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MySQL Replication for Scale-Out : Hierarchal Replication

5/1/2013 1:53:14 AM
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Although the master is quite good at handling a large number of slaves, there is a limit to how many slaves it can handle before the load becomes too high for comfort (a user mentioned 70 slaves as a practical limit for his purposes, but as you probably realize, this depends a lot on the application), and an unresponsive master is always a problem. In those cases, you can add an extra slave (or several) as a relay slave (or simply relay), whose only purpose is to lighten the load of replication on the master by taking care of a bunch of slaves. Using a relay in this manner is called hierarchal replication. Figure 1 illustrates a typical setup with a master, a relay, and several slaves connected to the relay.

Figure 1. Hierarchal topology with master, relay, and slaves

By default, the changes the slave receives from its master are not written to the binary log of the slave, so if SHOW BINLOG EVENTS is executed on the slave in the previous setup, you will not see any events in the binlog. The reason for this is that there is no point in wasting disk space by recording the changes: if there is a problem and, say, the slave crashes, you can always recover by cloning the master or another slave.

On the other hand, the relay server needs to keep a binary log to record all the changes, because the relay passes them on to other slaves. Unlike typical slaves, however, the relay doesn’t need to actually apply changes to a database of its own, because it doesn’t answer queries.

In short, a typical slave needs to apply changes to a database, but not to a binary log. A relay server needs to keep a binary log, but does not apply changes to a database.

To avoid writing changes to the database, it is necessary to keep tables around (so the statements can be executed), but the changes should just be thrown away. A storage engine named Blackhole was created for purposes just like this one. The Blackhole engine accepts all statements and always reports success in executing them, but any changes are just thrown away. A relay introduces an extra delay that can cause its slaves to lag further behind the master than slaves that are directly connected to the master. This lag should be balanced against the benefits of removing some load from the master, since managing a hierarchal setup is significantly more difficult than managing a simple setup.

1. Setting Up a Relay Server

Setting up a relay slave is quite easy, but we have to consider what to do with tables that are being created on the relay as well as what to do with tables that already exist on the relay when we change its role. Not keeping data in the databases will make processing events faster and reduce the lag for the slaves at the end of the replication process, since there is no data to be updated. To set up a relay slave, we thus have to:

  1. Configure the slave to forward any events executed by the slave thread by writing them to the binlog of the relay slave.

  2. Change the storage engine for all tables on the relay slave to use the BLACKHOLE storage engine to preserve space and improve performance.

  3. Ensure that any new tables added to the relay also use the BLACKHOLE engine.

Configuring the relay server to forward events executed by the slave thread is done by adding the log-slave-updates option to my.cnf, as demonstrated earlier.

To ensure all tables created on the relay slave are created with the BLACKHOLE engine, connect to the server and set the default storage engine:


The final task is to change the storage engine for all tables already on the relay slave to use BLACKHOLE. Do this using the ALTER TABLE statement to change the storage engine for each table on the server. Since the ALTER TABLE statements shouldn’t be written to the binary log (the last thing we want is for slaves to discard the changes they receive!), turn off the binary log temporarily while executing the ALTER TABLE statements. This is shown in Example 1.

Example 1. Changing the engine for all tables in database windy
relay> SHOW TABLES FROM windy;
| Tables_in_windy |
| user_data       |
| profile         |
45 row in set (0.15 sec)
relay> SET SQL_LOG_BIN = 0;
relay> ALTER TABLE user_data ENGINE = 'BLACKHOLE';
relay> SET SQL_BIN_LOG = 1;

This is all you need to turn a server into a relay server. The usual way you come to employ a relay is to start with a setup where all slaves attach directly to a master and discover after some time that it is necessary to introduce a relay slave. The reason is usually that the master has become too loaded, but there could be architectural reasons for making the change as well. So how do you handle that?

You can use what you learned in the previous sections and modify the existing deployment to introduce the new relay server by:

  1. Connecting the relay slave to the master and configuring it to act as a relay server

  2. Switching over the slaves one by one to the relay server

2. Adding a Relay in Python

Let’s turn to the task of developing support for administering relays by extending our library. Since we have a system for creating new roles and imbuing servers with those roles, let’s use that by defining a special role for the relay server. This is shown in Example 2.

Example 2. Role definition for relay
class Relay(role.Base):
    def __init__(self, master):

    def imbue(self, server):
        config = server.get_config()
        self._set_server_id(server, config)
        self._enable_binlog(server, config)
        config.set('mysqld', 'log-slave-updates' '1')
        server.sql("SET SQL_LOG_BIN = 0")
        for db in list of databases:
            for table in server.sql("SHOW TABLES FROM %s", (db)):
                server.sql("ALTER TABLE %s.%s ENGINE=BLACKHOLE", (db,table))
        server.sql("SET SQL_LOG_BIN = 1")					  
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