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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 : Setting Up and Configuring Database Mirroring (part 1)

2/27/2012 6:08:47 PM
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Roles of the Database Mirroring Configuration

As you have seen, a typical database mirroring configuration has a principal server, mirror server, and witness server. Each of these servers plays a role at some point. The principal and mirror switch roles, so it is important to understand what these roles are and when a server is playing a particular role.

Playing Roles and Switching Roles

A role corresponds to what a server is doing at a particular point in time. There are three possible roles:

  • Witness role— If a server is playing a witness role, it is essentially standing alongside both partners of a database mirror configuration and is used to settle all arguments. It is getting together with any one of the other servers and forming a quorum to come up with decisions. The decision that it will participate in is whether to fail over. That is it. As mentioned before, the witness server can be any edition of a SQL Server (even SQL Server Express, the free version).

  • Principal role— If a server is playing a principal role, it is the server that the application will be connected to and that is generating the transactions. One of the partners in the database mirror must start out as the principal. After a failure, the mirror server takes over the principal role, and the roles reverse.

  • Mirror role— If a server is playing a mirror role, it is the server that is having transactions written to it. It is in a constant recovery state (that is, the database state needed to be able to accept physical log records). One of the partners in the database mirroring configuration must start out in the mirror role. Then, if a failure occurs, the mirror server changes to the principal role.

Database Mirroring Operating Modes

With database mirroring, you have the option of deploying in one of three modes: high safety with automatic failover mode (high availability with a witness server), high safety without automatic failover mode (high protection without a witness server), and high-performance mode. Each mode has different failure and protection characteristics and uses the database mirroring configurations slightly differently. As you might expect, the high-performance mode offers the least amount of protection; you must sacrifice levels of protection for performance.

Database mirroring runs with either asynchronous or synchronous operations:

  • Synchronous operations— With synchronous operations, a committed transaction is committed (that is, written) on both partners of the database mirroring pair. This obviously adds some latency cost to a complete transaction because it is across two servers. High-safety modes use synchronous operations.

  • Asynchronous operations— With asynchronous operations, transactions commit without waiting for the mirror server to write the log to disk. This can speed up performance significantly. High-performance mode uses asynchronous operations.

Whether the operations are asynchronous or synchronous depends on the transaction safety setting. You control this setting through the SAFETY option when configuring with Transact-SQL (T-SQL) commands. The default for SAFETY is FULL (which provides synchronous operations). You set it to OFF for asynchronous operations. If you are using the mirroring wizard, this option is set for you automatically.

Of the three modes, only the high safety with automatic failover mode (high-availability mode) requires the witness server. The others can operate fine without this third server in their configuration. Remember that the witness server is looking at both the principal and mirror server and will be utilized (in a quorum) for automatic failover.

Role switching is the act of transferring the principal role to the mirror server. It is the mirror server that acts as the failover partner for the principal server. When a failure occurs, the principal role is switched to the mirror server, and its database is brought online as the principal database.

Failover variations are

  • Automatic failover— Automatic failover is enabled with a three-server configuration involving a principal, mirror, and witness server. Synchronous operations are required, and the mirror database must already be synchronized (that is, in sync with the transactions as they are being written to the principal). Role switching is done automatically. This is for high-availability mode.

  • Manual failover— Manual failover is needed when there is no witness server and you are using synchronous operations. The principal and mirror are connected to each other, and the mirror database is synchronized. Role switching is done manually. This is for high safety without automatic failover mode (high-protection mode). You are making the decision to start using the mirror server as the principal (no data loss).

  • Forced service— In the case of a mirror server being available but possibly not synchronized, the mirror server can be forced to take over when the principal server has failed. This possibly means data loss because the transactions were not synchronized. This is for either high safety without automatic failover mode (high-protection mode) or high-performance mode.

Setting Up and Configuring Database Mirroring

Microsoft uses a few other concepts and technologies in database mirroring. You have already learned about the copy-on-write technology. Microsoft also uses endpoints, which are assigned to each server in a database mirroring configuration. In addition, establishing connections to each server is much more tightly controlled and requires service accounts or integrated (domain-level) authentication. Within SQL Server, grants must also be given to the accounts that will be executing database mirroring.

You can completely set up database mirroring by using T-SQL scripts, or you can use the Database Mirroring Wizard within SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). We always advise that you use something that is repeatable, such as SQL scripts, and you can easily generate SQL scripts by using the new wizard. It’s not fun to have to re-create or manage a database mirroring configuration in the middle of the night. Having this whole process in a script reduces almost all errors.

Getting Ready to Mirror a Database

Before you start setting up and configuring a database mirroring environment, it is always best to run through a simple checklist of basic requirements:

Verify that all server instances are at the same service pack level. In addition, the SQL Server edition you have must support database mirroring.

Verify that you have as much or more disk space available on the mirror server as on the principal server. You also need the same room for growth on both.

Verify that you have connectivity to each server from the others. You can most easily do this by trying to register each SQL Server instance in SSMS. If you can register the server, the server can be used for database mirroring. Do this for the principal, mirror, and witness servers.

Verify that the principal server database that is to be mirrored is using the full database recovery model. Right-click on the database you intend to mirror, choose Tasks, and then Mirroring. This brings you to the database mirroring properties dialog where you can configure mirroring. If you try to start configuring database mirroring and the database recovery model is not full for the principal database, you get a nasty message to that effect (see Figure 1). Because database mirroring is transaction log based, it makes sense to be using the full database recovery model: all transactions are written to the transaction log and are not truncated, as with other database recovery models.

Figure 1. Trying to mirror a database that is not using the full database recovery model.

Before you go any further, you must establish the endpoints for each of the servers that will be a part of the database mirroring configuration. You can use the Configure Security option of the wizard to do this, but getting into the practice of using SQL scripts is really the best approach. Using SQL scripts is very easy, as you will soon see.

Endpoints utilize TCP/IP addressing and listening ports for all communication between the servers. Within a server, the endpoint is given a specific name (that is, an endpoint name) for easy reference and to establish the partner roles that this server (endpoint) will possibly play. In addition, a connection GRANT is needed for access to be allowed from each server to the other, and a service account should be used for this. This service account is usually a particular login that is known to the domain and is to be used for all connections in the database mirroring topology. Figure 2 shows the mirroring database properties of the AdventureWorks database on a SQL Server instance named SQL08DE01. As you can see, no server network addresses are set up for database mirroring of any kind, and the mirroring status says “This Database Has Not Been Configured for Mirroring.”

Figure 2. The Database Properties Mirroring page: mirroring network addressing and mirroring status.

Next, we look at how to set up high safety with automatic failover mode (high-availability mode) database mirroring with principal, mirror, and witness servers. For this, you can mirror the old reliable AdventureWorks database that Microsoft provides with SQL Server 2008.

Figure 3 illustrates the database mirroring configuration to set up.

Figure 3. A high-availability database mirroring configuration with the AdventureWorks database.

The initial principal server is the SQL Server instance named SQL08DE01, the initial mirror server is the SQL Server instance named SQL08DE02, and the witness server is the SQL Server instance named SQL08DE03.

You need to establish a local endpoint named EndPoint4DBMirroring9xxx on each of these SQL Server instances and identify the TCP listening port that will be used for all database mirroring communication. We also like to embed the port number as part of the endpoint name, such as EndPoint4DBMirroring1430 for the endpoint that will be listening on port 1430. In our configuration, the principal server will be listening on Port 1430, the mirror server on Port 1440, and the witness server on Port 1450. These port numbers must be unique within a single server machine, and the machine name and port combination must be unique within the network. An example of the fully qualified network address name of this server and the listing port is TCP://, where is the machine name within the domain, and 1430 is the listening port created with the endpoint. In addition, each server’s initial role needs to be specified. The SQL08DE01 instance can play any partner role (that is, a mirror and/or principal), the SQL08DE02 instance can play any partner role as well, and the SQL08DE03 instance should play the witness role only.

The first ones to look at are 2008 Create EndPoint Partner1.SQL, 2008 Create EndPoint Partner2.SQL, and 2008 Create EndPoint Witness.SQL. You can leverage these templates to start the setup process if you are not using the Configure Security Wizard.

Now that we’ve verified all aspects of our planned mirroring topology, let’s configure full database mirroring!

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