1. Hiding and Showing Objects
If you’re working with
several overlapping objects, sometimes it’s hard to work with one object
without the other ones getting in the way. You can use the Hide command on the Object menu to temporarily make objects on a page spread
invisible. When objects are hidden, they are not printed or exported,
and cannot be selected. When you want to show all the hidden objects on a
page, you can use the Show All On Spread command (New!) on the Object menu. When you save, close, and reopen your document, any hidden objects remain hidden until you show them.
Hide or Show Objects
- 1. Select the Selection tool on the Tools panel.

- 2. Select one or more objects to hide or hidden objects to be shown on the spread.
- 3. Click the Object menu, and then click Hide or Show All On Spread.

2. Creating Inline Objects
inline object is a shape or graphic that is pasted into a text frame.
The object is pasted into a text frame in the same way as a text. When
the object is placed in a text, you can adjust the object in the frame
by using the Direct Selection tool or move the object in the text frame
by using the Selection tool. You can also use any of the Text Wrap
command in the Text Wrap panel to wrap text around the object.
Create an Inline Object
- 1. Select the Selection tool on the Tools panel.

- 2. Select a text frame into which you want to paste a shape or graphic.
- 3. Click to place the insertion point in the text where you want to place the inline object by using the Type tool.
- 4. Click the Edit menu, and then click Paste.

- 5. To adjust the object in the frame, drag the object using the Direct Selection tool. To move the object in the text frame, drag the object by using the Selection tool.
Did You Know?
You can place an inline graphic object.
Click to place the insertion point where you want the inline graphic,
click the File menu, click Place, select the graphic file, and then
click Open.