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LINQ to SharePoint and SPMetal : Querying Data Using LINQ to SharePoint (part 4) - Joining Tables Using LINQ

12/2/2013 3:25:29 AM
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Joining Tables Using LINQ

You may have noticed in the preceding code that the Join extension method is included in the list of inefficient extension methods and as such is not permitted within LINQ to SharePoint. However, this does not mean that retrieving related data isn’t possible, only that arbitrary joins are not supported. Where the relationship between two entities is defined by a lookup column, retrieving related data is permitted and in fact is actually achieved using a much simpler syntax than is required by the Join operator.

Simple Join

Let’s add a new button to enable us to execute a basic join query. Label the button Basic Join Query and in the event handler add the following code:

private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using(HireSampleDataContext dxRead = new HireSampleDataContext(SiteUrl.Text))
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

using (StringWriter logWriter = new StringWriter(sb))
//log the generated CAML query to a StringWriter
dxRead.Log = logWriter;

dxRead.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false;

var basicQuery = from a in dxRead.OnHireAssets
where a.ContractReference.ContractStartDate.Value
< DateTime.Now
orderby a.AssetTag,
select new

dataGridView1.DataSource = basicQuery.ToList();

//create a temporary file for the generated CAML
string fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "tmpCaml.xml");

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

//point the browser control to the temporary generated CAML file

From this code example, you can see that the join is performed by making use of the lookup field. Within the LINQ query, the lookup field is of the same type as the item to which it refers. In this case, the ContractReference lookup field is implemented as a property of type HireContract. This allows you to deal with entity objects within a logical hierarchy, ignoring the underlying data structure implementation. This is much simpler than the Join extension method syntax, which relies on your knowledge of the data structure to know which tables to join together and which fields to use for the join.

Complex Join

Using this syntax, you can join multiple lists together as long as appropriate lookup fields have been defined. To explore this, we’ll add another button, this time labeled Complex Join Query with the following code:

private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using(HireSampleDataContext dxRead = new HireSampleDataContext(SiteUrl.Text))

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

using (StringWriter logWriter = new StringWriter(sb))
//log the generated CAML query to a StringWriter
dxRead.Log = logWriter;

dxRead.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false;

var basicQuery = from n in dxRead.AssetNotes
where int.Parse(n.LocationCode.Substring(8))==2
&& n.AssetReference.ContractReference.ContractStartDate.Value
< DateTime.Now
orderby n.LocationCode,
select new

dataGridView1.DataSource = basicQuery.ToList();

//create a temporary file for the generated CAML
string fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "tmpCaml.xml");

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
//point the browser control to the temporary generated CAML file

In this sample, we’ve joined all three lists together and have also performed some string processing as part of the Where clause. You’ll notice from the generated CAML that the Location Code filter is not included in the query; that’s because the LINQ provider brings back the resulting rows and then programmatically applies the additional filter in memory before returning the results. Again, this can be done efficiently because only one CAML query is required, so the resource usage is minimal.
- LINQ to SharePoint and SPMetal : Querying Data Using LINQ to SharePoint (part 3) - Result Shaping Using LINQ
- LINQ to SharePoint and SPMetal : Querying Data Using LINQ to SharePoint (part 2) - Performing a Simple Query
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