2.2 Building a relying party
To test the IP/STS, you can add a new ASP.NET website project to the
current solution by clicking File | New Project in Visual Studio 2012,
and choosing an ASP.NET Empty Web Application project model. Next, you
need to configure identity federation using the Identity and Access
Tool. Right-click the web project in Visual Studio 2012 to access the
menu, then choose Identity And Access (see Figure 3).
The Identity and Access Tool prompts you to select whether you want
to federate your web app with a local development STS, which is
provided out of the box by the Identity and Access Tool; with Windows
Azure ACS; or with a business IP/STS like the one in the previous
section (see Figure 4).
the example, select the Use A Business Identity Provider option and
provide the URL of the FederationMetadata.xml file published by the
custom IP/STS. Click the OK button to configure your web application
according to your choices.
More Info
For further details about WIF, IP/STS, and the Identity and Access Tool, read Programming Windows Identity Foundation, by Vittorio Bertocci (Microsoft Press, 2010) or A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control: Authentication and Authorization for Services and the Web, by the Patterns & Practices team (Microsoft Press, 2013). You can also read Vittorio Bertocci’s blog, at http://www.cloudidentity.com/, and in particular the post
”A Refresh of the Identity and Access Tool for VS 2012,” from March 2013.
Take a closer look at the web.config file after the Identity and Access Tool modifies it. Two new configuration sections, system.identityModel and system.identityModel.services, were defined targeting the WIF 4.5 infrastructure. The standard ASP.NET authentication method was set to None, because authentication events will be intercepted by an HttpModule class of WIF called WSFederationAuthenticationModule, available in the System.IdentityModel.Services namespace. In addition, a module corresponding to the SessionAuthenticationModule
class was registered. This last module avoids repeating authentication
against the IP/STS for each request, storing the session security token
in a cookie stored securely and locally for the current web
application. An excerpt of the web.config file related to the WIF 4.5 sections shows the configuration of the system.identityModel and system.identityModel.services sections of the XML configuration file.
Highlighted in bold, the key points of this listing are:
The list of the audience URIs, which are the URLs that represent the relying party.
The list of trusted issuers, which are the token issuers that are
trusted by the current website. Each trusted issuer is identified by
the thumbprint of its certificate. It is important to update this value
when moving from a development environment, based on a test
certificate, to a production environment using a real certificate.
A wsFederation element,
which defines the configuration details of the WS-Federation protocol.
For example, through this element you can enable the passive requestor
profile, the URI of the token issuer, and the realm (that is, the web
address) of the relying party. Remember that the realm will be
evaluated by the STS to determine whether the current site (relying
party) has been authorized to request token issuing or not.
if you start browsing the site, you will be prompted for logging in to
the IP/STS before being able to access the relying-party site. To see
the real result, however, you need to add a Default.aspx page to the
relying-party web project and define a bunch of code for rendering the
claims. A code excerpt of the Page_Load event of the Default.aspx page of the relying-party web project provides a code excerpt of the Page_Load event of the Default.aspx page.
As you can see, the code simply defines a LINQ query against the collection of claims of the current ClaimsIdentity instance, corresponding to the currently authenticated user. The result of the LINQ query is bound to a GridView control defined in the ASPX markup of the Default.aspx page. Figure 5 shows the result after authenticating with a sample user (assuming you have properly configured users’ profiles).