Final audio is not an especially well-known brand in Europe,
but has been a prolific producer of high-end equipment in its native Japan. It
has now turned its attention to the earphone market with a complete range of
products. The Heaven IV you see here is hardly inexpensive at $273.48 but in
terms of the Final range – which goes up into four figures – it is paddling in
the shallow end.

Final Audio Design
Heaven IV earphones
The Final uses one balanced armature per enclosure, which is
contained in a well-finished metal tube. The most intriguing part of the
enclosure is the end that Final describes as a “BAM vent port without an actual
vent.” Quite how that works isn’t described, but it certainly adds a touch of
Zen to proceedings. Build is superb and the finishing touch is a striking metal
carry case that while a bit bulky is a class above the competition. A
reasonable choice of buds is supplied and the comfort and isolation are good.
The flat cable is reasonably tangle resistant, but when it does not up it does
so with a vengeance.

The Heaven IV you
see here is hardly inexpensive at $273.48 but in terms of the Final range
The Final countdown
The Final is impressively sensitive for an armature design
and shouldn’t prove challenging for most devices you are likely to connect it
to. Having done so, the benefits of using an armature are readily apparent. The
Heaven IV is fast, open and has genuinely impressive tonality that always sounds
believable. There is also a commendable sense of scale to the performance as
well, and the Final does a good job of generating a believable soundstage,
which is something that headphones pushed into the ear canal can often struggle
to do. The isolation from the outside world is generally very good, although
interestingly, the Final doesn’t seem as dependent as some other in-ear
monitors on a perfect seal for good bass response.

The most
intriguing part of the enclosure is the end that Final describes as a “BAM vent
port without an actual vent.”
There is no shortage of competition for earphones at this
price, but the Final is a seriously capable new arrival that has extremely
impressive performance, excellent build and some welcome design touches that cumulatively
means that if you are looking for a set of in-ear monitors at the price point,
you need to check the Heaven IV out.
Price: $273.5
Our verdict: 5/5
Type: In Ear
Driver Type: Custom made balanced armature
Frequency Response: 112 dB
Impedance: 16 Ohms
Cable Length: 1.2m
Connector: 1/4 Jack
Weight: 32g