Instead of retyping data in a table that you
have in another document, such as Microsoft Excel, you can import it
into a table in Dreamweaver. The tabular data needs to be saved in a
delimited text format with items separated by tabs, commas, colons, or
semicolons. If you want to use data from a table in Dreamweaver in
another document, you can export table data into a text file. When you
export a table, the entire table is exported. You cannot export parts of
a table. However, you can copy parts of a table and paste it into
another document.
Export Table Data
1. Open the Web page with the table you want to format.
2. Click to place the insertion point in any cell of the table.
3. Click the File menu, point to Export, and then click Table.
4. Specify the following options:

5. Click Export.
6. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file.
7. Enter a name for the file.
8. Click Save.
Import Tabular Data into a Table
1.Open the Web page with the table you want to use.
2. Click to place the insertion point in any cell of the table.
If you click in an existing table, you’ll create a nested table.
3. Click the File menu, point to Import, and then click Tabular Data.
4. Specify the following options:
- Data File. Enter the name of the file, or click Browse to select it.
- Delimiter. Specify the character used to separate items in the imported file. Select Other to enter a delimiter character.
- Table Width. Specifies the width of the table. Select Fit to Data to make each column wide enough to fit the data. Select Set to specify an exact width.
- Cell Padding. Specifies the number of pixels between a cell’s content and the cell boundaries.
- Cell Spacing. Specifies the number of pixels between adjacent table cells.
- Format Top Row. Specifies the formatting applied to the top row.
- Border. Specifies the width in pixels of the table’s border.
5. Click OK.
Dreamweaver creates a new table with the tabular data from the imported file.