IT tutorials

Windows Phone 8 : Databases and Storage (part 6) - Local Databases - Using an Existing Database, Schema Updates

8/15/2013 11:30:36 AM
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3.4 Using an Existing Database

Because the underlying database is SQL CE, you might want to use an existing database (.sdf file). To do this, you can simply add it to your phone project (as Content), as shown in Figure 1.


FIGURE 1 SQL Server CE database as content

By marking the database as Content, it will be deployed to the application data folder when your application is installed. Using an existing database means you will have to build your context and class files to match the existing database. Currently, there are no tools to build these classes for you.

When you have a database as part of your project, you can refer to it using the appdata moniker when setting up a context object, like so:

public class AppContext : DataContext
  public AppContext()
    : base("DataSource=appdata:/DB/LocalDB.sdf;File Mode=read only;")

  // ...

When you use a database directly in the application directory, the database can be accessed only for reading. That means you must include the “file mode” directive in the connection string as well to indicate that the database is read-only.

It is often preferable to use the database in the application directory as a template for your database. To do this, you must first copy the database to the local folder:

// Get a Stream of the database from the Application Directory
var dbUri = new Uri("/DB/LocalDB.sdf", UriKind.Relative);
using (var dbStream = Application.GetResourceStream(dbUri).Stream)
  // Open a file in the local folder for writing
  var folder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
  var file = await folder.CreateFileAsync("LocalDB.sdf",

  using (var stream = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())
    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
    int sizeRead;

    // Write the database out
    while ((sizeRead = dbStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
      file.Write(buffer, 0, sizeRead);

You can do this by simply copying the database from the application directory using Windows Phone’s Application class to get a stream that contains the database. Then just create a new file in isolated storage to save the database as a new file. If you copy the database, you can use your context class with the simple isostore moniker to read and write to the newly copied database.

3.5 Schema Updates

So, you’ve created your database-driven application, and now you’re ready to update it to a new version. But your users have been dutifully adding data to your database, and you have to change the database. What do you do?

The local database stack for the Windows Phone SDK can help you accomplish this. In the SDK is a DatabaseSchemaUpdater class that can take an existing database and make additive changes that are safe for the database. These include adding nullable columns, adding tables, adding associations, and adding indexes.

To get started, you must get an instance of the DatabaseSchemaUpdater class. You retrieve this using the DataContext class’s CreateDatabaseSchemaUpdater method:

using (AppContext ctx = new AppContext())
  // Grab the DatabaseSchemaUpdater
  var updater = ctx.CreateDatabaseSchemaUpdater();

This updater class enables you to not only make additive changes, but also handle a database version. This gives you a simple way to determine the update level of any database. The updater class supports a simple property called DatabaseSchemaVersion:

var version = updater.DatabaseSchemaVersion;

With the database version, you can make incremental updates:

// If specific version, then update
if (version == 0)
  // Some simple updates (Add stuff, no remove or migrate)
  updater.DatabaseSchemaVersion = 1;

The database version always starts at zero and can be changed to a specific database version using the updater. As is typical for a schema change, you would add any of the new columns, tables, indexes, or associations. You would then update the database schema version to ensure that this update can’t be executed a second time. Then, over time, you can test for more version blocks. For example, as your application receives more updates, the code might look like this:

// If specific version, then update
if (version == 0)
  // So simple updates (Add stuff, no remove or migrate)
  updater.DatabaseSchemaVersion = 1;
else if (version == 1)
  // So simple updates (Add stuff, no remove or migrate)
  updater.DatabaseSchemaVersion = 2;

You can see that, for the first update, the version was incremented. Then when the application matured, it added a new update. This is the central use for the database version.

The four updates that are supported are as follows:


When adding a table, the entire table is added (including all columns, associations, and indexes). This means that when you add a table, you do not need to enumerate all the columns, indexes, and associations specifically. Adding a column adds a specific new column. Any new columns must be nullable because there is no way to specify migration to non-nullable columns. Adding an index is based on the name of the index. Finally, an association is added and is based on the property that contains the Association attribute.

Complex Schema Changes

If you need to make schema changes that are too complex for the DatabaseSchemaUpdater class to accomplish, you will need to do the hard work of creating a new database as well as transferring and migrating the data manually. There is no shortcut for this work.

3.6 Database Security

Although you are the only person who will have access to the database contained in the application directory or in isolated storage, at times you might want to increase the security of the database by adding levels of security to the database itself.

The two main ways to secure your database are to add a password for access to the database and to enable encryption. When creating a Windows Phone application, you can do both of these at the same time. You can specify a password for the database directly in the connection string to the database. This is typically specified in the DataContext class:

public class AppContext : DataContext
  public AppContext()
    : base("DataSource=isostore:/Games.sdf;Password=P@ssw0rd!;")

  public Table<Game> Games;

  public Table<Publisher> Publishers;

When you specify a password before you create the database, the database is password-protected as well as encrypted. You cannot add a password or encryption after the database has been created. If you decide after your application has been deployed to add a password (and encryption), you must create a new database and migrate all your data manually.

- Windows Phone 8 : Databases and Storage (part 5) - Local Databases - Associations
- Windows Phone 8 : Databases and Storage (part 4) - Local Databases - Optimizing the Context Class
- Windows Phone 8 : Databases and Storage (part 3) - Local Databases - Getting Started
- Windows Phone 8 : Databases and Storage (part 2) - Storage - Serialization
- Windows Phone 8 : Databases and Storage (part 1) - Storage
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