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SQL Server 2012 : Delivering Manageability and Performance (part 1) - POLICY-BASED MANAGEMENT - Getting Started with PBM

11/18/2013 2:31:07 AM
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In many organizations, the number and variety of SQL Server instances, combined with a lack of proper management, means the operational DBA team can be very busy with reactive tasks. In these situations it can be difficult to invest the time required to address the root cause, standardize the environment, and reduce the flow of break/fix support incidents.

The topic of manageability is broad and means different things to different groups of people. Manageability can mean developing build and deployment standards, rationalizing high-availability technologies, and implementing standardized database maintenance procedures. The benefits of effective manageability are fewer problems and quicker resolution when they do occur, and fast response time to new business requests.


This section provides a brief overview of manageability enhancements in SQL Server 2012. The first important change to mention is several enhancements to the database restore usability— including the addition of a visual timeline for point-in-time restore. This means it’s possible to point the restore database wizard at a folder that can contain full, differential, and log backups; and, using a sliding timescale bar, select the point required for restore. The wizard will construct the correct restore command based on the sequence and precedence required to complete the point-in-time restore. Furthermore, the Page Restore dialog provides the capability to easily restore corrupt pages from a database backup, and to roll forward transaction logs.

Another important manageability enhancement can be found in the Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA). In previous releases, the DTA has required a query or Profiler trace in order to provide recommendations to improve performance. In SQL Server 2012, the DTA can use the plan cache as a source for tuning. This saves effort and may improve the usefulness of the recommendations.

A common manageability problem with database migrations and database mirroring has been resolved through a new concept introduced in this version: contained databases. The contained database solution addresses the issue whereby SQL Server logins can become orphaned when migrating a database between servers or SQL Server instances. The contained database addresses this by enabling users to connect to the database without authenticating a login at the database engine level. This provides a layer of abstraction from the SQL Server instance and therefore mobility. Similarly, the concept of partially contained databases separates application functionality from instance-level functionality. This provides mobility but it lacks some features; for example, replication, change tracking, or change data capture cannot be utilized, as these require interaction with instance- or management-level objects, which are outside the database and cannot currently be contained within the database.

The data-tier application (DAC or DACPAC), first introduced in SQL Server 2008, did not enjoy widespread adoption. One of the reasons why the uptake was limited was because the deployment method for schema upgrades was cumbersome and not practical for anything beyond a small database. The DACPAC schema upgrade process was impractical because a side-by-side approach was used, whereby a new database was created (with a unique name) alongside the existing database; database migration took place; and then the original database was dropped; and the new, temporary database was renamed to the proper database name. This process has been improved, and the new DAC upgrade process uses an in-place upgrade that simplifies the old method.

Finally, there are a number of enhancements in SQL Server Management Studio that improve functionality and usability, including improvements to IntelliSense and new breakpoint functionality.


The Policy-Based Management (PBM) feature, introduced in SQL Server 2008, enables DBAs to enforce standards and automate health-check-type activities across an entire SQL Server environment. The PBM feature provides a framework for DBAs to enforce organizational standards for naming conventions, security, and configuration settings, and to provide regular reports and alerts on these conditions.

The PBM feature requires an initial investment in terms of understanding the mechanics and implementation, but the benefits of the solution can be quickly realized through rapid deployment and automation across an entire organization. Therefore, the return on investment (ROI) of the initial investment required to configure and implement the platform can be rapid. In addition, many DBAs carry out morning checks, and automating a lightweight 15-minute morning check could save more than 65 hours per year! Clearly, the benefits of automation — including scalability and consistency — present a strong business case for investing effort in a solution such as PBM.

3.1 Overview

Policy-Based Management provides a mechanism for DBAs to manage configuration and deployment standards and compliance within the SQL Server environment. Managing compliance reduces variation within an organization, which in turn reduces the complexity and effort required to support and maintain the provisioning of benefits, such as reduced resolution time for issues and efficiencies in terms of the effort expended for such issues.

The types of policy that can be implemented by PBM include database-levels checks, such as ensuring that Auto Close and Auto Shrink are disabled, enforcing object-naming conventions, and ensuring that instance-level configuration options, such as Max Degree of Parallelism and Max Server Memory, are correctly configured.

Three key aspects of PBM are required to get started:

  • Facet — Object properties for checks (e.g., database, login, or server). Facets are fixed and cannot be added or changed.
  • Condition — Evaluates to true or false, and contains logic to validate a setting or option; e.g., to confirm AutoClose is false
  • Policy — Applies a condition on a target, determines policy mode, such as evaluate or prevent

In addition, using conditions can be a powerful way to refine the targets for policies. This can be useful in situations where different policies or best practices apply to different servers within an environment. A good example is the database data and log file autogrow settings. It’s a common best practice to specify the growth increment based on a fixed size, rather than a percentage, to avoid disk fragmentation and minimize the synchronous file grow operation. However, it can be difficult to build a one-size-fits-all policy for the optimal file growth increment, as many organizations host databases with files ranging between a couple of megabytes to several terabytes.

To account for these variations, you can use conditions to create policies that ensure best practice compliance for data and log file growth, as shown in Table 1.

TABLE 1: PBM Conditions

<100MB 100MB
>100MB and <10GB 500MB
>10GB 1GB

When defining each policy, it’s possible to choose an evaluation mode that determines the effect of the policy; Table 2 summarizes the options.

TABLE 2: Policy Evaluation Modes

On Demand Policies are evaluated manually by a DBA, as required.
On Schedule A pre-defined schedule controls when policies are evaluated.
On Change Prevent The policy will actively prevent an action that could cause a condition to evaluate false (only where rollback is possible).
On Change Log Only Allows a change that will cause a false evaluation, but logs the change

3.2 Getting Started with PBM

This section describes the steps required to get a PBM deployment up and running. Three phases are required: defining a condition, creating a policy, and evaluating this policy against a local machine. The following steps establish a condition and policy:

1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio and select Management ? Policy Management.

2. Right-click on Conditions and choose New Condition.

3. Type the condition name Auto Close Disabled.

4. Using the Facet drop-down list, Select Database Performance.

5. In the Expression pane, select the field name @AutoClose, verify that the operator shows the equals sign (=), and choose the value False (as shown in Figure 1). Click OK.



6. Right-click on Policy and choose Create New Policy.

7. Specify the policy name Database – Auto Close.

8. Using the Check condition drop-down list, select the Auto Close Disabled condition.

9. Verify that the Against Targets options shows a check alongside Every Database.

10. Ensure that the Evaluation Mode shows On demand, and Server restriction is None.

11. Click OK.

Now expand the policies folder, right-click on the policy named Database – Auto Close, and choose Evaluate. The report will display a list containing one row for each database on the instance, and hopefully each will display a green check indicating compliance. Enable the Auto Close option for one database and then reevaluate the policy to confirm it is functioning correctly.

Now you should see a single database listed with a red cross mark, indicating noncompliance. Alongside the noncompliant database is a checkbox; mark this checkbox as enabled. Then click the Apply button in the lower-right corner of the dialog. Clicking the Apply button does two things: It changes the database property to Disable Auto Close, and it reevaluates the policy to show a compliant database (green) now.

This example demonstrates how effective PBM can be in identifying and resolving configuration issues within an environment. If this policy were scheduled, it could find and fix any sub-optimal configuration within an environment. A clear benefit of this level of automation is that if any new configuration issue is introduced — either through a change to an existing database or through a new database in the environment — compliance could be ensured on the next policy evaluation.

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