AX uses a localizable text resource file, the label file, to provide
messages to the user and for user interface text, Help text in the
status bar, captions, and so on. You can use labels to specify the user
interface text in Web User Controls and for the AOT Web node element properties. You can add labels by setting the Label property in the AOT or by using X++ code.
When you use data-bound controls such as AxGridView or AxForm
for the user interface, the bound fields automatically pick the label
associated with the field in the AOT and render it in the user’s
language at run time.
If you want to show a label in your Web User Control for non-data-bound scenarios, use the AxLabel expression.
AxLabel is a
standard ASP.NET expression that looks up the labels defined in the AOT
and renders them in the user’s language when the page is rendered. To
add the AxLabel expression, you can use
the expression editor available in the design view of the User Control
by clicking the button that appears on the (Expressions) property. Alternatively, you can type the expression directly in the markup, like this.
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="ButtonChange" Text="<%$ AxLabel:@SYS70959 %>"
OnClick="ButtonChange_Click" />
You can also add labels through code using the Labels class, as shown here.
string s = Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal.UI.Labels.GetLabel("@SYS111587");
Enterprise Portal caches the labels for all 41
languages for better performance. So if you add or change a label in the
AOT, you need to clear the cache on the Enterprise Portal site by using
the Refresh AOD admin option.
Dynamics AX is a truly global product,
supporting multiple languages and used in many countries. Displaying
data in the correct format for each localized version is a critical
requirement for any global product. Through metadata, the Enterprise
Portal framework recognizes the user’s current locale and system
settings and automatically displays data in the correct format in the
data-bound controls.
If you’re not using data-bound controls and want
your unbound ASP.NET controls to be formatted just like Enterprise
Portal controls, you can leverage the AxValueFormatter class in the Enterprise Portal framework. This class implements ICustomFormatter and the IFormatProvider
interface and defines a method that supports custom, user-defined
formatting of an object’s value and provides a mechanism for retrieving
an object to control formatting. For the various data types, specific ValueFormatter classes derived from AxValueFormatter are implemented: AxStringValueFormatter, AxDateValueFormatter, AxDateTimeValueFormatter, AxTimeValueFormatter, AxRealValueFormatter, AxNumberValueFormatter, AxGuidValueFormatter, and AxEnumValueFormatter.
You use AxValueFormatterFactory to create AxValueFormatter
objects. You can create any of the preceding formatters, or you can
create a formatter based on an EDT in Dynamics AX. The data type for the
extended data is retrieved from the metadata object for the EDT, and
the culture information comes from the context. The various rules for
languages and countries, such as number formats, currency symbols, and
sort orders, are aggregated into a number of standard cultures. The
Enterprise Portal framework identifies the culture based on the user’s
language setting in Dynamics AX and makes this information available in
the context. Formatter objects have a Parse
method you can use to convert a string value back into the underlying
data type. For example, the following code formats the data based on a
given EDT.
private string ToEDTFormattedString(object data, string edtDataType)
ExtendedDataTypeMetadata edtType = MetadataCache.GetExtendedDataTypeMetadata(
ExtendedDataTypeMetadata.TypeNum(this.AxSession, edtDataType)
IAxContext context = AxContextHelper.FindIAxContext(this);
AxValueFormatter valueFormatter = AxValueFormatterFactory.
CreateFormatter(this.AxSession, edtType, context.CultureInfo);
return valueFormatter.FormatValue(data);
You use ASP.NET validator controls to validate
user input on the server as well as (optionally) on the client
(browser). The Enterprise Portal framework has ASP.NET validators
specific to Dynamics AX: AxBaseValidator derives from BaseValidator, and AxValueFormatValidator derives from AxBaseValidator. Both are metadata driven and are used intrinsically by bound fields, but you can also use them in unbound scenarios.
ASP.NET validators are automatically validated when a postback that causes validation occurs. For example, an ASP.NET Button
control causes validation on the client and the server when clicked.
All validators registered on the page are validated. If any validator is
found to be invalid, the page becomes invalid, and Page.IsValid returns false.
The importance of Page.IsValid is best highlighted with an example. Let’s say you add an ASP.NET button in which some business logic is performed in OnClick before it is redirected. As mentioned, the button causes validation by default, so validators are executed before the OnClick event is fired. If you don’t check whether the page is valid in your OnClick, you will be redirected even though a validation error that requires the user’s attention occurs.
Enterprise Portal controls such as AxForm and AxGridView
won’t perform the requested action if validation fails and navigates
away from the page. The Dynamics AX validator controls automatically
write any validation errors to the Infolog.
Best Practices
When you’re using ASP.NET controls directly rather than using Enterprise Portal controls, as a best practice, make sure the Pages.IsValid
flag is checked before any actions, such as navigating away from the
current page, are completed. You want to do this because, in case any
errors occur, you want to keep the current page with Infolog displaying
the errors for the users so that they will notice them and take
corrective action. |
Error Handling
In Enterprise Portal, .NET Business Connector
(including proxies), the metadata, and the data layer all throw
exceptions in case of error conditions. The Enterprise Portal ASP.NET
controls automatically handle these exceptions, taking appropriate
actions and displaying the errors in Infolog.
Exceptions in Enterprise Portal are divided into three categories. These exception categories are defined in the enumeration AxExceptionCategory:
NonFatal The exception handling code should respond appropriately and allow the request to continue normally.
Indicates that an unrecoverable error has occurred in Enterprise
Portal. Enterprise Portal content will not display. Content not related
to Enterprise Portal should display as expected.
Indicates that a serious error, such as out of memory, has occurred and
the request must be aborted. Errors of this kind often cause an HTTP
error code 500.
If your code directly calls methods in data or
metadata layers from Enterprise Portal or with proxy class calling X++
methods, it must handle these exceptions. The following code shows how
to use AxControlExceptionHandler in the try-catch statement to handle exceptions.
// Code that may encounter exceptions goes here.
catch (System.Exception ex)
{ AxExceptionCategory exceptionCategory;
// Determine whether the exception can be handled.
if (AxControlExceptionHandler.TryHandleException(this, ex, out exceptionCategory)
== false)
// The exception was fatal and cannot be handled. Rethrow it.
if (exceptionCategory == AxExceptionCategory.NonFatal)
// Application code to properly respond to the exception goes here.
tries to handle Dynamics AX exceptions based on the three exception
categories just mentioned. It returns true if the exception is NonFatal.