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More Ways to Secure Windows Home Server (part 2) - Making Sure Windows Firewall Is Turned On, Disabling the Hidden Administrative Shares

9/15/2013 7:37:14 PM
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Making Sure Windows Firewall Is Turned On

Your Windows Home Server network probably connects to the Internet using a broadband—cable modem or DSL—service. This means that you have an always-on connection, so there’s a much greater chance that a malicious hacker could find your computer and have his way with it. You might think that with millions of people connected to the Internet at any given moment, there would be little chance of a “script kiddy” finding you in the herd. Unfortunately, one of the most common weapons in a black-hat hacker’s arsenal is a program that runs through millions of IP addresses automatically, looking for live connections. The fact that many cable systems and some DSL systems use IP addresses in a narrow range compounds the problem by making it easier to find always-on connections.

When a cracker finds your address, he has many avenues from which to access your computer. Specifically, your connection uses many different ports for sending and receiving data. For example, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) uses ports 20 and 21, web data and commands typically use port 80, email uses ports 25 and 110, the domain name system (DNS) uses port 53, remote connections to the network use ports 443 and 4125, and so on. In all, there are dozens of these ports, and every one is an opening through which a clever cracker can gain access to your computer.

As if that weren’t enough, attackers can check your system for the installation of some kind of Trojan horse or virus. (Malicious email attachments sometimes install these programs on your machine.) If the nefarious hacker finds one, he can effectively take control of your machine (turning it into a zombie computer) and either wreak havoc on its contents or use your computer to attack other systems.

Again, if you think your computer is too obscure or worthless for someone else to bother with, think again. Hackers with malicious intent probe a typical computer connected to the Internet for vulnerable ports or installed Trojan horses at least a few times every day. If you want to see just how vulnerable your computer is, several good sites on the Web can test your security:

The good news is that Windows Home Server comes with Windows Firewall. This program is a personal firewall that can lock down your ports and prevent unauthorized access to your machine. In effect, your computer becomes invisible to the Internet (although you can still surf the Web and work with email normally).

Windows Firewall is activated by default in Windows Home Server. However, it pays to be safe, so here are the steps to follow to ensure that it’s turned on:

Log on to Windows Home Server.

Select Start, Control Panel, Windows Firewall. Windows Home Server displays the Windows Firewall dialog box.

Click Turn Windows Firewall On or Off.

In the Home or Work (Private) Network Location Settings group, make sure the Turn On Windows Firewall option is activated, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. To ensure safe computing, make sure Windows Firewall is turned on.

Click OK.


Activating Windows Firewall on Windows Home Server only protects the server; it doesn’t do anything for the security of your client computers. Therefore, it’s a good idea to check your Windows 7, Vista, and XP machines to ensure that Windows Firewall is activated on each. (Note, however, that Windows Home Server lets you know if any Windows 7 or Vista machine has its firewall turned off.)

Disabling the Hidden Administrative Shares

By default, Windows Home Server sets up automatic administrative shares for the root folders of the C: and D: drives, as well as C:\Windows. These shares have a dollar sign ($) at the end of their names (C$, D$, and ADMIN$), so they’re hidden from the list of shares you see when you access \\SERVER. To see them, select Start, Command Prompt to open a command prompt session, type net share, and press Enter. You’ll see a listing similar to this:

Share name   Resource                        Remark

ADMIN$ C:\Windows Remote Admin
C$ C:\ Default share
D$ D:\ Default share
IPC$ Remote IPC
E$ E:\ Default share
F$ F:\ Default share
G$ G:\ Default share
Documents E:\ServerFolders\Documents Documents
Music E:\ServerFolders\Music Music
Pictures E:\ServerFolders\Pictures Pictures
Recorded TV E:\ServerFolders\Recorded TV Recorded TV
Videos E:\ServerFolders\Videos Videos

Although the C$ and ADMIN$ shares are otherwise hidden, they’re well known, and they represent a small security risk should an intruder get access to your system. To close this hole, you can force Windows Home Server to disable these shares. Here are the steps to follow:

Log on to Windows Home Server.

Select Start, type regedit, and then press Enter. Windows Home Server opens the Registry Editor.

Navigate to the following key:


Select Edit, New, DWORD (32-bit) Value.

Type AutoShareServer, and press Enter. (You can leave this setting with its default value of 0.)

Restart Windows Home Server to put the new setting into effect.

Once again, select Start, Command Prompt to open a command prompt session, type net share, and press Enter. The output now looks like this:

Share name   Resource                        Remark

IPC$ Remote IPC
Documents E:\ServerFolders\Documents Documents
Music E:\ServerFolders\Music Music
Pictures E:\ServerFolders\Pictures Pictures
Recorded TV E:\ServerFolders\Recorded TV Recorded TV
Videos E:\ServerFolders\Videos Videos


Some programs expect the administrative shares to be present, so disabling those shares may cause those programs to fail or generate error messages. If that happens, enable the shares by opening the Registry Editor and either deleting the AutoShareServer setting or changing its value to 1.

- More Ways to Secure Windows Home Server (part 1) - Renaming the Administrator Account, Hiding the Username in the Log On Dialog Box
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