IT tutorials

Windows Phone 8 : AudioPlayerAgent Sample (part 4) - Controlling Background Audio from Your Foreground App - Monitoring Playback Progress

3/1/2014 8:06:07 PM
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Monitoring Playback Progress

The viewmodel contains a Position property that reflects the progress of the current AudioTrack. Because the BackgroundAudioPlayer does not have facility to monitor the progress of a track directly, the viewmodel uses a Timer to periodically raise a property changed event for the Position property. The tick handler is shown in the following excerpt:

void HandleTimerTick(object state)
    if (player.PlayerState == PlayState.Playing)
        OnPropertyChanged(() => Position);

When a Position property change is detected in the view, it prompts a Slider control to reread the property. The Position get accessor calculates the position value, which is returned as a value between 0 and 1, as shown:

public double Position
        if (player.Track == null || player.Track.Duration.TotalSeconds < 1)
            return 0;
        double result = player.Position.TotalSeconds
                            / player.Track.Duration.TotalSeconds;
        return result;
        if (player.Track != null)
            double newSeconds = player.Track.Duration.TotalSeconds * value;
            TimeSpan newPosition = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(newSeconds);
            player.Position = newPosition;
        OnPropertyChanged(() => Position);

Raising a property changed event for the Position property causes the Slider, which is bound to the property, to be updated. The Slider is defined like so:

<Slider Value="{Binding Position, Mode=TwoWay}" Minimum="0" Maximum="1" />

Figure 3 shows the MainPage with the slider indicating the progress of the current track and the application bar icon buttons for controlling playback.


FIGURE 3 A user interface to control the BackgroundAudioPlayer from a foreground app.

Numerous possibilities exist for extending an app such as this. For example, it could be extended to include a view for the playlist or an image for the album art—the sky’s the limit!

- Windows Phone 8 : AudioPlayerAgent Sample (part 3) - Controlling Background Audio from Your Foreground App - MainPageViewModel
- Windows Phone 8 : AudioPlayerAgent Sample (part 2) - AudioPlayerAgent Virtual Methods
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