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Windows 7 : Email and Newsgroups with Windows Live Mail - Finding and Reading Newsgroups

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5/2/2013 1:47:00 AM
Usually, before you can read a newsgroup, you must first subscribe to it. A subscription simply means you’ve placed a bookmark of sorts in Windows Live Mail for that group, making it easy to return to and follow conversations whenever you are using Windows Live Mail.


If you don’t find a newsgroup that interests you, try a search at or another web source to see whether other groups not currently available on your news server exist. There is no such thing as a “complete” list of newsgroups, so a search of several different resources will yield the best results.

Before you can subscribe to a newsgroup, you must find one that piques your interest. Searching for a group in your downloaded list is fairly simple in Windows Live Mail . As you type a word in the Display Newsgroups That Contain field, the list of newsgroups shrinks. You can experiment by typing a keyword you are interested in and pausing after each keystroke.

Newsgroups are usually—but not always—named descriptively. 

Subscribing to Newsgroups

Windows Live Mail does not require you to subscribe to a group to view its contents. You can simply select a group from the list and click Go To to see messages posted to the group, but you might find it easier to manage the process by simply subscribing anyway. Subscribing to a newsgroup does not require any great level of commitment on your part because you can always unsubscribe with just two mouse clicks.

When you find a newsgroup you want to subscribe to, do the following:

Click once on the newsgroup name to select it, and then click the Subscribe button. You may also double-click the newsgroup to subscribe or unsubscribe. Try it. An icon will appear next to the subscribed group names, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. You can select a newsgroup and subscribe to it here. When you click Go To, this window automatically closes.

Click Go To at the bottom of the Newsgroup Subscriptions window. The window closes, and the 300 most recent posts are downloaded to your computer.

Actually, only the message headers are downloaded, and they appear listed in the window. The message contents are not downloaded until you choose to view a specific message.

Some Messages Are Unavailable After Synchronizing

If you synchronize a group but then find that some of the messages you click are unavailable, you should first check that the settings for the group are correct. If the group isn’t set to All Messages, and the Synchronize check box isn’t checked, this could easily explain the missing message bodies. Another possibility is that the message was removed from the host server sometime after the header list was distributed. It can take up to 72 hours after a message is physically removed before it disappears from the header list.

News servers only have so much disk space. To allow them to continually add incoming files to their lists, they must continually discard old files. If your server is missing a few articles, you may “ask” for a repost of the incomplete files, but while the poster is expected to service reasonable repost requests, there is no requirement to do so. Sometimes, a regular poster might not service repost requests at all, but will instead indicate an FTP, ICQ, or IRQ service where you can pick up missing files. And in many cases a repost request will be answered by a person who just happens to have downloaded the same file set and is willing to help support the group.

Finally, if you are doing everything right and your server is not gathering all the articles that were posted, consider informing your ISP’s support desk of the problem. It does not do any good to complain to everyone else in the newsgroup if you are not telling the few people who are actually paid to help you. Servers and the connecting routers are sensitive electronic equipment, and their only guarantee is that they will fail at some point. Help your ISP monitor the network.

If your server is poorly connected and misses a lot of articles, as stated previously, consider hiring a dedicated news service as a secondary server.

If you decide that you don’t want to remain subscribed to a group, unsubscribing is easy. Just right-click the group’s listing in the left pane and choose Unsubscribe from the context menu that appears. Alternatively, click the Newsgroups icon in the toolbar, choose the news server in question, and click the Subscribed tab. This will list all the groups you are subscribed to. Click a group, and then click Subscribe or Unsubscribe.

Reading and Posting Messages to a Newsgroup

When you first access a newsgroup, only the first 300 message headers are downloaded. You can download an additional 300 headers by clicking the Headers button in the toolbar.


Turn on and off the Preview pane by clicking View, Layout.

If you want to read a message, just click it and it will appear in the Preview pane. If you are not using the Preview pane, you can double-click a message to open it in a separate message window.

As you peruse the list of messages in the group, you need to understand the concept of discussion threads. A thread occurs when someone responds to a message. Others respond to the response, and this conversation becomes its own discussion thread. Messages that are part of a thread have an arrow next to them, and you can click this icon to expand a list of other messages in the thread. Figure 2 shows several expanded threads.

Figure 2. Threaded messages.

Which Messages Are New?

If you can’t tell which messages are new, open the Options dialog box by choosing Menus, Options. On the Read tab, place a check mark next to Mark All Messages As Read When Exiting a Newsgroup.

Posting messages to a newsgroup is simple. Perhaps the easiest way to post is to reply to an existing message. This process works much the same as replying to regular email, except that you must take extra care to ensure that your reply is going to the right place. Notice that the toolbar has a new button—the Reply Group button—as shown in Figure 2.


Information posted in newsgroups can be viewed by anyone, and we do mean anyone! Never post personal or sensitive information in a newsgroup.

Each reply button serves a unique purpose:

Reply GroupSends a reply back to the newsgroup itself
ReplySends a reply only to the original sender using the email address they set up their account with
ForwardForwards the message to a third party

One aspect to watch carefully is that messages you post to a newsgroup are relevant. If the newsgroup is moderated, someone reviews all posts and removes posts deemed inappropriate. Look for a newsgroup FAQ for more information on netiquette (Internet etiquette) and any rules that might apply to the groups you are subscribed to.


The default news message format is Plain Text. You should maintain this setting to ensure that your message can be read by other news readers.

Managing Messages

By default, Windows Live Mail is not configured to delete any messages from your newsgroups. If you would prefer that your newsgroups be cleaned up for you, you can set the option to delete messages from your computer and specify any number of days after you download them. Likewise, you can also set up Windows Live Mail to delete read messages every time you leave the group. You can review these settings by choosing Menus, Options. In the Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab, and then click the Maintenance button. The resulting Maintenance dialog box is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Review your message management settings here.

Message No Longer Available

If a message you read earlier appears to no longer be available, you may have configured Windows Live Mail to delete read messages a specific number of days after you have downloaded them. To change this option, click the Maintenance button on the Advanced tab of the Options dialog box to open the Maintenance dialog box shown in Figure 15.13.

If you want to maintain a record of the messages in your newsgroup, remove the check mark next to each Delete option. Messages remain in Windows Live Mail indefinitely if you deselect both of these options, but keep in mind that if the group has high traffic, these messages could eventually eat up a lot of disk space.

- Windows 7 : Email and Newsgroups with Windows Live Mail - Setting Up a Newsgroup Account in Windows Live Mail
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