IT tutorials
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BlackBerry Application Data Push : How the Application Data Push Process Works
If the mobile user is out of coverage, the data might still be delivered when the device reappears, as long as it is within certain defined time limits.The BlackBerry infrastructure queues requests for a limited amount of time and delivers them when the device returns to coverage.
Windows Phone 8 : Controls - Data Binding (part 4) - Control Templates
Although property-based styling is very powerful, it may not let you change the look of the controls in dramatic ways. That is where control templates come in. Every control has XAML that defines how a control is drawn. For example, the humble button uses this XAML to draw itself:
Windows Phone 8 : Controls - Data Binding (part 3) - Data Binding Errors
By design, data binding errors do not cause exceptions. This behavior is desirable because the source of a data binding may enter a valid and invalid state a lot during the life of your application.
Windows Phone 8 : Controls - Data Binding (part 2) - Improving Scrolling Performance, Binding Formatting, Converters
Data binding takes properties from objects and moves them into properties on controls. At times, the types of the properties will not match or will need some level of manipulation to work. That is where converters come in.
Windows Phone 8 : Controls - Data Binding (part 1) - Simple Data Binding, Using a DataTemplate
The Binding markup extension first takes a path to the property to be bound to and then a number of optional elements. As you can see in this example, the binding is pulling from a resource object called myData.
iPhone SDK 3 : Making Connections with GameKit and Bonjour - iPhone to iPhone Gaming Via BonjourHelper
Substituting BonjourHelper for GameKitHelper requires very few programming changes. It uses the same initialization steps, and the data delegate receives an identical set of callbacks.
iPhone SDK 3 : Making Connections with GameKit and Bonjour - Working Around Real-World GameKit Limitations
Although GameKit is built on Bonjour, it isn’t meant to provide the same kind of general use data transfer capabilities displayed in the previous two Bonjour-only recipes. GameKit Bluetooth prefers small data packets, preferably under 1,000 bytes each.
Android : Getting Fancy with Lists - Interactive Rows
Lists with pretty icons next to them are all fine and well. But, can we create ListView widgets whose rows contain interactive child widgets instead of just passive widgets like TextView and ImageView?
Android : Getting Fancy with Lists - Better. Stronger. Faster.
The getView() implementation shown in the FancyLists/DynamicEx project works, but it's inefficient. Every time the user scrolls, we have to create a bunch of new View objects to accommodate the newly shown rows. This is bad.
Windows Phone 7 : Designing the Game Framework (part 3) - The GameHost Class
The next framework class is the GameHost class. This class holds collections of various objects that we will want to use in our games, specifically Dictionary objects containing textures and fonts, and a List of the actual game objects.
Windows Phone 7 : Designing the Game Framework (part 2) - The TextObject Class
So we have a simple way of representing a sprite, but it would be very useful to have a corresponding mechanism for representing text. We achieve this by creating the TextObject class.
Windows Phone 7 : Designing the Game Framework (part 1) - The GameObjectBase Class, The SpriteObject Class
XNA's Game class already provides a flexible engine for initializing and driving the game. What it doesn't offer is any built-in mechanism for managing the game objects that we want to display and manipulate inside the game.
Windows Phone 7 : Getting Started with XNA - Other Graphics Options
In many instances users may prefer to have this available because it gives them a window into the phone: they can see their battery level, their signal reception level, and so on.
iPad : Your Calendar - Adding New Calendar Appointments, Events (part 2)
Some of your appointments happen every day, week, or month at the same time. If the appointment you are scheduling is a repeating or recurring appointment, just touch the Repeat tab and then select the correct option from the list.
iPad : Your Calendar - Adding New Calendar Appointments, Events (part 1)
Your instinct will most likely be to try to touch the screen at a particular time to set an appointment; unfortunately, this is not how setting appointments work.
Java ME on Symbian OS : Handling Diversity - Using Adaptive Code and Flexible Design to Handle Diversity
There is more than one way to handle those subtle differences. You could choose to apply a technical solution and write more adaptable code that produces satisfactory results on all the different devices. Alternatively, you could change the usage and design of the application. In some cases, you need to apply both techniques.
Java ME on Symbian OS : Handling Diversity - Detecting Diversity using Properties
System properties can be retrieved using the System.getProperty() method, which receives as a key the name of a system property and returns its value (or NULL if there is no property with that key).
BlackBerry Bold 9700 and 9650 Series : Email Set Up - Sync Google Contacts Using Email Setup
If you use Google for email and to manage your contacts, then you can set up a wireless sync for your Google Contacts. This is a great feature because you no longer need to connect your Bold with a sync cable to your computer to update contacts changes between your Bold and Google.
BlackBerry Bold 9700 and 9650 Series : Email Set Up - Maintaining Your Email Accounts
You may need to add, edit, or delete email accounts. You also might want to fine-tune your email signature (Sent from my BlackBerry) that gets attached to the bottom of each email you send from your Bold.
iPhone Programming : Other Native Platforms - MonoTouch
The MonoTouch platform from Novell allows you to build C#- and .NET-based applications on the iPhone and iPod touch. It comes in two editions: Professional and Enterprise.
iPhone Programming : Other Native Platforms - PhoneGap
If you’re a web developer who wants to build mobile applications in HTML and JavaScript while still taking advantage of the hardware features on the iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry devices, you may want to take a look at the PhoneGap platform.
Windows Phone 8 : Phone-Specific Controls (part 2) - Pivot Control
In addition to the Panorama control, there is another phone-specific control called a Pivot control. The Pivot control is also used to show multiple sections, but the Pivot control can handle a larger number of items than the Panorama control.
Windows Phone 8 : Phone-Specific Controls (part 1) - Panorama Control
The Panorama control creates a virtual canvas of several panels that the user can scroll into view as she wants. The Panorama control allows you to build these virtual canvases out of one or more panels. You can see an example of a panorama application in Figure 1.
BlackBerry Tablet Applications : Exploring the APIs - Busy Indicator
A new component has been added to provide feedback to users within your mobile application. There is no cursor to show busy status like in desktop development, so the BusyIndicator component was added specifically for this reason. Using this component is simple.
BlackBerry Tablet Applications : Exploring the APIs - Multi-Touch
One of the navigation methods unique to mobile devices is the ability to interact with an application via gestures on the device’s touch screen. Multi-touch is defined as the ability to simultaneously register three or more touch points on the device. Within Adobe AIR 2.6, there are two event classes used to listen for multi-touch events.
BlackBerry Tablet Applications : Exploring the APIs - Microphone
If your application requires the use of the device’s microphone, you'll need to select the record_audio and play_audio permissions when creating your project.
Android : Getting Fancy with Lists - Inflating Rows Ourselves
The preceding version of the DynamicDemo application works fine. However, sometimes ArrayAdapter cannot be used even to set up the basics of our row. For example, it is possible to have a ListView where the rows are materially different, such as category headers interspersed among regular rows.
Android : Getting Fancy with Lists - A Dynamic Presentation
The classic Android ListView is a plain list of text—solid but uninspiring. Basically, we hand the ListView a bunch of words in an array and tell Android to use a simple built-in layout for pouring those words into a list.
Android : Getting Fancy with Lists - Getting to First Base
The classic Android ListView is a plain list of text—solid but uninspiring. Basically, we hand the ListView a bunch of words in an array and tell Android to use a simple built-in layout for pouring those words into a list.
Windows Phone 7 : Getting Started with XNA - Displaying Text
Most games need to display text while they are running, providing everything from the player's score through to menus and game information pages. XNA provides a very easy-to-use mechanism for showing text on the screen, so let's see what it can do and how we use it.
Top 10
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Finding containers and lists in Visio (part 2) - Wireframes,Legends
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Finding containers and lists in Visio (part 1) - Swimlanes
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Formatting and sizing lists
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Adding shapes to lists
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Sizing containers
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Control Properties and Why to Use Them (part 3) - The Other Properties of a Control
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Control Properties and Why to Use Them (part 2) - The Data Properties of a Control
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Control Properties and Why to Use Them (part 1) - The Format Properties of a Control
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Form Properties and Why Should You Use Them - Working with the Properties Window
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Using the Organization Chart Wizard with new data
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- Is possible to just to use a wireless router to extend wireless access to wireless access points?
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- How do I populate a SQL Express table from Excel file?
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- Problem with Templated User Control
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