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SQL Server 2008 : Security - Implementing least privilege (part 2) - Role-based security

1/23/2013 11:43:14 AM
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4. Role-based security

When discussing security in SQL Server, the terms principal and securable are commonly used. A principal is an entity requesting access to SQL Server objects (securables). For example, a user (principal) connects to a database and runs a select command against a table (securable).

When a principal requests access to a securable, SQL Server checks the permissions before granting or denying access. Considering a database application with hundreds or thousands of principals and securables, it's easy to understand how the management of these permissions could become time consuming. Further, the difficulty in management could lead to elevated permissions in an attempt to reduce the time required to implement least privilege.

Fortunately, SQL Server offers several methods for simplifying permissions management. As a result, you can spend more time designing and deploying granular permissions to ensure the least privilege principle is applied all the way down to individual objects within a database.

Database roles

A database role, defined within a database, can be viewed in a similar fashion to an Active Directory group in a Windows domain: a database role contains users (Windows or SQL Server logins) and is assigned permissions to objects (schema, tables, views, stored procedures, and so forth) within a database.

Take our earlier example of the difficulty of managing the database permissions of thousands of users. Using database roles, we can define the permissions for a database role once, and grant multiple users access to the database role. As such, the user's permissions are inherited through the role, and we needn't define permissions on a user-by-user basis. Should different permissions be required for different users, we can create additional database roles with their own permissions.

Let's walk through an example of creating and assigning permissions via a database role. To begin, let's create a role called ViewSales in a database called SalesHistory using T-SQL, as shown in listing 1. We'll assign permissions to the role, select permissions on a view and table, and execute permissions on a stored procedure.

Example 1. Creating a database role
-- Create the Role
USE [SalesHistory]

-- Assign permissions to the role
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[uspViewSalesHistory] TO [ViewSales]
GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[Store] TO [ViewSales]
GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[vwSalesRep] TO [ViewSales]

With the database role in place, we can now assign logins to the role and have those logins inherit the role's permission. Consider the T-SQL code in listing 2.

Example 2. Assigning logins to a database role
-- Create Logins from Windows Users




-- Create Database Users mapped to the Logins
USE [SalesHistory]




-- Assign the Users Role Membership
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'ViewSales', N'WIDGETINC\JSmith'

EXEC sp_addrolemember N'ViewSales', N'WIDGETINC\KBrown'

EXEC sp_addrolemember N'ViewSales', N'WIDGETINC\LTurner'


The code in listing 2 has three sections. First, we create SQL Server logins based on existing Windows user accounts in the WIDGETINC domain. Second, we create users in the SalesHistory database for each of the three logins we just created. Finally, we assign the users to the ViewSales database role created earlier. The net effect is that the three Windows accounts have access to the SalesHistory database with their permissions defined through membership of the database role.

Apart from avoiding the need to define permissions for each user, the real power of database roles comes with changing permissions. If we need to create a new table and grant a number of users access to the table, we can grant the permissions against the database role once, with all members of the role automatically receiving the permissions. In a similar manner, reducing permissions is done at a role level.

Not only do roles simplify permissions management, they also make permissions consistent for all similar users. In our example, if we have a new class of users that require specific permissions beyond those of the ViewSales role, we can create a new database role with the required permissions and add users as appropriate.

User/schema separation

Beginning in SQL Server 2005, database schemas are a distinct namespace, without the tight user coupling that existed in SQL Server 2000 and earlier. Each database user is created with a default schema (dbo is the default if none is specified) and is used by SQL Server when no object owner is specified in T-SQL commands, such as select * from sales. Objects within a schema can be transferred to another schema, and the ability to grant or deny permissions at a schema level permits both powerful and flexible permissions structures. This means that sensitive tables could be placed in their own schema with only selected users granted access. Finally, schema permissions can be granted to database roles; for example, database role users can be granted select permissions on schema standard but denied select permission on schema payroll.

In cases where permissions are defined at an application level, application roles can be used.

Application roles

In some cases, access to database objects is provided and managed as part of an application rather than direct database permissions granted to users. In such cases, there's typically an application management function where users are defined and managed on an administration screen. In these cases, application roles can be used to simplify permissions. In effect, the application role is granted the superset of the permissions required, with the individual user permissions then managed within the application itself.

Application roles are invoked on connection to SQL Server by using the sp_setapprole stored procedure and supplying an application role name and password. As with a SQL Server login, you must ensure the password is stored in a secure location. Ideally, the password would be stored in an encrypted form, with the application decrypting it before supplying it to SQL Server.

The side benefit of application roles is that the only means through which users are able to access the database is via the application itself, meaning that direct user access using tools such as SQL Server Management Studio is prevented.

In closing this section, let's consider two additional types of roles: fixed server and database roles.

Fixed server roles

In environments with lots of server instances and many DBAs, some sites prefer to avoid having all DBAs defined as members of the sysadmin role and lean toward a more granular approach whereby some DBAs are allocated a subset of responsibilities. In supporting this, SQL Server provides a number of fixed server roles in addition to the sysadmin role, which grants the highest level of access to the server instance.

An example of a fixed server role is the processadmin role, used to grant users permissions to view and kill running server processes, and the dbcreator role, used to enable users to create, drop, alter, and restore databases. SQL Server BOL contains a complete listing of the fixed server roles and their permissions.

Similar to fixed server roles, fixed database roles come with predefined permissions that enable a subset of database permissions to be allocated to a specific user.

Fixed database roles

In addition to the db_owner role, which is the highest level of permission in a database, SQL Server provides a number of fixed database roles. Again, all of these roles and descriptions are defined in BOL. Commonly used fixed database roles are the db_datareader and db_datawriter roles, used to grant read and add/delete/modify permissions respectively to all tables within a database.

One of the nice features of permissions management within SQL Server is that roles can include other roles. For example, the db_datareader role could contain the custom ViewSales database role that we created earlier, in effect granting select permissions on all tables to members of the ViewSales role, in addition to the other permissions granted with this role.

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