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SQL Server 2012 : Fault Tolerance - High Availability Features in SQL Server (part 2) - Replication, Database Mirroring

1/13/2014 8:38:51 PM
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Pros and Cons

One of the key advantages of log shipping is that you can have multiple secondary servers. Before SQL Server 2012 and AlwaysOn Availability Groups, there wasn’t an easy way to replicate across more than one secondary. The performance impact is relatively minor, because it’s only that of a database backup on the production server.

There are a few cons with transactional log shipping. Since we are shipping a single database, it does not include automatically all the server objects like SQL Server logins and SQL Server Agent jobs that may be related to the database being shipped. For applications that leverage multiple databases, this solution may not be the best in a failover situation. Also, there is no concept of automatic failover, since all we are really doing is creating some SQL Server Agent jobs to do a database backup, file copy, and database restore.

3. Replication

When the scope of the data that we want to replicate is almost the size of the database, we use features like log shipping or database mirroring to ensure we have two or more copies of the data. If what you are looking for is a subset of the data to be replicated, you could use one of the three types of replication: snapshot, merge, and transactional. In a high availability scenario, we could replicate only those tables and objects that are absolutely necessary for our applications to work. Replication usually isn’t the main solution for high availability, but it is important to have a basic understanding of this technology as it is widely used for other scenarios.

In a replication solution, there are three common components: a publisher, a distributor, and a subscriber. A publisher is the source of the replicated data, and it defines one or more publications. Each publication contains one or more articles. These articles define which particular data and objects such as stored procedures, views, and user-defined functions should be replicated. A subscriber uses a subscription that either pushes or pulls the source data. The distributor is a database instances that keeps track of the subscriptions for various publishers. In some cases, the subscriber gets its data directly from the publisher, and in other configurations, it gets its data from the distributor. In the case of a local distributor, a single distributor can act as both the publisher and the distributor. This is a common configuration. If the distributor is on a separate database server instances, it is known as a remote distributor.

Snapshot Replication

Snapshot replication is used when refreshing the entire dataset is easier than replicating portions of it. Consider the scenario where we have an online product catalog. The database that the web page uses to get the information might be getting this data from other database instance in the manufacturing group. Since the web pages will never update the product catalog, they can receive a fresh copy of the catalog when needed.

Snapshot replication is also used as an initial step in other forms of replication. Just as a full database backup is restored on the secondary before log shipping can begin, snapshot replication can be used as the initial dataset for transactional replication.

Merge Replication

Merge replication will send only the changes made to the data at scheduled intervals. Consider the scenario where we have sales people connecting to our corporate network periodically to update the Sales database. The orders that the sales people enter are unique, so updating these within the same database doesn’t lead to many conflicts. The new updates and inserts done by the sales people are merged in with the data created by the other sales people. If a conflict does occur, there are ways to detect and resolve conflicts automatically.

Transactional Replication

Out of the three core replication topologies, transactional replication is the most popular one to implement from a high-availability standpoint. Transactional replication replicates data from the publisher to the subscriber each time a transaction completes at the publisher.

images Note If you consider transactional replication as part of your high availability story, it is important to note that there is no automatic failover of clients using any replication topology.  Setup and troubleshooting of replication is more difficult than other technologies like database mirroring.

4. Database Mirroring

Database mirroring takes the concept of log shipping and builds it inside the SQL Server engine. Instead of periodically packaging up the transaction log and sending it to a secondary server, database mirroring opens a connection to the remote server and sends the transactions themselves. Since it’s built within the SQL Server engine, database mirroring can perform synchronous two-phase commits with a secondary server. Database mirroring also supports automatic failover via passing a failover partner parameter in the connection string.

Motivation and Benefits

Database mirroring resolves some of the downfalls of log shipping. The idea behind log shipping is to periodically send the transaction log out to secondary servers, so those servers have an exact copy of the primary database. Given the transaction log backup time—the time it takes to copy the log file to the secondary server and restore the backup on the secondary server—you can imagine that there is no way for us to have an exact replica on the secondary. This is one of the downfalls of log shipping; it is not possible to guarantee a transactionally consistent secondary server. In addition, it is not possible to perform an automatic failover. Upon a failure of the primary, someone would have to tell the secondary that it’s now the primary. In addition, applications that connect to a primary server will have to know where the secondary server is and reconnect the application to that secondary. It is out of these deficiencies with log shipping that database mirroring was born.

images Note Database mirroring, similar to log shipping, provides protection at the database-level instance. The database that is the source of the mirror is the called the principal. The destination of the mirror is called the mirror. Together, this setup is called the database mirroring session. With database mirroring, you can only have one mirror in the database mirroring session.  This is one of the more significant limitations of database mirroring. Some DBAs use log shipping when they want more than one remote copy of the.

Modes of Operation

Database mirroring has two modes of operation: high safety and high performance. You can think of high-safety mode as a synchronous mode and high-safety mode as asynchronous. In high-safety mode, transactions are committed on both the principal and mirrored servers, which decreases the overall performance but ensures that you will always have two copies of the same data. In high-performance mode, the mirror database makes the best effort to keep up with the transactions sent from the primary. There can be a lag in this configuration. However, the performance improvements with asynchronous communication will most likely outweigh the risk of the small data loss in the event of a total failure.

There is another mode of operation that is a variation of high-safety called high safety with automatic failover. This configuration is the same as high safety, except that there is another separate SQL Server instance called the witness server. The witness server’s job is to know if the principal database is offline. It will issue an automatic failover if it can not connect to the primary and it has a connection to the mirrored database. The SQL Server instance that is the witness server does not have to be dedicated. You can easily leverage an existing SQL Server instance for this role.

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