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11. Trigger Configuration Properties

The trigger configuration properties, as shown in Table 11, control trigger behavior in SQL Server.

Table 11 Trigger Configuration Properties


Trigger behavior can be set at both the server and database levels.

Nested Triggers

A trigger is a small stored procedure executed on an insert, update, or delete operation on a table. Triggers are nested when a trigger performs an action that initiates another trigger, which can initiate another trigger, and so on. Triggers can be nested up to 32 levels. You can use the nested triggers server configuration option to control whether AFTER trigger can be nested triggers.

In Management Studio, you can set the nested trigger option by selecting True (default) or False in the Allow Triggers to Fire Others option on the Server Properties Advanced tab .

To turn nested triggers OFF in code, do the following:

EXEC sp_configure ‘nested triggers', 0;
INSTEAD OF triggers can be nested regardless of the setting of this option.

Recursive Triggers

If the code in the trigger inserts, updates, or deletes the same table again, then the trigger causes itself to be executed again. Recursion can also occur if the code in the trigger fires and performs an action that causes a trigger on another table to fire. This second trigger performs an action that causes an update to occur on the original table, which causes the original trigger to fire again. Recursive behavior is enabled or disabled by the recursive trigger database option. By default, the RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS option is set to off.

In Management Studio, the recursive triggers option can be enabled by selecting True in the Recursive Triggers Enabled option in the Database Properties Options tab (.

To set the recursive triggers option on in the AdventureWorks2012 sample database in T-SQL code, do the following:

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