3. Reviewing the Import Status
The import will run in the background after it has been
initiated. You can continue to use Microsoft Dynamics CRM during this
time. The process can take a minute to several minutes, depending on
the size of the import file.
You will want to review the results of the import to ensure that
all records have been imported as expected and, if necessary,
troubleshoot import-related errors. Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides a
tool that lets you easily obtain this information without leaving the
familiar application interface.
After your import is completed, you can view its status in the
Imports view, which is available in the Workplace area.
Each import is displayed as a separate record in the Imports grid, and
if you double-click a record, you can view the details of that import
job. Each import record shows important information, such as the name
of the user who submitted the import, the date and time the import was
submitted, and the import file name and file size. Additionally, you
can view the records that were created during the import process and
examine the errors for records that failed to import.
The ability to view failures for each import allows you to
easily identify issues with your import file so that you can update it
and re-import the records that did not get created during the import
process. Each error row displays the following information.
Any row that succeeds in the import process (and consequently
does not show up in the Failures list) will be imported into
Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Do not assume that no records were imported
because a single row failed.
An import file can fail for several reasons. Each
specific row in the Failures list can have a different error;
therefore, you might need to diagnose more than one issue before
attempting to re-import.
In the Workplace area, click
Look at the Status Reason
value for the import.
The Status Reason will be set to either Parsing,
Transforming, Importing, or Completed. If the Status Reason is not
Completed, return at a later time.
Review the Successes, Partial
Failures, Errors, and Total
Processed values.
You should see that 39 rows have completed successfully and
one row has errors.
Double-click the record to display additional
In the entity navigation pane, click Failures.
The record that failed in the import process is
You can attempt to diagnose the error based on the message
and data provided in the error row. You know that the issue is
related to the 36th row in the import file, and the error
description states that the text entered exceeds the maximum
length. You can also see that the contact being imported was
George Sullivan.
Locate and open the import file.
Find the text row with George
Sullivan. Notice that the value in the Zip column is erroneous. Update the ZIP
Code to 60463.
Delete the other (non-error) rows in the file.
Do not delete the first row. The first row contains the
column headers from the file.
Click Save As, save the file
as ContactImport1_Update.csv to a familiar
location on your computer, and then close the Excel file.
The next step is to attempt to import the file.
In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, on the File menu, click Tools, and then click Import Data to launch the Import Data Wizard.
Click Browse, locate the
ContactImport1_Update.csv file, and
then click Next.
On the Review File Upload
Summary page, click Next.
On the Select Data Map page,
in the Customized Data Maps list,
select Contact Import Example, and
then click Next.
On the next page, in the Microsoft
Dynamics CRM Record Types
list, select Contact, and then
click Next.
On the Map Fields page, click
Click Next on the Review Mapping Summary page.
Leave the default options on the Review Settings and Import Data page, and
click Submit.
Your error row should now be imported successfully.