Now that you have seen how
your T-SQL is optimized, the next step is to look at the query plan
that the Query Optimizer generated for it. There are several ways to
view query plans, but perhaps the easiest is to view the graphical plan
using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). SSMS makes this extra easy
by providing a context-sensitive menu option that enables you to
highlight any piece of T-SQL in a query window and display the
estimated execution plan, as shown in Figure 1.
This provided the output shown in Figure 2.
You can also include SET
statements with your query to enable several options that provide
additional output displaying the query plan for you. These options are SHOWPLAN_TEXT and SHOWPLAN_ALL. The following code example demonstrates how to use these options:
Use AdventureWorks2012
set showplan_text on
select * from person.person
set showplan_text off
Following are the two result sets
returned by this query. Note that this is the output after setting the
query result options to results to text, rather than results to grid:
select * from person.person
(1 row(s) affected)
|--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([AdventureWorks2012].[Person].[Person]
(1 row(s) affected)
Use AdventureWorks2012
set showplan_all on
select * from person.person
set showplan_all off
Some of the output columns from this query are shown in Figure 3.
You can also use SHOWPLAN_XML to get the plan in an XML format:
Use AdventureWorks2012
set showplan_xml on
select * from person.person
set showplan_xml off
The results from the preceding query are shown in Figure 4.
Clicking on the XML will display the graphical execution plan shown in Figure 5.
Another option is STATISTICS PROFILE.
This is the first option to be discussed that executes the query, and
returns a real plan. The previous options don’t execute the query, they
just return an estimated plan. Enabling this option adds statistical
information to the showplan. This consists of the actual row count and
the number of times each operator was run when the query was executed:
Use AdventureWorks2012
set statistics profile on
select * from person.person
set statistics profile off
Some of the columns’ output from this query is shown in Figure 6.
Another place to look for query plans is in the
plan cache itself. When dealing with a lot of queries on a busy
production system, it’s often necessary to find the query plan for a
particular query that’s currently being used. To do this, use the
following T-SQL to return either the XML for the plan or the text of
the plan:
Select *
From sys.dm_exec_query_plan(plan_handle)
Select *
From sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan(plan_handle)
Note that you can use two DMFs
here: One refers to returning the XML plan; whereas the name of the
other implies it will return the text of the plan, suggesting it would
be similar to the showplan_text
output; but, in fact, both return the XML format of the plan. The
difference is that the data type of the query_plan column in one is
XML, whereas the data type in the other result set is text.