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Sharepoint 2010 : SharePoint Events (part 1)

10/2/2013 1:53:47 AM
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Events are built into various places in SharePoint; for example, events are available on a list. Suppose that when an item is added into a list, you want to execute some code. Or maybe you want to execute some code right before the item is added so you can validate that item, and maybe even cancel the addition if it fails the validation. Could you also show a proper error message to the end user? Say, your item could not be added because "insert reason here"? Also, there could be events on objects other SharePoint list items. For instance, maybe you want to perform some action when a new subsite gets added into a site. All of these are good candidates for the implementation of events. And to satisfy this need, the SharePoint object model provides you with a rich event model infrastructure.

Events inside of .NET generally follow the "ed", "ing" design pattern. SharePoint does the same! Thus for instance, there is an ItemAdding event, and there is an ItemAdded event. As the name suggests, the ItemAdding event occurs right before the item has been added. This event is called synchronously, so you can set a property (e.Cancel = true) on a passed-in parameter in the event handler to cancel the addition. ItemAdded, however, occurs asynchronously right after an item has been added. Thus the user may see the data right before the event processing is complete. But if the computer's mood was better that day and it was quick in processing your post "ed" ItemAdded event, then the user may see half-cooked data. This is a problem, as you can tell, but it also has a new solution in SharePoint 2010, as you will see shortly. But before we go much further, let's write a very simple example of an event receiver and actions so we understand the basic concepts first.

I genuinely care about what everybody thinks about me (NOT!), so I intend to set up a SharePoint survey in which I will ask everyone what they think about me. To keep things simple, the survey will have only one question: "Is Sahil a good boy?". There are only two values as answers: "Yes" and "No". Now obviously the right answer is "Yes", so if users choose to answer "No", in the item added event receiver, I will change their answer to "Yes". Thus, first go ahead and create a new survey list, and call it "Sahil Feedback". If you created this list based on the survey list definition, immediately after creating the list, SharePoint will ask you to provide questions for the list. I'm going to add only one question: "Is Sahil a good boy?" of type "Choice", with possible values of "Yes" and "No". Yes is the default, and the user must provide a value (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Setting up the survey question

Click Finish to complete the definition of your survey. Now don't take the survey just yet because I'm going to use an event receiver to rig the survey so all answers are "Yes".

Pop open Visual Studio 2010 and create a project based on the empty SharePoint project template. Call this project EventReceivers and choose it to be a sandbox solution. In this project, add a new SharePoint item and choose to add an event receiver. When adding an event receiver, Visual Studio provides you with a dialog box asking what kind of event you want to create. They are many choices and some of them are new in SharePoint 2010, as shown in Figure 2. Go ahead and look around the kinds of events you can add as an event receiver. When you're done looking, choose to add a "List Item Events" event receiver added to the survey item and choose to handle the "an item was added" event.

Figure 2. Choosing the events

Choose to call this newly added event receiver Surveyrigger. Adding this new event receiver adds a class that contains the actual implementation of the EventReceiver. This class inherits from the SPItemEventReceiver base class. Similarly, a ListEventReceiver inherits from SPListeventReceiver, an Email Event Receiver inherits from SPEmailEventReceiver, a Web event receiver inherits from SPWebEventReceiver, and a List Workflow Events event receiver inherits from SPWorkflowEventReceiver base class. Each one of these base classes provides you with suitable methods targeted to the target object you can attach this EventReceiver to. For instance, the Surveyrigger that you just created has suitable overrides for ItemAdding/ItemAdded, ItemDeleting/ItemDeleted, and many others. When I created this EventReceiver, I chose the "An item was added" check box for an item was added. Thus a default implementation for ItemAdded has been created for me in surveyrigger.cs. Go ahead and change this implementation, as shown in Listing 1.

Example 1. The ItemAdded Implementation to Rig the Survey
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
SPListItem item = properties.ListItem;
string fieldName = "Is_x0020_Sahil_x0020_a_x0020_goo";
if (item[fieldName].ToString() == "No")
item[fieldName] = "Yes";

As you can tell from Listing 1, I'm getting a handle to the item that was just added to the list, and I'm checking to see whether the answer they provided was "No". If the answer they provided was "No", I'm changing the answer to "Yes".

So the logic of my survey EventReceiver is now complete. The next question over here is this: what list does this EventReceiver get attached to? Let's open the element.xml file. The current code for elements.xml should look like Listing 2.

Example 2. Unedited Code for elements.xml
<Receivers ListTemplateId="102">

Listing 2 shows the CAML syntax for attaching an EventReceiver. But as it stands right now, the EventReceiver is getting attached to every list with TemplateID 102, which means that every survey list in the entire site collection will get this EventReceiver attached with it. That is certainly not what I intend to do! In fact, with every individual event, I may want to tie it to a specific site or even a specific web. Why not even a specific list? In the Receivers element, you can choose to specify three additional attributes:

  • Scope = Web, or Site: Allows you to restrict the event receiver to the whole site collection or just an individual SPWeb.

  • RootWebOnly: Allows you to specify that this event receiver is attached to lists with matching template IDs only on the root web of the site collection.

  • ListUrl: Allows you to attach this event receiver to a specific list, which is what we would like to do. Also, because you are being so specific about the specific list you wish to attach this event receiver to, you will also need to delete the ListTemplateID attribute. Thus, go ahead and modify the Receivers element, as shown following:

    <Receivers ListUrl="/Lists/Sahil%20Feedback/">

With your project complete, now go ahead and build and deploy this solution to your SharePoint site. Then visit the "Sahil Feedback" survey and respond to it. When asked "Is Sahil a good boy?", answer "No". Note that even though you answered "No", your answer was changed to "Yes" by the EventReceiver. You can choose to run the code in debug mode to verify that it was indeed the EventReceiver that is changing your answer for you.

So apparently my rigged survey is now working. This is good, but there's one big problem. The ItemAdded event handler executes after the item has been added. In other words, between the item being added and the event handler changing the user's response, the user is given control back on the page. Thus there is a finite probability that the EventReceiver will not execute fast enough, and the users might see the original response (although hitting Refresh will show them that changed response). This is obviously less than ideal. Is it possible that I can execute the item added EventReceiver synchronously instead of asynchronously? In other words, my post('ed) EventReceiver finishes execution, before the user's page is refreshed. This was not possible in SharePoint 2007 with post events (events that end in 'ed). But it is possible with SharePoint 2010 using post-synchronous event receivers. Let's enhance this example to see it in action, but first let's look at the various other SharePoint 2010 improvements in the event model.

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