The Arc and Spiral tools make
it easy to create unique and interesting shapes. These tools draw
curved lines to create an individual arc or a Spiral wind. An arc
consists of an x and y axis length, open or closed path, arc direction
(known as the Base Along), arc slope, and arc fill (optional). A Spiral
consists of a radius from the center to the outermost point in the
Spiral, decay (the amount each wind decreases), number of segments for
the spiral, and Spiral style. Each full wind of a Spiral consists of
four segments.
Draw an Arc
- 1. Click the Arc tool on the Tools panel.
The pointer becomes a crosshair that you can drag on the artboard.
- 2. Select a Stroke color from the Colors area of the Tools panel.

- 3. Click and drag on the artboard, and then release the mouse when the arc is the length you need.

- 4. To create an arc with specific settings, click on the artboard where
you want the arc to begin, enter x and y lengths, specify type (open or
closed), arc direction (Base Along) and slope options, select the Fill Arc check box to fill the arc with the current fill color, and then click OK.

Draw a Spiral
- 1. Click the Spiral tool on the Tools panel.
The pointer becomes a crosshair that you can drag on the artboard.
- 2. Select a Stroke color from the Colors area of the Tools panel.

- 3. Click and drag on the artboard, and then release the mouse when the Spiral is the length you need.

- 4. To create a Spiral with specific settings, click on the artboard where
you want the Spiral to begin, enter a radius (distance) from the center
to the outermost point, decay percentage (amount of the wind decreases),
the number of segments, and style options, and then click OK.
