IT tutorials

Active Directory 2008 : Creating Computers and Joining the Domain (part 1) - The Computers Container and OUs

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Understanding Workgroups, Domains, and Trusts

In a workgroup, each system maintains an identity store of user and group accounts against which users can be authenticated and access can begin. The local identity store on each computer is called the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database. If a user logs on to a workgroup computer, the system authenticates the user against its local SAM database. If a user connects to another system, to access a file, for example, the user is re-authenticated against the identity store of the remote system. From a security perspective, a workgroup computer is, for all intents and purposes, a stand-alone system.

When a computer joins a domain, it delegates the task of authenticating users to the domain. Although the computer continues to maintain its SAM database to support local user and group accounts, user accounts are typically created in the central domain directory. When a user logs on to the computer with a domain account, the user is now authenticated by a domain controller rather than by the SAM. Said another way, the computer now trusts another authority to validate a user’s identity. Trust relationships are generally discussed in the context of two domains, but there is also a trust between each domain member computer and its domain that is established when the computer joins the domain.

Identifying Requirements for Joining a Computer to the Domain

To join a computer to an Active Directory domain, the following three requirements must be met:

  • A computer object must be created in the directory service.

  • You must have appropriate permissions to the computer object. The permissions allow you to join a computer with the same name as the object to the domain.

  • You must be a member of the local Administrators group on the computer to change its domain or workgroup membership.

The next sections examine each of these requirements.

The Computers Container and OUs

Before you create a computer object in the directory service—the first of the three requirements for joining a computer to the domain—you must have a place to put it.

The Default Computers Container

When you create a domain, the Computers container is created by default (CN=Computers,dc=company,dc=com). This container is not an organizational unit (OU); it is an object of class container. There are subtle but important differences between a container and an OU: You cannot create an OU within a container, so you cannot subdivide the Computers OU; and you cannot link a Group Policy object to a container. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you create custom OUs to host computer objects instead of using the Computers container.

OUs for Computers

Most organizations create at least two OUs for computer objects: one to host computer accounts for client computers—desktops, laptops, and other user systems—and another for servers. These two OUs are in addition to the Domain Controllers OU created by default during the installation of Active Directory. In each of these OUs, computer objects are created. There is no technical difference between a computer object in a clients OU and a computer object in a servers or domain controllers OU; computer objects are computer objects. But separate OUs are typically created to provide unique scopes of management so that you can delegate management of client objects to one team and management of server objects to another.

Your administrative model might necessitate further dividing your client and server OUs. Many organizations create sub-OUs beneath a server OU to collect and manage specific types of servers—for example, an OU for file and print servers and an OU for database servers. By doing so, the team of administrators for each type of server can be delegated permissions to manage computer objects in the appropriate OU. Similarly, geographically distributed organizations with local desktop support teams often divide a parent OU for clients into sub-OUs for each site. This approach allows each site’s support team to create computer objects in the site for client computers and join computers to the domain using those computer objects. This is an example only: What is most important is that your OU structure reflect your administrative model so that your OUs provide single points of management for the delegation of administration.

Figure 1 illustrates a typical OU design for an organization whose server administration teams are focused on specific types of servers and whose desktop support teams are focused on clients in specific geographical areas.

A common OU design illustrating site-based administration of clients and role-based administration of servers

Figure 1. A common OU design illustrating site-based administration of clients and role-based administration of servers

Additionally, separate OUs allow you to create different baseline configurations, using different Group Policy objects (GPOs) linked to the client and the server OUs. Group Policy,  lets you specify configuration for collections of computers by linking GPOs that contain configuration instructions to OUs. Organizations commonly separate clients into desktop and laptop OUs. GPOs specifying desktop or laptop configuration can then be linked to appropriate OUs.

If your organization has decentralized, site-based administration and wants to manage unique configurations for desktops and laptops, you face a design dilemma. Should you divide your clients OU based on administration and then subdivide desktops and laptops, or should you divide your clients OU into desktop and laptop OUs and then subdivide based on administration? The options are illustrated in Figure 2.

OU design options

Figure 2. OU design options

Because the primary design driver for Active Directory OUs is the efficient delegation of administration through the inheritance of access control lists (ACLs) on OUs, the design on the left is recommended.

Delegating Permission to Create Computers

By default, the Enterprise Admins, Domain Admins, Administrators, and Account Operators groups have permission to create computer objects in any new OU. However,  it is recommended that you tightly restrict membership in the first three groups and that you do not add administrators to the Account Operators group.

Instead, you should delegate the permission to create computer objects to appropriate administrators or support personnel. The permission required to create a computer object is Create Computer Objects. This permission, assigned to a group for an OU, allows members of the group to create computer objects in that OU. For example, you might allow your desktop support team to create computer objects in the clients OU and allow your file server administrators to create computer objects in the file servers OU.



At the end of this lesson, Exercise 3, “Delegate the Ability to Create Computer Objects,” steps you through the procedure required to delegate the creation of computer objects.

Prestaging a Computer Account

You can and should create a computer account in the correct OU before joining the computer to the domain. This process of pre-creating a computer account is called prestaging a computer.

After you have been given permission to create computer objects, you can do so by right-clicking the OU and choosing Computer from the New menu. The New Object – Computer dialog box, shown in Figure 3, appears.

The New Object – Computer dialog box

Figure 3. The New Object – Computer dialog box

Enter the computer name, following the naming convention of your enterprise, and select the user or group that will be allowed to join the computer to the domain with this account. The two computer names—Computer Name and Computer Name (Pre–Windows 2000)—should be the same: There is rarely, if ever, a justification for configuring them separately.



The permissions applied to the user or group you select in the New Object – Computer Wizard are more than are necessary simply to join a computer to the domain. The selected user or group is also given the ability to modify the computer object in other ways. For guidance regarding a least-privilege approach to delegating permission to join a computer to the domain, see Windows Administration Resource Kit: Productivity Solutions for IT Professionals by Dan Holme (Microsoft Press, 2008).

Prestaging a computer offers two major advantages:

  • The account is in the correct OU and is therefore delegated according to the security policy defined by the ACL of the OU.

  • The computer is within the scope of GPOs linked to the OU, before the computer joins the domain.

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