Selecting, Moving, Aligning, and Sizing Form Objects
You must know several important tricks of the trade
for selecting, moving, aligning, and sizing form objects. These tips
will save you hours of frustration and wasted time.
Selecting Form Objects
The manner easiest to choose a simple object on a form is to click it on. After you chose the object, you can move it, classify it, or change any of its properties. The selection of the multiple objects is a little more delicate, but you can achieve it several manners. The various methods are more effective in various situations.
It’s important to understand which objects you’ve actually selected. Figure 2
shows a form with four selected objects. The ID text box, the Company
label, and the Address label and Address text box are all selected;
however, the Customer ID label and CompanyName text box aren’t
selected. If you look closely at the figure, you can see that the
selected objects are completely surrounded by selection handles. The ID
label and Company text box each has just a single selection handle
because each is attached to an object that is selected. If you changed
any properties of the selected objects, the ID label and Company text
box would be unaffected.
One way to select multiple objects is to hold down
the Shift key and click each object you want to select. Access
surrounds each selected object with selection handles, indicating that
you have selected it.
You can also select objects by lassoing them.
Objects to be lassoed must be adjacent to one another on the form. To
lasso objects, you place the mouse pointer on a blank area of the form
(that is, not over any objects) and then click and drag the mouse
pointer around the objects you want to select. You can see a thin line
around the objects the mouse pointer is encircling. When you let go of
the mouse button, any objects that were within the lasso, including
those only partially surrounded, are selected. If you want to deselect
any of the selected objects to exclude them, you hold down the Shift
key and click the objects you want to deselect.
of my favorite ways to select multiple objects is to use the horizontal
and vertical rulers that appear at the edges of the Form Design window.
You click and drag within the ruler, and as you do this, two horizontal
lines appear, indicating which objects are selected. As you click and
drag across the horizontal ruler, two vertical lines appear, indicating
the selection area. When you let go of the mouse button, any objects
within the lines are selected. As with the process of lassoing, to
remove any objects from the selection, you hold down the Shift key and
click the objects you want to deselect.
You can use the Ctrl+A keystroke combination to
select all controls on a form. After you have selected them, you can
move them, size them, or change any of their other properties as a unit.