So just how many ways are there to clean a stylus? We look\
at four different solutions to the problem
Mains Cables R Us Stylus Cleaning Putty
Price: $8.04
One of the best ways of removing dirt from a stylus is to
use something that the dust and dirt will adhere to, in preference to the
stylus. This turquoise-colored putty is essentially similar to a product used
by jewelers to clean watch parts and diamonds. It is completely non-corrosive
and there are no fluids to damage the bond between diamond and cantilever.

Mains Cables R Us
Stylus Cleaning Putty
My preferred method is to carefully lower the stylus tip
into a piece of the putty and then lift it off again. The dirt stays on the
putty and when it gets too dirty, you simply trim the surface with a razor
blade to expose a fresh area. I also find that inserting a toothpick into the
side of the putty helps to hold it steady during use. The putty can be
conveniently stored in a small plastic sealable pot or bag to keep it fresh
and, stored in this way, it should last for many years.
The cleaning putty really does an excellent job and,
following use, inspection of the stylus tip with a magnifying glass reveals a
perfectly clean and pristine diamond at the end of my cantilever. I tend to
clean my stylus after every four sides of playing, but obviously it will depend
on just how dirty your records are to start with.
Verdict: 5/5
Simple to use and excellent at doing the job, the putty will
last for many years and is ultimately the best value.
Vinyl Passion Dust Buster
Price: $30.6
This passion dust buster a specially formulated polymer into
which the stylus is lowered. On lifting the stylus back out, any dust is
removed. The maker claims that the Dust Buster will increase the life of your
stylus by up to 1,000 hours and that it took some three years to develop the
oil polymer hybrid used in the Dust Buster, which involves a specially
developed UV bonding process.

Vinyl Passion Dust
The Dust Buster is supplied in a small pot fitted with a
screw lid and it can be kept conveniently on the side of the turntable so that
it is always available and ready for use. To test the cleaner, I play a few
records without using any form of cleaning device to ensure a nice fluff ball
has accumulated on the stylus. I then place the pot of Dust Buster on the
platter and gently lower the stylus tip into the gel using the arm cuing lever.
As soon as it is sitting on the surface of the gel, I then lift it clear.
Careful inspection with a stylus microscope reveals that the stylus looks
pristine once again, showing that the cleaner has indeed done exactly what it
says it will.
Obviously, after a few dozen cleans, the surface of the Dust
Buster itself will get covered with dust and dirt. However, all you need to do
is to wash the Dust Buster under the tap, allow it to dry in the air and then
replace the lid on the container. This will keep it as good as new. The
manufacturer states that the Dust Buster has a service life of 12 months before
the cleaning properties slowly start to decline.
Verdict: 4.5/5
This cleaner should effectively double the life of your
stylus as well as reducing wear and tear on your records in the process