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Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 : Mailbox management - Setting mailbox quotas

6/20/2014 3:58:45 AM
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Mailbox quotas vary enormously from deployment to deployment and should reflect the need users have for email to support their work. A factory worker might need a quota of only 50 MB to receive workplace notices and announcements, whereas an executive in an information-rich company could require a quota of 50 GB or more. In some respects, any discussion about setting mailbox quotas is often academic because administrators do not pay as much attention to this topic as they did in the past. This is for a few reasons.

Storage is much cheaper today than ever before. Therefore, it is has become feasible to provide large mailboxes on a very economical basis. As storage prices continue to drop, the tendency to contemplate larger mailbox sizes will also continue. Microsoft is looking at how servers and clients can manage 100-GB mailboxes, which is a huge amount of information when compared to the meager 25-MB mailboxes that were commonplace when Exchange 4.0 was launched in 1996.

Users expect that they will have large mailboxes at work, largely because consumer email systems continually increase the space they allow for free mailboxes. The question often asked is, if Gmail or can offer a huge amount of storage for email, why can’t my company’s email system do the same?

On a commercial level, the cloud-based versions of Exchange usually provide mailboxes of at least 25 GB, further confirming the user view that they should have the same storage available when at work. A proliferation of free storage repositories such as SkyDrive exist to offer users even more space.

A major engineering focus for Exchange over the last two versions has been how to enable users to keep as much information as possible in the Store rather than forcing users to keep moving data into PSTs, as they were forced to do in the past. Keeping everything in the Store is easier for users and makes it feasible for companies to operate a comprehensive compliance regime. Features such as archive mailboxes increase available storage even more, and retention policies allow unwanted information to be aged out and removed from mailboxes automatically.

Given the pressure for workers to be as productive as possible, it makes little sense to force users to spend time (sometimes on a daily basis) cleaning up mailboxes before they can process email. Time spent reviewing and deleting messages from a mailbox would be better spent dealing with more mission-critical business.

The result of these influences is that it is now common for administrators to set a reasonably large default quota and not worry too much more about the issue until users look for additional quota. Apart from letting administrators get on with more important work, the fact is that it takes even prolific users some time to fill a multi-gigabyte mailbox. Another approach often seen is that mailbox quota defaults are immediately set to higher values (usually 5 GB or higher) after a database is created so that any new mailbox created in the database receives a quota that should not need adjustment for a couple of years.

Even with these factors, the vast majority of users in large corporations probably still have a mailbox quota of less than 1 GB. The average mailbox size has been rising slowly. If you work for a company that still likes to exert some level of control over mailbox quotas, if only to calculate the storage requirements for databases with some degree of accuracy, you can set three mailbox properties that combine to control the quota available to the mailbox.

  • IssueWarningQuota. This value determines when Exchange starts to issue warning messages to the user that he is approaching his mailbox quota. Given that mailbox quotas vary so much, it is difficult to offer suggestions about how much short of when the user can no longer send mail this value should be set. Because you want users to be able to react to the warning they receive, it’s a good idea to set the value to allow several days to elapse before the shutters come down and the user cannot work. For example, if user mailboxes typically grow by 20 MB each day during the working week, setting the warning point at 100 MB before Exchange stops the user from sending any new messages allows the user up to a complete working week to take the necessary action to clean out her mailbox or request additional quota.

  • ProhibitSendQuota. This value determines when Exchange stops the user from sending any new messages. When users refer to their mailbox quota, they usually refer to this value because it marks the point when they have to take action before they can send email again.

  • ProhibitSendReceiveQuota. This value determines the point when Exchange refuses to accept new messages in the mailbox. Messages arriving past this point are returned to the originator with an error indicating that the target mailbox is full. Typically, this value is placed between 100 MB and 200 MB higher than the ProhibitSendQuota value to account for situations such as vacations, when users might inadvertently leave their mailboxes almost full. The buffer established by the difference between the ProhibitSendQuota and ProhibitSendReceiveQuota values allows the mailbox to continue to accept new messages until users return and can delete old items from their mailboxes and restore full operation.

Exchange sends messages to warn users of approaching quota thresholds or to tell them that they have exceeded their mailbox quota according to a schedule maintained in the QuotaNotificationSchedule property that is set on every mailbox database. You can see the schedule for a database by running a command like this:

Get-MailboxDatabase –Identity 'DB2' | Format-List Name, QuotaNotificationSchedule

When a new mailbox is created, it inherits its quota settings from those assigned to the database in which it is created. For example, any mailbox created in the database shown in Figure 1 that is not assigned an individual set of quotas begins receiving warning messages at 1.9 GB, stops being able to send new messages at 2 GB (the mailbox quota), and cannot receive any more new mail at 2.3 GB. These are the default values Exchange 2013 assigns to new mailbox databases.

A screen shot showing the Limits properties of a mailbox database. The default quotas mailboxes inherit from the database are displayed, such as the 2.3 GB prohibit send and receive quota.

Figure 1. Viewing the default storage quotas for a mailbox database

Mailboxes that use the quotas inherited from the database settings have their UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults property set to $False, whereas those that have individual quota settings have the property set to $True. It’s therefore easy to find out which mailboxes in a database have been assigned individual quotas with a command like this:

Get-Mailbox –Database DB2 | Where-Object {$_.UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults –eq $False} | Format-Table DisplayName, IssueWarningQuota, ProhibitSendQuota, ProhibitSendReceiveQuota

If the default mailbox quotas Exchange 2013 sets don’t work for your installation, you need to update the properties of mailbox databases to set whatever values you want to use. After updating the databases, you might need to review mailboxes that already exist in each database to determine whether their quotas need to be adjusted.

At any time after they are created, individual mailboxes can be assigned specific quotas to meet their business needs. To update quotas with EAC, select the mailbox, view its properties, choose Mailbox Usage, and click More to reveal the fields in which you can input the new quota settings (Figure 2). Click Customize The Settings For This Mailbox to make the three quota fields active. Note that EAC does not allow you to enter values using more than two decimal places.

A screen shot of the Mailbox Usage properties page for a mailbox, which is where you can customize the quota settings for the mailbox. In this case, the mailbox has been restricted to a total quota of 0.14 GB.

Figure 2. Setting quotas for an individual mailbox

You can also use the Set-Mailbox cmdlet to assign new quota values to mailboxes. For example:

Set-Mailbox –Identity 'Redmond, Tony' –UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $False –IssueWarningQuota 500MB –ProhibitSendQuota 520MB –ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 540MB

Quota values can be expressed in KB, MB, or GB. A one-line EMS command is a great way to set the same quota on a group of mailboxes. For example, you could set the same quota values for every mailbox in an OU:

Get-Mailbox –OrganizationalUnit ' Users' | Set-Mailbox
–UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $False –IssueWarningQuota 500MB
–ProhibitSendQuota 520MB –ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 540MB

You can use the same approach to assign quotas to every member of a distribution group. In this case, the command to give members of the IT department the quotas they deserve is:

Get-DistributionGroupMember –Identity 'IT Department' | Set-Mailbox
–UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $False –IssueWarningQuota 985MB
–ProhibitSendQuota 1GB –ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 1.1GB

To check that the right quotas are in place, you can do something like this:

Get-Mailbox –Identity 'Redmond, Tony' | Select *quota*

Exchange maintains several other quota settings for mailboxes. The RecoverableItemsQuota and RecoverableItemsWarningQuota settings are roughly equivalent to the ProhibitSendQuota and IssueWarningQuota settings except that they control the amount of data that a mailbox can store in the Recoverable Items folder. By default, Exchange 2013 allows 30 GB of recoverable data to be held in a mailbox. The RulesQuota setting limits the amount of rules data a mailbox can hold, and 64 KB is the default. The ArchiveQuota and ArchiveWarningQuota settings control how much information can be held in an associated personal archive if this feature is enabled. Exchange allows an unlimited quota for the archive, so in this case, the quota has been set back to a hard limit of 50 GB (still more than enough).

New quotas are not immediately effective because the Store first has to refresh the cached data it holds about mailbox settings. The cache is refreshed every two hours, so you could have to wait this long before the new quota settings are in place. You can update the Reread Logon Quotas Interval registry setting to force more frequent refreshes of this data at the expense of additional system overhead. (Refreshing the data every five minutes would definitely be a bad idea; every hour or so should be acceptable.) The DWORD value is set in seconds. (The default value is 7,200 seconds, or two hours.) This value depends on other values that control how often Exchange retrieves information from Active Directory. Another option is to restart the Information Store process to force a cache refresh. This approach is acceptable on a test server but probably not on a production server.


Estimating database size

From a planning perspective, it’s important to realize that the simple age-old calculation of

(number of mailboxes * quota) = database size on disk

is highly unlikely to be accurate. There are other factors to take into account to determine the likely size of a database.

  • A quota is a maximum value allowed to a mailbox. Unless the quota is very small, users will take some time to fill their quota. A 2-GB quota might take a user two years or more to fill.

  • Recoverable items require further space in the database. If you allow users to retain deleted items for 21 days, you’ll use up to 10 percent additional space. This storage is governed by a separate quota but is not charged to the user’s quota.

  • Personal archives will occupy further space if they are stored in the same database as their primary mailbox (even if they are not, primary mailboxes from one database will be stored alongside mailboxes in another).

  • White space will exist within the database. These are database pages that were previously used to store items that have been deleted and are available for reuse by Exchange to store new items and attachments. Exchange is very efficient at reusing deleted pages, but even so, the nature of email is that new items arrive on an ongoing basis, some of which are deleted and some of which are kept. The flow of creates and deletes within the database creates a churn of pages, so you can estimate that another 10 percent of mailbox sizes might be occupied by white space.

A better calculation is to estimate the maximum predicted size to which a database might grow to place the database on a disk that has sufficient space. By adding 20 percent to the previous calculation, you can size the database to be:

(number of mailboxes * quota) * 1.2 = database size on disk

Don’t forget to reserve some additional disk space to accommodate expected database growth over the next year or so and to account for temporary space required by activities such as mailbox moves or offline database maintenance.

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