1. Preparing for publication
Before submitting your app to the Windows Phone Store for
certification and publication, you are strongly encouraged to prepare
for publication by using the Store Test Kit. This helps to ensure that
you have all the right pieces in place that are required for
publication and that your app is in a fit state for certification. The
Store Test Kit is available on the Project menu in Microsoft Visual
Studio (see Figure 1).
You must have your app solution open and the project (or any node under
the project) selected in Solution Explorer. You must also have built a
Release-build XAP before running the Store Test Kit; this mirrors the
real Windows Phone Store publication process for which a Release-build
XAP is required.
Store Test Kit uses rules and test cases that are periodically
synchronized with the rules and test cases used in the full Windows
Phone Store publication process. Upon startup, the Store Test Kit makes
a web service call to the Windows Phone Store to check for updated
rules or test cases, and if needed, it will prompt you to install the
updates if it finds any. There are four parts to the Store Test Kit:
Application Details
. This is where you provide a set of required and optional image files for the Windows Phone Store.
Automated Tests
. These tests validate your XAP and the size and type of image files you provided.
Application Analysis
. The Store Test Kit provides a link to run a monitoring session on your app.
Manual Tests
. You can use this tab to track your manual testing results against a set of test cases.
the Application Details tab, you specify the app tile and screenshot
images used in the Windows Phone Store. These must all be in PNG
format, without transparency, and with the sizes as noted in Table 1.
You must supply the Windows Phone Store tile and at least one
screenshot for each resolution your app supports (as defined in the app
manifest). You can also supply up to seven additional (optional)
Table 1. The Windows Store image requirements
Required size in pixels
Store tile |
300×300 |
Application screenshot WVGA |
480×800 |
Application screenshot 720p |
720×1280 |
Application screenshot WXGA |
768×1280 |
When you have completed the Application Details, you can run the
Automated Tests. These tests validate the static Windows Phone Store
requirements; that is, they validate the size of your XAP and any
additional content files, the app icon, tile images, and screenshots.
Your XAP package must contain the following:
A valid Windows Phone app manifest file, named WMAppManifest.xml. This must contain a Title attribute within the App element. The Title attribute must not be empty, and it must be the same as the title you subsequently specify during the final submission process.
For managed apps, a valid Microsoft .NET app manifest file, named AppManifest.xaml, and the assembly files as specified in the AppManifest.xaml file.
Support for at least one screen resolution.
The maximum size of the XAP package file is 225 MB for Windows Phone 7.1, and 1 GB for Windows Phone 8.
The Automated Tests tab also provides a button for running app analysis.When you reach the end of the cycle prior to publication,
you should run the monitoring feature of the tool one last time. This
feature examines your app as you run it and exercise its functionality.
Its focus is on app performance and quality. The tests look for certain
specific behaviors, including that your app starts up within the
published maximum required time (5 seconds to first screen, 20 seconds
to user interface (UI) responsiveness); the peak memory is within
published limits (90 MB); you handle all exceptions so that they do not
propagate out of your app; you do not interfere with the Back button
behavior in an unexpected way; and the battery consumption of your app
is within reasonable limits.
can run these tests either on the emulator or on a connected device;
however, not surprisingly, performance on the emulator is not a good
representation of physical device performance, so you should ultimately
run these tests on a device. In fact, you should ideally test on
several different devices, if you can, because there can be variability
in the user experience across different devices. You can also run the
tool on either a Release or Debug build, but again, for the purposes of
preparing for publication, you should run it on a Release build.
This is an opportunity to test your app thoroughly. You should
exercise all code paths, navigate to all pages, and perform all
operations that the user might perform. This especially includes
scenarios at the edges of your app’s control, such as the use of
Launchers and Choosers, the behavior when there’s an incoming phone
call or Short Message Service (SMS), fast app switching, and
tombstoning. Testing at this stage should be destructive; your aim is
to try to cause failures in the app so that you can catch them before
submitting to the Windows Phone Store. Each time you run the monitoring
tests, a fresh set of test results is persisted to hard disk in a
subfolder of your solution folder that is named with the current
date/time, making it easy for you to open any of them subsequently.
This is useful for historical comparisons and correlation with bug
fixes. Keep in mind that when the tool parses the logs, it requires a
Release build of your app for reference. If you run the monitoring tool
and subsequently delete the targets, you can always rebuild your app to
provide this reference when you later open the log.
The Manual Tests tab provides about 60 specific test cases, which
you are asked to work through manually. Each test case has a link to
the specific certification requirement on MSDN. The Store Test Kit does
not monitor these tests; rather, they are for your benefit to help
guide you through a comprehensive set of scenarios for which you should
be testing. These tests are designed to match the tests performed
during Windows Phone Store publication. Be aware that some of the tests
might not apply to your app (for example, your app might not make use
of game-specific or media-specific features, background audio,
background transfers, and so on). For tests that don’t apply, simply
leave them as pending. The aim here is to ensure that you test all
cases that do apply and that your app passes these tests. It is
obviously in your own interests to flag tests as failed until you fix
the cause of the failure. Thus, you should use the test kit here as a
bug-tracking tool, as demonstrated in Figure 2.
Visual Studio Update 2 includes unit testing support for Windows
Phone solutions. As of this writing, this is available in Community
Technology Preview (CTP) form. Check the Microsoft downloads site for
details regarding the latest release.
When you run
the test kit, it creates a folder named SubmissionInfo in your project
and then copies any Windows Phone Store image files you specified into
this folder. It also creates two XML files: Settings.xml (a simple list of the image files), and ManualTestResults.xml
(logs the results of all manual tests run for the app). After you have
added an image to the list in the Application Details tab, you can’t
remove it via the UI, although you can replace it with another image
(so long as the new image has a different name). Alternatively, you can
close the Test Kit, and edit the Settings.xml
file directly, or you can simply delete it altogether so that the Store
Test Kit can recreate it from scratch the next time you run it. When
you’ve completed all tests, you can also use the SubmissionInfo folder
as your source for images when you finally submit your app to the
Windows Phone Store.