8. Deleting Groups with DSRm
DSRm can be used to delete a group or any other Active Directory
object. The basic syntax of DSRm is:
dsrm ObjectDN ... [-subtree [-exclude]] [-noprompt] [-c]
The object is specified by its distinguished name in the
ObjectDN parameter. You are prompted to confirm
the deletion of each object unless you specify the
-noprompt parameter. The -c
parameter puts DSRm into continuous operation mode, in which errors
are reported, but the command keeps processing additional objects.
Without the -c switch, processing halts on the first error.
The -subtree parameter causes DSRm to
delete the object and all child objects. The
-subtree -exclude option
deletes all child objects, but not the object itself.
To delete the Public Relations group, type:
dsrm "CN=Public Relations,OU=Marketing,DC=contoso,DC=com"
You can also delete a group in the Active Directory Users And
Computers snap-in by right-clicking the group and choosing the Delete
When you delete a group, you are removing a point of
management in your organization. Be certain that you have evaluated
the environment to verify that no permissions or other resources
rely on the group. Deleting a group is a serious action with
potentially significant consequences. When you delete a group, you
remove its SID. Re-creating the group with the same name does not
restore permissions, because the new group’s SID is different from
that of the original group.
It is recommended that, before you delete a group, you record
its membership and remove all members for a period of time to
determine whether the members lose access to any resources. If
anything goes wrong, simply re-add the members. If the test
succeeds, delete the group.
9. Managing Groups with Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell makes it easy to manage groups. The following cmdlets work with Active Directory
group objects:
New-ADGroup Creates a group. -
Remove-ADGroup Deletes a group. -
Get-ADGroup Retrieves an object reference to a group. -
Set-ADGroup Configures properties of a group. -
Add-ADGroupMember Adds a member to a group. -
Remove-ADGroupMember Removes a member from a group. -
Get-ADGroupMember Enumerates the members of a group. The
-recursive parameter enumerates members of
nested groups.
Practice Automating the Creation and Management of
Practice Automating the Creation and Management of
In this practice, you use DS commands, CSVDE, LDIFDE, and
Windows PowerShell to perform group management tasks. Before
performing the exercises in this practice, you need to create the
following objects in the contoso.com domain:
A first-level OU named Groups -
A first-level OU named User Accounts -
User objects in the User Accounts OU for Linda Mitchell,
Scott Mitchell, Jeff Ford, Mike Fitzmaurice, Mike Danseglio,
April Stewart, and Tony Krijnen
In addition, delete any groups with the
following names: Finance, Accounting.
EXERCISE 1 Manage Groups with Windows
In this exercise, you use Windows PowerShell to create a
Log on to SERVER01 as Administrator. -
Open Active Directory Module For Windows PowerShell.
Type the following command on one line:
New-ADGroup -Path "OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com" -Name "PowerShell Experts"
-sAMAccountName "PowerShell Experts" -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -
Open the Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in.
Select the Groups OU and confirm that the PowerShell
Experts group was created. -
Switch to Windows PowerShell. Type the following command
on one line:
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "PowerShell Experts"
-Members "CN=Mike Danseglio,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com" -
Type the following command:
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "PowerShell Experts" -
Type the following command:
Get-Command *ADGroup*
EXERCISE 2 Create a Group with
In this exercise, you use DSAdd to create a group. DSAdd can
create a group, and even populate its membership, with a single
Type the following command on one line. Then press
dsadd group "CN=Finance,OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com" -samid Finance -secgrp
yes -scope g -
Open the Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in
and confirm that the group was created successfully. If the
Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in was open prior to
performing step 2, refresh the view.
EXERCISE 3 Import Groups with
Open Notepad and type the following two lines. Note that
the second line is wrapped for readability in this
"CN=Linda Mitchell,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com;
CN=Scott Mitchell,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com" -
Save the file to your Documents folder with the name
“Importgroups.csv” (including
the quotes so that Notepad doesn’t add a .txt
extension). -
Open Command Prompt, and type the following
csvde -i -f "%userprofile%\documents\importgroups.csv" -
Switch to the Active Directory Users And Computers
snap-in, refresh the view of the Groups OU, and check to confirm that the group
was created successfully.
EXERCISE 4 Modify Group Membership
CSVDE cannot modify the membership of existing groups, but LDIFDE can. In this exercise, you use
LDIFDE to modify the group membership of the Accounting group you
imported in Exercise 3, “Import Groups with CSVDE.”
Open Notepad and type the following lines:
dn: CN=Accounting,OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com
changetype: modify
add: member
member: CN=April Stewart,OU=User Accounts,dc=contoso,dc=com
member: CN=Mike Fitzmaurice,OU=User Accounts,dc=contoso,dc=com
dn: CN= Accounting,OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com
changetype: modify
delete: member
member: CN=Linda Mitchell,OU=User Accounts,dc=contoso,dc=com
Be sure to include the dashes after each block and the
blank line between the two blocks. -
Save the file to your Documents folder as “MembershipChange.ldf” (including the
quotes so that Notepad doesn’t add a .txt extension). -
Switch to Command Prompt. -
Type the following command and press Enter:
ldifde -i -f "%userprofile%\documents\membershipchange.ldf" -
Using the Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in,
confirm that the membership of the Accounting group changed
according to the instructions of the LDIF file. It should now
include April Stewart, Mike Fitzmaurice, and Scott
EXERCISE 5 Modify Group Membership
with DSMod
In this exercise, you add a user and a group to the Finance
group, using the DSMod command.
Switch to Command Prompt. -
Type the following command on one line to change the
membership of the Finance group:
dsmod group "CN=Finance,OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com"
-addmbr "CN=Tony Krijnen,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com"
"CN=Accounting,OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com" -
In the Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in,
confirm that the membership of the Finance group consists of
Tony Krijnen and the Accounting group.
EXERCISE 6 Confirm Group Membership
with DSGet and Windows PowerShell
Evaluating effective group membership is difficult with the
Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in but easy with the
DSGet command in Windows PowerShell. In this exercise, you look at
both the full membership of a group and the group memberships of a
Switch to Command Prompt. -
List the direct members of the Accounting group by
typing the following command and then pressing Enter:
dsget group "CN=Accounting,OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com" -members -
List the direct members of the Finance group by typing
the following command and then pressing Enter:
dsget group "CN=Finance,OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com" -members -
List the full list of members of the Finance group by
typing the following command and then pressing Enter:
dsget group "CN=Finance,OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com" -members -expand -
List the direct group membership of Scott Mitchell by
typing the following command and then pressing Enter:
dsget user "CN=Scott Mitchell,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com" -memberof -
List the full group membership of Scott Mitchell by
typing the following command and then pressing Enter:
dsget user "CN=Scott Mitchell,OU=User Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com" -memberof
-expand -
Switch to Active Directory Module For Windows
PowerShell, type the following command, and then press
Get-ADGroupMember "Finance" -recursive | Select sAMAccountName
Select is an alias for the
Select-Object cmdlet, which takes the
objects in the pipeline and selects one or more properties of
the objects. Used here, it makes the output of the
Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet more readable.
Try it without the pipe and the Select
cmdlet to see the difference.