As an element of your confrontation with the reality of program, it is important to thus examine the statistics of level of the project you can see the metric high level one about the program. To make thus, follow these stages:
Take advantage of the tools included in Microsoft Project 2010 to help you examine various aspects of your project. You can use groups, filters, and views to review the parts of your project, as follows:
Groups— A very useful feature for organizing items in your schedule based on predefined criteria. To apply groups, select the View tab, Group By.
Filters— Enables you to limit what information is displayed in the current view based on the criteria you select. To view all available filters for the selected view, select the View tab, Filter, More Filters.
Views— Collections of data that are used to present a certain type of information in a particular way. In addition to the Gantt Chart view, the Resource Usage, Task Usage, and Team Planner views are very useful views for analyzing and finding potential problems with your schedule.
Task Usage view shows you each task you have entered into the schedule, with resource assignment information grouped directly under each task. You can review the assignments, when they are scheduled for work, and, if necessary (although not recommended), edit the time-phased resource work data cells. After you edit the work, you may restrict Microsoft Project’s 2010 capability of leveling and moving the resource assignment work.
Resource Usage view displays a resource’s scheduled work for your project. This can be useful to get an overall picture of which tasks are assigned to each resource, as they are grouped by resource name. This can be an easy way to determine which tasks have no resources assigned to them. In addition, this view is helpful in reviewing the resource allocations where overloaded resources are highlighted in the color red. You might want to change the timescale to view the allocation on a week-by-week or month-by-month view. To do so, use Format, Timescale to change the formatting settings for the timescale or use the Zoom buttons on the Standard toolbar.
The Team Planner view, is entirely new for Project Professional 2010 and can be extremely useful for finding potential problems. You can think of it as a kind of alternate or enhanced Resource Usage view. Unassigned tasks are shown graphically in the lower pane. Unscheduled tasks—a feature of the Manually Scheduled task mode—are listed in the left pane. Overallocations “pile up” graphically in the top-right pane and are highlighted in red. As with the Resource usage view, it is possible to change the timescale or use the zoom controls.