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Windows 7 : Managing Programs and Processes - Getting to Know Task Manager, Choosing Task Manager Views

8/10/2013 5:55:20 PM
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1. Getting to Know Task Manager

Task Manager is a program that lets you view and manage running programs and processes, as well as view performance data for your computer and network. You can start Task Manager in several ways:

  • Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and click Start Task Manager.

  • Right-click the clock or an empty spot on the taskbar and choose Start Task Manager.

  • Click Start and enter taskmgr.

If a program is hung (frozen), right-clicking the taskbar might not work. But pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del might still work. If Ctrl+Alt+Del doesn't work to bring up the Task Manager and the computer is unresponsive, cycling power on the computer is generally the only way to get it going again.

Figure 1 shows the Task Manager. It behaves much like any program window. It has a button on the Windows taskbar when open. You can drag the program window around by its title bar. Size it by dragging any corner or edge. You can also configure it so it stays on the top of the stack of open windows so you can always see it. You can change that by choosing Options => Always On Top from its menu.

Figure 1. Task Manager in its normal view.

Figure 2. Task Manager mini-mode.

Regardless of how you start Task Manager, when it opens Task Manager displays whichever tab was open when it was last run.

Task Manager also has a mini-mode where the title bar, menu bar, and tabs are hidden, as in Figure 44-2. When you're in that mode, double-click the empty space inside the window border (such as to the left of the End Task button) to go to the normal mode. Double-click that same area, or to the right of the tabs, in the normal mode to go to mini-mode.

If you don't want Task Manager to show up on the Windows taskbar, click Options => Hide When Minimized.

2. Choosing Task Manager Views

You can view and use Task Manager in several ways. On the Options menu in the menu bar, you have the following options:

  • Always On Top: Choosing this option ensures that Task Manager is always on the top of the stack when it's open, so no other program windows can cover it.

  • Minimize On Use: If selected, this option just minimizes Task Manager whenever you choose the Switch To option to switch to another running program.

  • Hide When Minimized: Normally when you minimize Task Manager, only its taskbar button remains visible. Choosing this option also hides the taskbar button when you minimize Task Manager.

Whenever Task Manager is open, you'll see a small green square in the Notification area unless Task Manager is configured to show notifications only. Pointing to that icon displays the current CPU (processor) usage, as shown in Figure 3. When Task Manager is minimized, you can double-click that little square to bring Task Manager back onto the desktop.

If you prefer to have Task Manager show only notifications and remove it from the tray, click the Show Hidden Icons button on the tray and choose Customize. In the Notification Area Icons applet, find Windows Task Manager in the Icons list, choose Only Show Notifications from the drop-down list, and click OK.

On the View menu in Task Manager, you have the following choices:

  • Refresh Now: Causes Task Manager to refresh all of its data immediately, regardless of the Update Speed setting.

  • Update Speed: Task Manager needs to use some computer resources to keep itself up to date with what's happening in the system at the moment. The Update Speed option lets you choose how often Task Manager updates itself as follows:

    • High: Updates Task Manager twice per second.

    • Normal: Updates Task Manager every two seconds.

    • Low: Updates Task Manager every four seconds.

    • Paused: Updates Task Manager only when you choose View => Refresh Now.

      Figure 3. Task Manager notification icon.
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