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Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 : Addressing Exchange - The Offline Address Book (part 1) - The OAB and Outlook

10/11/2014 9:23:08 PM
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The OAB is a snapshot of the GAL that Outlook clients can download from Exchange to provide a local directory source for address validation and lookup. All recipients in the GAL except those marked with the Hidden From Address Lists property are included in the OAB (Figure 1). You can discover a list of hidden recipients with the following command:

A screen shot taken when editing mailbox properties through EAC, showing a mailbox in which the Hide From Address Lists check box is selected. Exchange will no longer show this mailbox in the GAL or any other address list, so it won’t appear in the OAB either.

Figure 1. Hiding a mailbox from address lists

Get-Recipient –Filter { HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled –eq $True }

Outlook clients need to download a copy of the OAB before they are fully functional when working offline. The OAB contains a subset of the properties held for objects in Active Directory. However, users are seldom aware of this fact because the OAB contains all the data they typically need for email or to find recipients. Data that depend on pointers between Active Directory objects are unavailable offline. (Managers and their reports and group membership are the best examples.) The same is true for customized properties you add to the GAL unless you customize address templates to add them to the OAB.

One problem with the OAB is that new recipients are invisible until Exchange next generates updates for the OAB and clients connect, download, and apply the updates to their OAB. For example, if you add a new mailbox at 11 A.M. on Monday, and Exchange generates an OAB update by the following midnight, the earliest a user will see the new mailbox in the GAL is after he connects Outlook to Exchange and downloads the update, which could be the following Thursday or Friday. In reality, this is not usually a problem except when you deal with high-profile users, such as new executives, who want to be visible to the organization as soon as their mailbox is created. There are two workarounds to the problem. First, you can always use the SMTP address of newly created messages to route email to them. Second, you can use the All Users address list to look for new entries because this forces Outlook to connect to the server to browse the directory.

The OAB and Outlook

Outlook clients that are configured in cached Exchange mode download the OAB automatically. The first download occurs after the mailbox folders are replicated to the OST. Thereafter, Outlook checks daily for OAB updates and downloads them from Exchange if available. You cannot vary the daily check; it is hard-coded into Outlook. In any case, it is a good thing to have an automatic daily update because this keeps the OAB up to date and prevents the OAB from accumulating a great deal of invalid information because it hasn’t been regularly updated.


A week-old OAB is usually okay unless the organization is in the middle of a large merger or acquisition or has another reason for directory churn. A month-old OAB is much less satisfactory because of the volume of change that typically occurs in corporate directories.

If an OAB update download fails, Outlook retries hourly until the download succeeds. However, if Outlook needs to fetch a full copy of the OAB, it will only try this operation once in a 13-hour period. Clients can also download the OAB on a demand basis by using Send Receive | Download Address Book.

You can minimize the amount of data downloaded by selecting No Details, which causes Outlook to download a basic copy of the OAB (basic recipient information and email addresses). These data still allow the OAB to be used to locate recipients and validate email addresses, but this method produces a file that is much less useful than when it contains data, such as phone numbers, produced by a Full Details download. Limiting data made sense in an era when networks were less available and slower than they are today. In some respects, the option to download a truncated OAB is of limited use unless you are forced to use something such as a dial-up connection.

Like other synchronization operations, Outlook uses a background thread to fetch the OAB files to enable users to remain working while the download proceeds. OAB data used to be made available through a system public folder, but the focus is now on web-based distribution managed by Mailbox servers. Clients with mailboxes on an Exchange 2013 server have to connect to an Exchange 2013 Mailbox server to fetch OAB files, whereas those with mailboxes on earlier Exchange servers are proxied to an Exchange 2007 CAS or Exchange 2010 CAS server.

After you download the OAB, Outlook creates or updates a set of six files on the PC (Table 1). These files vary in size, depending on the number of mail-enabled recipients in the organization, and can occupy a reasonable amount of space on disk. For example, a very large organization requires an OAB of 383 MB to hold approximately 450,000 objects, or around 0.85 MB per 1,000 objects. The OAB files and updates are compressed when Outlook downloads them, and the compressed files are roughly half the size of the files when they are expanded on disk. However, it can still take a long time to fetch a complete OAB inside a large organization.

Table 1. OAB files




The core index for the OAB. Records contain the object type, display name, and a pointer to the rest of the object’s data held in the details file.


All the details (if available) for objects populated through a Full Details download. This is the largest OAB file.


An index used to resolve relative distinguished names for recipient objects and to track changes to domain names.


An index for domain names (such as


An index used to resolve ambiguous names entered by users when addresses are validated.


A file containing language-specific strings used for dialog boxes and any other static items OAB templates use.

Generally, after the complete OAB is first downloaded, Outlook only needs to refresh it with update files that it fetches from Exchange. These files are generated daily by the OAB Generation Assistan and contain the changes that have occurred since the last update. If Outlook has been offline for several days, it needs to download all the daily updates it has missed to update the OAB. A full download is required if Outlook 2003 SP2 (or later) determines that more than half the total entries in the GAL have been updated since the last download. Earlier versions of Outlook required a full download when an eighth of the GAL had changed.

Working in a mixed environment

Consider the situation if 10,000 clients had to download 100 MB of OAB data from a single OAB server. (This is an extreme example to illustrate the point because no deployment of 10,000 clients would use only a single CAS.) The server has to handle the demand for 1,000 GB of data and could have to do this over a short period, which might stop it from doing much other useful work until the demand for OAB downloads subsides.

For the same reason, it’s also a good idea to phase in new versions of Outlook so that you don’t create a situation in which hundreds of users start their brand-new version of Outlook and immediately begin to synchronize their OST and download the OAB. You can also minimize the impact by providing multiple distribution points for OAB updates by configuring Exchange to distribute the updates to multiple OAB servers.

To offset the potential for server overload, Microsoft uses LZX compression for OAB update files and distributes binary patches only for updated records rather than for complete records. Two files are involved. The Data.oab file is a baseline file. The Binpatch.oab file is generated daily and contains the differential changes from the previous day (essentially, all the changes in the GAL in the past day). To bring an OAB up to date, Outlook downloads all the versions of Binpatch.oab that correspond to the days since the last update and merges them into Data.oab. It then generates the new indexes to refresh the OAB. Compression and binary updates are an effective mechanism to manage OAB distribution for organizations of all sizes.

Figure 2 shows what you might see if you examine the directory where Exchange holds the OAB files after they are generated. A file called Oab.xml (the OAB manifest) tracks all the updates that are available, including the full and differential files, templates used by Windows and Macintosh clients, and metadata such as the compressed and uncompressed file sizes.

A screen shot taken from a Windows 2012 server that supports an Exchange 2013 Mailbox server. The OAB update files created for clients to download and apply to their copy of the OAB are displayed.

Figure 2. OAB data files used for client updates

When Outlook begins to download the OAB files, it flags this fact as part of its synchronization activity. If you use the Ctrl+Click key combination on the Outlook icon in the system tray to view the client connection status and then click the Local Mailbox tab, you’ll see the OAB download progress.

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