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SQL Server 2012 : Query Optimization (part 4) - Influencing Optimization

2/5/2014 3:18:00 AM
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5. Influencing Optimization

There are two main ways you can influence the Query Optimizer — by using query hints or plan guides.

Query Hints

Query hints are an easy way to influence the actions of query optimization. However, you need to very carefully consider their use, as in most cases SQL Server is already choosing the right plan. As a general rule, you should avoid using query hints, as they provide many opportunities to cause more issues than the one you are attempting to solve. In some cases, however, such as with complex queries or when dealing with complex datasets that defeat SQL Server’s cardinality estimates on specific queries, using query hints may be necessary.

Before using any query hints, run a web search for the latest information on issues with query hints. Try searching on the keywords “SQL Server Query Hints” and look specifically for anything by Craig Freedman, who has written several great blog entries on some of the issues you can encounter when using query hints.

Problems with using hints can happen at any time — from when you start using the hint, which can cause unexpected side effects that cause the query to fail to compile, to more complex and difficult to find performance issues that occur later.

As data in the relevant tables changes, without query hints the Query Optimizer automatically updates statistics and adjusts query plans as needed; but if you have locked the Query Optimizer into a specific set of optimizations using query hints, then the plan cannot be changed, and you may end up with a considerably worse plan, requiring further action (from you) to identify and resolve the root cause of the new performance issue.

One final word of caution about using query hints: Unlike locking hints (also referred to in BOL as table hints), which SQL Server attempts to satisfy, query hints are stronger, so if SQL Server is unable to satisfy a query hint it will raise error 8622 and not create any plan.

Query hints are specified using the OPTION clause, which is always added at the end of the T-SQL statement — unlike locking or join hints, which are added within the T-SQL statement after the tables they are to affect.

The following sections describe a few of the more interesting query hints.

FAST number_rows

Use this query hint when you want to retrieve only the first n rows out of a relatively large result set. A typical example of this is a website that uses paging to display large sets of rows, whereby the first page shows only the first web page worth of rows, and a page might contain only 20, 30, or maybe 40 rows. If the query returns thousands of rows, then SQL Server would possibly optimize this query using hash joins. Hash joins work well with large datasets but have a higher setup time than perhaps a nested loop join. Nested loop joins have a very low setup cost and can return the first set of rows more quickly but takes considerably longer to return all the rows. Using the FAST <number_rows> query hint causes the Query Optimizer to use nested loop joins and other techniques, rather than hashed joins, to get the first n rows faster.

Typically, once the first n rows are returned, if the remaining rows are retrieved, the query performs slower than if this hint were not used.

{Loop | Merge | Hash } JOIN

The JOIN query hint applies to all joins within the query. While this is similar to the join hint that can be specified for an individual join between a pair of tables within a large more complex query, the query hint applies to all joins within the query, whereas the join hint applies only to the pair of tables in the join with which it is associated.

To see how this works, here is an example query using the AdventureWorks2012 database that joins three tables. The first example shows the basic query with no join hints.

use AdventureWorks2012

set statistics profile on

select p.title, p.firstname, p.middlename, p.lastname
, a.addressline1, a.addressline2,, a.postalcode
from person.person as p inner join person.businessentityaddress as b
on p.businessentityid= b.businessentityid
inner join person.address as a on b.addressid= a.addressid

set statistics profile off

This returns two result sets. The first is the output from the query, and returns 18,798 rows; the second result set is the additional output after enabling the set statistics profile option. One interesting piece of information in the statistics profile output is the totalsubtreecost column. To see the cost for the entire query, look at the top row. On my test machine, this query is costed at 4.649578. The following shows just the PhysicalOp column from the statistics profile output, which displays the operator used for each step of the plan:

Merge Join
Clustered Index Scan
Merge Join
Clustered Index Scan
Index Scan

The next example shows the same query but illustrates the use of a table hint. In this example the join hint applies only to the join between person.person and person.businessentity:

use AdventureWorks2012

set statistics profile on

select p.title, p.firstname, p.middlename, p.lastname
, a.addressline1, a.addressline2,, a.postalcode
from person.person as p inner loop join person.businessentityaddress as b
on p.businessentityid= b.businessentityid
inner join person.address as a on b.addressid= a.addressid

set statistics profile off

The totalsubtree cost for this option is 8.155532, which is quite a bit higher than the plan that SQL chose, and indicates that our meddling with the optimization process has had a negative impact on performance.

The PhysicalOp column of the statistics profile output is shown next. This indicates that the entire order of the query has been dramatically changed; the merge joins have been replaced with a loop join as requested, but this forced the Query Optimizer to use a hash match join for the other join. You can also see that the Optimizer chose to use a parallel plan, and even this has not reduced the cost:

Hash Match
Nested Loops
Clustered Index Scan
Clustered Index Seek
Index Scan

The final example shows the use of a JOIN query hint. Using this forces both joins within the query to use the join type specified:

use AdventureWorks2012

set statistics profile on

select p.title, p.firstname, p.middlename, p.lastname
, a.addressline1, a.addressline2,, a.postalcode
from person.person as p inner join person.businessentityaddress as b
on p.businessentityid = b.businessentityid
inner join person.address as a on b.addressid = a.addressid
option (hash join )

set statistics profile off

The total subtreecost for this plan is 5.097726. This is better than the previous option but still worse than the plan chosen by SQL Server.

The PhysicalOp column of the following statistics profile output indicates that both joins are now hash joins:

Hash Match
Hash Match
Index Scan
Clustered Index Scan
Index Scan

Using a query hint can cause both compile-time and runtime issues. The compile-time issues are likely to happen when SQL Server is unable to create a plan due to the query hint. Runtime issues are likely to occur when the data has changed enough that the Query Optimizer needs to create a new plan using a different join strategy but it is locked into using the joins defined in the query hint.


The MAXDOP query hint is only applicable on systems and SQL Server editions for which parallel plans are possible. On single-core systems, multiprocessor systems where CPU affinity has been set to a single processor core, or systems that don’t support parallel plans (i.e. if you are running the express edition of SQL Server which can only utilize a single processor core), this query hint has no effect.

On systems where parallel plans are possible, and in the case of a query where a parallel plan is being generated, using MAXDOP (n) allows the Query Optimizer to use only n workers.

On very large SMPs or NUMA systems, where the SQL Server configuration setting for Max Degree of Parallelism is set to a number less than the total available CPUs, this option can be useful if you want to override the systemwide Max Degree of Parallelism setting for a specific query.

A good example of this might be a 16 core SMP server with an application database that needs to service a large number of concurrent users, all running potentially parallel plans. To minimize the impact of any one query, the SQL Server configuration setting Max Degree of Parallelism is set to 4, but some activities have a higher “priority” and you want to allow them to use all CPUs. An example of this might be an operational activity such as an index rebuild, when you don’t want to use an online operation and you want the index to be created as quickly as possible. In this case, the specific queries for index creation/rebuilding can use the MAXDOP 16 query hint, which allows SQL Server to create a plan that uses all 16 cores.


Because of the extensive use of plan parameterization, and the way that the Query Optimizer sniffs for parameters on each execution of a parameterized plan, SQL Server doesn’t always do the best job of choosing the right plan for a specific set of parameters.

The OPTIMIZE FOR hint enables you to tell the Query Optimizer what values you expect to see most commonly at runtime. Provided that the values you specify are the most common case, this can result in better performance for the majority of the queries, or at least those that match the case for which you optimized.


The RECOMPILE query hint is a more granular way to force recompilation in a stored procedure to be at the statement level rather than using the WITH RECOMPILE option, which forces the whole stored procedure to be recompiled.

When the Query Optimizer sees the RECOMPILE query hint, it forces a new query plan to be created regardless of what plans may already be cached. The new plan is created with the parameters within the current execution context.

This is a very useful option if you know that a particular part of a stored procedure has very different input parameters that can affect the resulting query plan dramatically. Using this option may incur a small cost for the compilation needed on every execution, but if that’s a small percentage of the resulting query’s execution time, it’s a worthwhile cost to pay to ensure that every execution of the query gets the most optimal plan.

For cases in which the additional compilation cost is high relative to the cost of the worst execution, using this query hint would be detrimental to performance.

USE PLAN N ‘xml plan’

The USE PLAN query hint tells the Query Optimizer that you want a new plan, and that the new plan should match the shape of the plan in the supplied XML plan.

This is very similar to the use of plan guides (covered in the next section), but whereas plan guides don’t require a change to the query, the USE PLAN query hint does require a change to the T-SQL being submitted to the server.

Sometimes this query hint is used to solve deadlock issues or other data-related problems. However, in nearly all cases the correct course of action is to address the underlying issue, but that often involves architectural changes, or code changes that require extensive development and test work to get into production. In these cases the USE PLAN query hint can provide a quick workaround for the DBA to keep the system running while the root cause of a problem is found and fixed.

Note that the preceding course of action assumes you have a “good” XML plan from the problem query that doesn’t show the problem behavior. If you just happened to capture a bunch of XML plans from all the queries running on your system when it was working well, then you are good to go, but that’s not typically something that anyone ever does, as you usually leave systems alone when they are working OK; and capturing XML plans for every query running today just in case you may want to use the USE PLAN query hint at some point in the future is not a very useful practice.

What you may be able to do, however, is configure a test system with data such that the plan your target query generates is of the desired shape, capture the XML for the plan, and use that XML plan to “fix” the plan’s shape on your production server.

Plan Guides

Plan guides, which were added in SQL Server 2005, enable the DBA to affect the optimization of a query without altering the query itself. Typically, plan guides are used by DBAs seeking to tune query execution on third-party application databases, where the T-SQL code being executed is proprietary and cannot be changed. Typical examples of applications for which plan guides are most likely to be needed would be large ERP applications such as SAP, PeopleSoft, and so on.

Although plan guides were first added in SQL Server 2005, significant enhancements, primarily regarding ease of use, were made to them in SQL Server 2008.

There are three different types of plan guide:

  • Object plan guide — Can be applied to a stored procedure, trigger, or user-defined function
  • SQL plan guide — Applied to a specific SQL statement
  • Template plan guide — Provides a way to override database settings for parameterization of specific SQL queries

To make use of plan guides, the first step is to create or capture a “good” plan; the second step is to apply that plan to the object or T-SQL statement for which you want to change the Query Optimizer’s behavior.

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