Multiserver management and groups
One of the more challenging management feats in past Windows
Server versions was managing both a local server and remote
servers—such as those in a branch office or virtualized—efficiently
from one console. Multiple server management is a highlight of Server Manager in
Server 2012.
To add other servers in the Server Manager dashboard, from the
“Configure this local server” link, click “Add other servers to
manage.” The Add Servers wizard displays, as shown in Figure 11.
You can add a computer by performing an Active Directory search,
through DNS by adding the server’s computer name or IP address, or by
importing a .txt file that
contains servers by name or IP address.
In Figure 12, a
remote Server 2012 virtual machine has been added through a DNS search
of the virtual server’s IP address. Once the server is discovered,
click the right-pointing arrow to add it to the Selected computer
list. Click OK.
Adding legacy servers to Server Manager
Legacy servers can also be managed with Server 2012’s Server Manager.
Server 2003, 2008, and 2008 R2 servers are added into the Server
Manager console in the same way as a Server 2012 machine. The older
operating systems don’t have all the same task options as Server 2012
in Server Manager, but this makes managing a mixed environment easier
by having a unified console.