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LINQ to SharePoint and SPMetal : Querying Data Using LINQ to SharePoint (part 1) - Query Limitations

12/2/2013 3:23:05 AM
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One of the primary functions of LINQ is querying data. In this section, we’ll dig a little deeper into how LINQ works before looking at how to retrieve data using LINQ to SharePoint.

1. Query Limitations

LINQ works by passing lambda expressions to extension methods that have been declared to extend the IEnumerable and IEnumerable<T> interfaces. By chaining together these extension methods, you can create complex queries, all with compile-time syntax checking and type-safe return values. Earlier we looked at LINQ to Objects as a simple starting point to discuss how LINQ works. In the case of LINQ to Objects, parsing queries is relatively straightforward since the objects are in memory and LINQ is simply being used as a shortcut for more traditional programming techniques. Ultimately, behind the scenes, LINQ to Objects simply expands the query into the more verbose code that we would have written in a non-LINQ world.

There is one major difference between LINQ to Objects and LINQ to SharePoint, however, and that is the location of the data being queried. For LINQ to SharePoint, the data exists not in memory—as is the case for LINQ to Objects—but in the SharePoint content database. Because of this, LINQ to SharePoint has to work a bit harder in parsing the LINQ queries. Rather than simply expanding the queries, the parser must convert them to a syntax that can be used to query the SharePoint content database directly. Since the SharePoint platform defines its own query language in the form of the XML dialect CAML, LINQ to SharePoint must translate all LINQ queries into CAML. These CAML queries can then be processed directly by the SharePoint platform. Once the results are returned, they are mapped onto strongly typed entity objects, which are then returned as the query results.

Expression Trees

It’s worthwhile for you to understand how this process works, because it has implications when it comes to creating more complex queries—as you’ll see later. To find out a bit more, let’s start with one of the extension methods that we’d commonly use in a LINQ query. If we examine the Where extension method in more detail, we find the following method signature:

public static IQueryable<TSource> Where<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource>
source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>\> predicate)

At first glance, you may think there’s too much information in this statement and decide to skip ahead a few paragraphs—but bear with me, because only one part of the signature is actually important for the purposes of this discussion.

The method accepts two parameters: the first being an IQueryable data source and the second being a generic Expression object of type Func. The Func object is a delegate that references the code that’s been entered as the lambda expression, and this is passed as a parameter to the Expression object. The Expression object, however, converts the lambda expression into an ExpressionTree. The ExpressionTree is where the magic that is LINQ takes place. By using expression trees, you can programmatically analyze lambda expressions. As a result, you can convert compiled expressions into something completely different by applying logic to the expression tree. By using this process, LINQ to SharePoint converts the lambda expressions that make up a query into valid CAML syntax that can then be directly executed against the content database. (As an aside, this is exactly the same way that LINQ to SQL works—the only difference is the target query syntax.)

All very interesting, you may be thinking, but why is this relevant? Well, here’s the thing: Many extension methods are defined for LINQ, they all have a default implementation in LINQ to Objects, and it’s down to the creator of a new LINQ provider to override them with a platform-specific implementation. However, CAML doesn’t support all the available extension methods. Some things in there simply can’t be translated into CAML. In other implementations such as LINQ to SQL, where a method can’t be implemented directly in SQL, the standard LINQ to Objects method is used, meaning that a portion of the query is performed using SQL, the results are then loaded into memory, and any remaining operations are performed using LINQ to Objects extension methods. Of course, this is all done behind the scenes and is completely transparent to the user.

The issue with LINQ to SharePoint is that CAML is a very limited language when compared to SQL, and as such a significant number of the standard LINQ operations are not possible. If such operations were left to revert to their default implementation in LINQ to Objects, significant performance issues could result due to the amount of in-memory processing that could be required. Without an in-depth understanding of how LINQ works, an uninitiated developer could easily create a LINQ query that, if executed concurrently by many users, could severely degrade system performance.

Inefficient Queries

At the time of writing, this problem has been highlighted by having the LINQ to SharePoint provider throw an error if an unimplemented extension method is used in a query. In previous versions, this behavior could be controlled by setting the AllowInefficientQueries flag on the DataContext object; however, the current version—at the time of writing, Beta 2—no longer allows this flag to be publically altered and therefore unimplemented expressions will not work with LINQ to SharePoint. This may change in future releases of the product.

The following extension methods are considered inefficient due to inability to convert to CAML and are therefore not implemented by LINQ to SharePoint:

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