Second Normal Form (2NF)
The second normal form ensures that
each attribute describes the entity. It's a dependency issue. Does the
attribute depend on, or describe, the item identified by the primary
If the entity's primary key is a single value,
this isn't too difficult. Composite primary keys can sometimes get into
trouble with the second normal form if the attributes aren't dependent
on every attribute in the primary key. If an attribute depends on one
of the primary key attributes but not the other that is a partial
dependency, which violates the second normal form.
For example, assume a database contains the table
RegionalOfficeStore, whose primary key was a composite key including
RegionalOfficeID and StoreID. Adding the regional phone number to the
data model would violate the second normal form, as shown in Table 3.
Because the primary key (PK) is a composite of both RegionalOffice and
Store, and that the phone number is a permanent phone number for the
regional office, a phone number isn't assigned for each store.
Table 3 Violating the Second Normal Form
Southeast |
Store One |
828-555-1212 |
Southeast |
Store Two |
828-555-1212 |
North |
Store Three |
828-555-1213 |
North |
Store Four |
828-555-1213 |
Northwest |
Store Five |
828-555-1214 |
Northwest |
Store Six |
828-555-1215 |
The problem with this design is that the phone number is an attribute of the regional office but not the store, so the PhoneNumber attribute is only partially dependent on the entity's primary key.
An obvious practical problem with this design is
that updating the phone number requires either updating multiple tuples
or risking having two phone numbers for the same phone.
The solution is to remove the partially dependent
attribute from the entity with the composite keys, and create an entity
with a unique primary key for the store as shown in Table 4. This new entity is then an appropriate location for the dependent attribute.
Table 4 Conforming to the Second Normal Form
The PhoneNumber
attribute is now fully dependent on the entity's primary key. Each
phone number is stored in only one location, and no partial
dependencies exist.