IT tutorials

Windows Server 2008 : Understanding netsh, Understanding netsh Contexts

8/26/2013 11:42:07 AM
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1. Understanding netsh

The Net Shell (netsh) command is a rich command-line scripting tool that enables you to display and modify the network configuration of local and remote computers. You can run netsh commands from the netsh prompt, from the command prompt, or from a batch file.

For example, the following table shows different ways you can create a rule to open port 6789 on the firewall, and how to delete the rule.

Methods of Using netshComments
netsh advfirewall>firewall
netsh advfirewall firewall>add rule name
= "open port 6789" dir = in action =
allow protocol = tcp localport = 6789
netsh advfirewall firewall>delete rule
name = "open port 6789"
Deleted 1 rule(s).

You can enter the netsh shell and enter the commands. The benefit of doing it this way is that after you enter context, you can type help or ? to get a list of possible commands and contexts.

First, type netsh to access the shell. Next, enter advfirewall to enter the advfirewall context. You can then create the rule with the add rule statement.

You can delete rules using the delete rule statement and the name of the rule.
C:\>netsh advfirewall firewall add rule
name = "Open6789" dir = in action = allow
protocol = tcp localport = 6789
C:\>netsh advfirewall firewall delete
rule name = "Open6789"
Deleted 1 rule(s).

You can enter the entire line from the command line (or put it into a batch file). You are entering the same data but instead of entering it one command at a time to reach the netsh advfirewall firewall context, you enter all the data at the same time. Similarly, you can delete the rule with a single-line entry.

Figure 1 shows how these commands look when entered at the command prompt. When using the netsh command, you can see how the context changes as commands are entered.

Figure 1. Using netsh commands

2. Understanding netsh Contexts

The netsh command has multiple command contexts. Each time you enter a context, you have a different set of commands you can use. For example, if you are in the netsh interface context, the following commands are available to you.

netsh interface>? or helpDisplays a list of commands.
netsh interface>6to4Changes to the ‘netsh interface 6to4’ context.
netsh interface>ipv4Changes to the ‘netsh interface ipv4’ context.
netsh interface>ipv6Changes to the ‘netsh interface ipv6’ context.
netsh interface>tcpChanges to the ‘netsh interface tcp’ context.
netsh interface>teredoChanges to the ‘netsh interface teredo’ context.
netsh interface>httpstunnelChanges to the ‘netsh interface httpstunnel’ context.
netsh interface>portproxyChanges to the ‘netsh interface portproxy’ context.
netsh interface>setSets configuration information.
netsh interface>showDisplays information.
netsh interface>dumpDisplays a configuration script.

If you instead enter the advfirewall command, you have access to a different set of commands associated with the advfirewall context. You can view the available commands by entering help or ? at any context command.

Some of the contexts you might use with Windows Server 2008 are listed in the following table.

Interface (IPv4 and IPv6)
netsh>interface ipv4
netsh interface ipv4>
netsh>interface ipv6
netsh interface ipv6>

You can display and configure IPv4 and IPv6 information for network interfaces from the ipv4 and ipv6 shell contexts.
Windows firewall with advanced security
netsh advfirewall>show

You can use netsh advfirewall commands to work with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security. These commands help with the creation, administration, and monitoring of Windows Firewall and IPsec and can be useful when configuring Windows Firewall with Advanced Security settings to a large number of computers. You can embed the commands in a batch file to automate the configuration of the systems.
Windows firewall netsh>firewallThis command displays and configures firewall settings.


This context has been deprecated in favor of the advfirewall firewall context. It modifies only firewall rules for the domain and private profiles.

Wired local area network (lan)
netsh lan>show profiles

You can use the netsh local area network (lan) context to configure and manage 802.3 wired Ethernet connectivity. If you have computers that connect IEEE 802.1x servers for authentication, you can configure the security settings here. You can also display information about network adapter drivers, network profiles, and more. As an example, the show profiles command shows any existing wired profiles on the system.


This context needs the Wired AutoConfig Service (dot3svc) to be running.

Wireless Local Area Network (wlan)
netsh wlan>show profiles
netsh wlan>show alltt

You can use the netsh wireless local area network (wlan) context to configure and manage 802.11 wireless connectivity and security settings. Additionally, the netsh wlan commands can display information about 802.11 wireless adapter drivers, wireless network profiles, and more. As an example, the show profiles command shows a list of any existing profiles, wireless adapters, and networks.


This context needs the Wireless AutoConfig Service (wlansvc) to be running.

Windows Hypertext Transfer Protocol (winhttp)
netsh winhttp>show proxy

You can use the winhttp context to configure proxy and tracing settings for Windows HTTP. For example, if you want to view current proxy settings, you can use show proxy.


A result of “Direct access (no proxy server)” indicates a proxy server hasn’t been configured.

No matter which context you enter, you have several core commands available to you. Some of these commands are shown in the following table.

netsh winhttp>..

Moves the context up one level.
netsh>alias nic "local
area connection"

nic local area connection

Creates an alias that can be used within the netsh session. An alias is one string of characters that can take the place of another string of characters.

The example shows how to create an alias named nic to represent “local area connection”.

When entered by itself, it lists all known aliases just like show alias.
unalias alias-name
netsh>unalias nic

You can delete an existing alias with the unaliasnetsh. command. The alias is also deleted if you exit


The existing alias name must be entered with the exact case (uppercase and lowercase). In other words, unalias NIC does not work in this example.

bye, exit, or quit

Exits netsh.
netsh>dump > c:\data\

Displays all of the current netsh context configuration data. You can execute this from the command prompt to redirect the output to a text file. The text file can then be used to reconfigure the system with the exec command.
exec scriptfile
netsh>exec c:\data\

Executes a script file. This can be used to reconfigure a computer using the settings in the script file. You can create the script file with the dump command.
help or ?

Displays help. Help information includes commands that can be listed in any context and the current context.
set file [open | append
| close] file
netsh>set file open
netsh>set file append
netsh>set file close

Copies all data from the netsh session to a file. You can use the set file command to capture all the activity in your session. The open command creates a new file. appendclose command stops sending the data to the file. Note that you don’t enter the name of the file in the close command.
set machine
set machine [name
=] computer [user =
[pwd = ][Password | *]
netsh>set machine name
= dc1 user = pearson\
administrator pwd =
[dc1] netsh>

You can use the set machine command to connect to a remote system and perform the tasks on it. The default is the local system. For example, if you want to use netsh to administer a server named DC1 in the Pearson domain, you can use the Pearson\Administrator account with the administrator’s password (P@ssw0rd in the example). The prompt changes to include the remote computer’s name.
set mode [ online |
offline ]
netsh>set mode online
netsh>set mode offline

You can set the mode to online or offline. In online mode, netsh commands are run immediately after you type them and press Enter. In offline mode, netsh commands are saved and can be run with the commit command or aborted with the abort command.

The abort command discards any changes made in offline mode. It does not have any effect if executed in online mode.

The commit command commits any changes made in the offline mode. It does not have any effect in online mode.
netsh>show alias
netsh>show helper
netsh>show mode

You can view alias, helper, and mode information with the show command. Aliases aren’t created by default but many default helper DLLs are available by default to provide help in different contexts.
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