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Introducing Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 : The motivation to upgrade

9/30/2013 8:00:23 PM
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The first point in a deployment project is to understand why you want to deploy Exchange 2013. Different circumstances dictate the ability and willingness of companies to proceed with the deployment of a new version of Exchange, including these common scenarios:
  • They might currently run a very early version of Exchange, including Exchange 5.5 (released in 1997 and still in use in limited circumstances today).

  • They might have declined to upgrade from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 because their current infrastructure met their needs. They might have wanted to avoid buying new hardware on which to deploy Exchange 2010 or did not want to grapple with understanding the new architecture, perhaps because of other priorities within their overall IT infrastructure.

  • They might want some compelling new feature that is available only in Exchange 2013. For example, companies that have standardized on Apple iOS mobile devices might consider the Outlook Web App for iOS apps a must-have capability. Companies that make extensive use of SharePoint might consider site mailboxes a way to maximize the investment they have made in Exchange and SharePoint.

  • They might run another mail system and now want to move to Exchange.

Some companies still operate very early Exchange Server versions. Exchange 2003 is a good example; it was deployed by many small companies that installed one or two servers to handle the load of a few hundred mailboxes. It’s possible that these companies didn’t see the need to move to a new release because the project involved complexity, effort, and expense that could be more usefully deployed elsewhere. Companies running Exchange 2003 now face the fact that the software has reached the end of its formal life cycle, and support will become increasingly difficult and expensive.

In the past, the only available option was to move to a newer version of the on-premises software, perhaps not to the cutting edge but certainly to a more modern version. An extra choice exists now because Office 365 is a good option for many companies that run earlier Exchange Server versions, especially if they will struggle to assign the appropriate IT resources to plan and deploy the new software, including all the attendant updates such as Active Directory, Windows, and third-party software. Companies that run Exchange 2003 servers face the need to move to Exchange 2007 or Exchange 2010 (the preferred option) first if they plan to upgrade to Exchange 2013 eventually, so Office 365 offers a way to avoid a potentially drawn-out and complex migration. This option also enables companies to access evergreen technology; that is, they don’t have to worry about upgrading software to be able to use new features because the hosting provider will plan and deploy upgrades as new software becomes available.

Moving to Office 365 also demands resources and might not be a simple switchover, especially if the company decides to operate a hybrid deployment, but it offers advantages in that many of the mundane IT operations required to keep servers running are relinquished to the hosting provider, including the responsibility for keeping software updated. The Office 365 alternative is discussed further in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Inside Out: Connectivity, Clients, and UM by Paul Robichaux.

1. Evolving from earlier versions of Exchange

Only two versions support direct migration to Exchange 2013. These are:

  • Exchange 2010. The minimum version required to operate with Exchange 2013 is Exchange 2010 SP3, updated with whichever update is current.

  • Exchange 2007. The minimum version required is Exchange 2007 SP3 RU10 (or later).

No version of Exchange 2003 can exist inside an organization that contains Exchange 2013 servers. Any Exchange 2003 servers must be upgraded to a supported version or removed from the organization before you can deploy Exchange 2013.

If you run Exchange 2007 today, there is less fear of the unknown elements of a new version because much of the Exchange 2013 architecture is at least recognizable in the context of Exchange 2007 and is therefore not as unfamiliar as it would be if all you know is Exchange 2003. Features that made their debut in Exchange 2007, such as continuous log replication, are in their third iteration. The features might be unrecognizable from what you know in Exchange 2007, but the basic concepts remain much the same. To bridge the knowledge gap, there’s a mass of published information from Microsoft and third parties covering topics from basic design approaches to Windows PowerShell code examples.

Companies that do not currently operate Exchange and want to migrate from another email system often have the easiest transition because they have already decided to move to Exchange, and the decision now is which version to deploy. Based on current support policies and previous practice, you can expect Microsoft to provide extended support for Exchange 2007 (assuming the latest update is deployed) until at least November 2017, so plenty of time is available to deploy and use what is now well-understood technology.

A move to a new version of Exchange is often combined with a deployment of the latest version of Microsoft Office on the desktop, largely because the latest version of Outlook is usually required to provide the necessary user interface components to expose some of the Exchange functionality. For example, it’s necessary to use Outlook 2010 alongside Exchange 2010 if you want users to see MailTips and retention tags. The same is true with Exchange 2013 because Outlook 2013 is required to see DLP prompts and to use site mailboxes.

2. Waiting for updates

All software projects have schedules. The imperative to ship products to customers means that some features are often incomplete or missing in the original, or released to manufacturing (RTM) software. For example, the version of Outlook Web App provided with Exchange 2010 RTM wasn’t as good as it should have been and was rewritten to deliver a much better user experience in Exchange 2010 SP1. The same is true of retention policies and tags, which functioned in Exchange 2010 RTM but were much improved in Exchange 2010 SP1.

Product schedules often include nontechnical components such as marketing that influence dates. In the case of Exchange 2013, the situation is further complicated because Exchange is only one of the server applications that form part of Office Wave 15, a term that describes the concurrent release of new versions of all the server and client applications within the Microsoft Office suite. On the server side, the applications include SharePoint 2013 and Lync 2013; on the client side, the applications include Outlook 2013 and Word 2013. Coordinating the release of such a broad range of applications while also watching other influences such as the release of new server and client operating systems (Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8) requires a huge amount of project management. In fact, it’s sometimes surprising that Microsoft manages to release a wave of products at one time.

Given that some compromises are likely to keep a product synchronized with the others in the Office suite, it’s not surprising that Exchange 2013 RTM had some failings. The core is solid, but some new features such as site mailboxes depend on other products (SharePoint 2013) or cannot be accessed by users unless new client applications are deployed, and inadequate time was available to gain experience with the migration techniques such as those designed to move older-style public folders to their modern counterparts.

The presence of some software bugs and lack of completeness does not mean that customers who put Exchange 2013 RTM into production gain no advantage. A flaw in one person’s eyes might be unimportant to another and, in fact, if you can deploy a complete Office 15 infrastructure, you probably would be very happy with the Exchange 2013–SharePoint 2013–Outlook 2013 combination.

However, most companies that have existing Exchange deployments have waited for Exchange 2013 updates to arrive. The updates are shipped in the form of cumulative updates (CU), similar in many respects to the roll-up updates used for previous versions. The difference is that roll-up updates largely concentrated on providing a set of bug fixes to update Exchange, whereas cumulative updates are really mini-service packs because each update is a complete version of Exchange that can be used to install the product onto a new server.

The anticipated advantages of not rushing to install new software and waiting for updates include:

  • Software feature completion. For example, the RTM version of Outlook Web App could not access public folders, a deficiency that was addressed in Exchange 2013 RTM CU1; other improvements have since been delivered in other updates.

  • Bug fixes and other improvements made since the RTM version shipped. Even though all parts of Exchange are extensively tested during development, including through production deployments by customers in the Technology Adoption Program (TAP), it’s inevitable that some flaws will be exposed only after the software is released.

  • Knowledge about deployment techniques. “Best practice” is a curious term. It purports to be the best way to do something, in this case to deploy and operate Exchange 2013. However, best practice evolves over time as knowledge of a product grows. It is therefore true that anyone who waits to deploy Exchange 2013 rather than using the RTM version will gain from the knowledge acquired since the RTM version was released.

  • Knowledge of migration. In particular for Exchange 2013, this is experience in how to migrate complex or large-scale deployments of traditional public folders to their modern equivalents.

  • Knowledge of the interaction between Exchange 2013 and other Office 2013 components, including SharePoint 2013, Lync 2013, and Outlook 2013

Largely for these reasons, it has become common practice to wait for the first updates to appear before seriously considering deployment of a new version of Exchange. You could make the point that even more benefit might be gained by waiting even longer. This is true only with respect to bug fixes because the product is now essentially feature-complete.

3. Fundamental questions before you upgrade

No matter what the situation is, companies have to answer some fundamental questions about why they want to deploy Exchange 2013 before they can proceed:

  • Will Exchange 2013 lead to a reduction in existing operational costs?

    • Consolidation might result in fewer servers, leading to cheaper support and administration costs.

    • Virtualization might reduce the number of physical servers that need to be deployed.

    • Cheaper just a bunch of disks (JBOD)-class storage might replace storage area network (SAN) technology.

    • Add-on software might be eliminated because the desired features are now included in Exchange 2013. For example, third-party data replication products can be replaced with native DAGs.

    • Other reasons might also exist.

  • What new costs will the company take on to move to Exchange 2013?

    • New hardware (servers, storage infrastructure) might be needed.

    • New or upgraded software licenses for Windows 2008 R2 SP1 or Windows 2012, Exchange 2013, and any associated products (third-party and Microsoft) or a backup product are required. To use specific functionality with Exchange (such as archive mailboxes), you might have to purchase enterprise CALs.

    • Now-discontinued products such as Threat Management Gateway (TMG) and Forefront Protection for Exchange (FPE) might need to be replaced. Some cloud-based alternatives are available, such as Exchange Online Protection (EOP), but in other instances, a replacement product must be sought. In the case of TMG, you have until April 2015 before Microsoft drops mainstream support for the product.

    • If you use load balancers, you might need to reconfigure these to accommodate the different affinity for inbound transactions that Exchange 2013 uses. At this stage, most vendors have well-documented recommendations about how to configure their equipment to work with Exchange 2013. It makes sense to ask your vendor for advice.

    • Client upgrades (Windows Phone and other mobile devices, Outlook 2013, and so on) need to be made. Outlook 2003 is no longer supported, so any devices running this release must be upgraded to run Outlook 2007 SP3 or Outlook 2010 SP1 (both running the November 2012 cumulative update or later). Outlook for Mac users should run Outlook for Mac 2011 updated with the latest update. Note that Outlook for Mac still lacks the functionality available to its Windows counterpart. This is largely due to missing features in Exchange Web Services, the protocol used by Outlook for Mac to connect to Exchange.

    • Training for administrators, help desk personnel, and users must be provided.

    • Consulting is advisable to help make the transition.

  • Apart from basic email functionality, which features in Exchange 2013 does the business need?

    • Will you use Unified Messaging (including integration with other Microsoft products such as Lync)?

    • Is better high availability required?

    • Will you use any of the compliance features, including archive mailboxes, discovery searches, or DLP rules?

  • What are the major roadblocks to deployment?

    • The need to upgrade other applications, including rewriting code that depends on now-unsupported application programming interfaces (APIs) such as Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) into code that uses Exchange Web Services could cause difficulty, including the need to train programmers to rewrite code.

    • There is also a need to test third-party applications that integrate with Exchange or wait for vendors to release new versions of their applications that are certified to work with Exchange 2013.

    • Outlook 2013 must be deployed to take full advantage of some of the features of Exchange 2013 such as site mailboxes.

  • Can you get the same functionality at the same or better price point elsewhere?

    • Exchange Online includes the option to deploy in a hybrid model by which some mailboxes are supported on classic on-premises servers (running Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2013) and some run in the cloud. You can also place archive mailboxes in the cloud while keeping their active counterparts on-premises. Moving to the cloud seems to be a simple decision, but considerable complexity lurks under the surface.

    • Microsoft is not the only hosting provider that offers Exchange 2013 as the basis for its email service. Many third-party hosting providers, some with many more years of experience than Microsoft in the field, offer a comparable service. These providers might charge a little extra per mailbox per month, but they base their offering on the assertion that they will provide a higher level of support and customized deployment compared to the service available for Office 365.

    • A different email platform might be selected, although this introduces additional work in terms of platform selection, clients, and migration.

After you understand the full context of your current situation and know what the motivation is to deploy Exchange 2013, you can proceed to the planning phase.

Building a business case

No business manager will write a blank check for an upgrade to a new version of any software product. The answers to the list of fundamental questions listed previously will provide good data to help justify the expense involved in the work and additional investment required to deploy Exchange 2013. However, it’s also worthwhile to examine some of the technical changes made in Exchange 2013 to discover whether these can deliver additional benefits for your company. Following are some of the major new features in Exchange 2013 to show how they might form the basis of a business case to support the upgrade. There is no guarantee that any of these features are of interest to you or that they support a case for deployment when placed in the context of your company.

Tighter integration with SharePoint and Lync

Exchange 2013 has a much tighter integration with SharePoint 2013 and Lync 2013, two of the other applications in the Office suite. These applications share a common search platform in the Search Foundation (previously known as FAST), so discovery searches can now be performed across SharePoint and Exchange. (Lync conversations have always been storable in Exchange mailboxes.)

The prospect of conducting searches that are more extensive makes compliance officers and lawyers happy. A better business case can be made from the introduction of site mailboxes because these enable much better collaborative document management than has been previously available. With Exchange 2010 and SharePoint 2010, information relating to projects is typically located in two places: mail messages and other items such as calendar meetings stored in the mailboxes of the project members and documents held on SharePoint sites. SharePoint provides facilities such as document versioning that are often used to create and revise project documentation.

Site mailboxes, which depend on Outlook 2013 to provide the necessary user interface, provide an overarching layer to combine the best of Exchange and SharePoint. Internally, a site mailbox is composed of an Exchange mailbox and a SharePoint site, but to the user, the two merge seamlessly so that items can be moved from one repository to the other.

Site mailboxes are still new, and best practice for their design, deployment, and management is still evolving. However, given that we live in a world where electronic documents are the foundation of business, it is reasonable to assume that better document management capabilities are important and that this feature might be valuable to one or more departments within a company.

Greater compliance

Exchange has been making its way gradually to becoming a platform that is capable of handling the most demanding of compliance requests. Beginning with features such as journaling and moving through transport rules and the introduction of Messaging Records Management (MRM), Exchange 2010 marked a major investment in compliance features with archive mailboxes, retention policies, litigation and retention hold, and multimailbox discovery searches.

Exchange 2013 builds on this foundation with the introduction of data loss prevention (DLP), intended to assist users in understanding and complying with organizational requirements concerning the transmission of sensitive data such as social security numbers and credit card information in email. You can think of DLP as specialized forms of transport rules that scan outbound messages for known patterns representing confidential data. DLP also builds on the MailTips functionality first seen in Exchange 2010 to generate its own informational messages for users who do not comply with policy.

Changes are also made in how administrators can place user mailboxes on hold. Exchange 2010 supports retention hold (for a specified period) and litigation hold (until released). Information cannot be removed from mailboxes when they are on hold. Exchange 2013 refines the set of holds that are possible to set on a mailbox to Indefinite (equivalent to litigation hold), Query (defines the type of information to hold), and Time-based (similar to retention hold except that the time is based on the received or creation date of the items). Items that meet the criteria for holds are retained in mailboxes until needed by eDiscovery searches, hence the name “in-place holds.”

Achieving compliance with regulatory or legal requirements is a major business focus today. Being able to achieve that compliance within the email system is critical because so much information flows through email. It’s hard to put an exact value on achieving compliance until you experience the costs involved when a company does not satisfy compliance standards, resulting in large legal and other bills. Selling better compliance for email to the business is usually possible, especially if you can replace a third-party add-on product at the same time.

Information Store improvements

The Information Store service is at the heart of Exchange. Simply put, without the Information Store, you would have no access to mailboxes. Compared to its equivalent from Exchange 2003, Exchange 2013 demonstrates just how far Microsoft has come in 10 years:

  • The Exchange 2013 Store has been rewritten using C# managed code to make it more efficient and reliable. One of the positive side effects of the rewrite is the elimination of a lot of older code that was present but no longer used because its intended function has been superseded by new developments. The new Store is referred to as the Managed Store to differentiate it from its predecessors.

  • The Managed Store is no longer a monolithic process by which a problem can affect every database on a server. Instead, the Managed Store is broken into a series of worker processes, one for each mounted database on a server, and a control process that orchestrates the overall operation of the Store.

  • Exchange 2010 introduced native data protection for the Store in the form of the DAG. Despite some initial bugs, the DAG has been very successful in Exchange 2010 deployments. Microsoft has enhanced the DAG with new features such as the ability to host multiple databases on a single disk, easier cross-datacenter transitions, more functionality for lagged database copies, and database autoreseed.

  • The Managed Store continues the work begun in Exchange 2007 to drive down the I/O requirements for databases to a point at which Microsoft claims a 99 percent reduction in I/O over Exchange 2003. It’s probable that such a reduction can be attained only when storage is very tightly managed. However, it’s true that Exchange 2013 is more efficient in terms of I/O than any of its predecessors, so it is possible to deploy Exchange 2013 on very inexpensive disks, providing that databases are protected with multiple copies (at least three) within a DAG.

Because data storage is often the largest single hardware cost for Exchange, these changes mean that Exchange 2013 can deliver better and more reliable performance on lower-cost storage. It is difficult to put an exact value on this benefit because you have to consider existing investment. For example, if your company is already heavily invested in SAN technology that provides storage to many applications, the company might be unwilling to invest in new storage solutions to host Exchange 2013 because it wants to derive a return from the existing investment. Deploying Exchange 2013 on a SAN is a more than acceptable solution, but in this case, you won’t gain any additional business advantage. 

Modern public folders

Some companies could not care less about public folders because they have never used public folders. Others, mainly those that have used Exchange for a considerable time, have very large public folder infrastructures that provide rudimentary sharing and collaboration facilities for users.

Up to now, public folders have always used separate databases from mailbox databases. They have had their own replication mechanism, designed to make data in public folders close (in network terms) to the end user by directing connections to replicas of public folders that are kept synchronized through replication. This scheme made perfect sense when networks were not as capable as they are today, and no one could contemplate having users in one part of the world connect to a remote server located in a data center a continent away to retrieve data.

Exchange 2010 introduced a new form of data replication for mailbox databases. Exchange 2013 now introduces modern public folders that use mailboxes as the basis for their storage and replication. This approach is sensible because it uses the investment Microsoft has made in keeping mailbox databases healthy and reliable through features such as single-page patching. However, the downside is that a migration must be planned to move an existing public folder hierarchy and all its public folders to the new structure. This is a one-time operation, so when it is done, there is no way back.

Companies that have invested in public folders and have much data stored in these folders will be relieved that Microsoft is finally providing a solution to an issue that has been lingering without resolution for a number of releases. Considering the value of the data that is often stored in public folders, it should be possible to make the transition part of a business case for the deployment of Exchange 2013. After you move the information into modern public folders, you might then consider whether site mailboxes are a better long-term solution for your company’s collaborative requirements.

Management interfaces

Management interfaces is an area that has been simplified in Exchange 2013. Exchange 2010 offers administrators the Exchange Management Console (EMC), the Exchange Control Panel (ECP), and the Exchange Management Shell (EMS); Exchange 2013 rationalizes the set into the EAC and EMS. Much has been written about the demise of EMC, but the loss of a Windows-based console some sixteen years after the original ADMIN.EXE shipped with Exchange 4.0 is not much of a loss because the console, although feature-rich, was also slow and, in some cases, unwieldy.

The introduction of EAC delivers another advantage in that a single administrative interface now operates across on-premises and cloud deployments. Yet another advantage is gained through the cross-browser capabilities of EAC, which enables Exchange to be managed from a wide range of mobile devices, including Apple iPads and Android-based tablets.

Rationalization also removes a dependency that existed within EMC on components maintained by other Microsoft engineering groups. EMC is based on the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) framework, so Exchange depends on the group that builds MMC to fix any problems found in that code. Given the interconnected nature of modern software engineering, in which shared code libraries and components are used extensively, it should come as no surprise to discover that MMC, in turn, has other dependencies. An MMC console is still used by Exchange 2013, but only for a small number of utilities that remain in the Exchange toolbox.

Internally, all the commands executed by EAC are run as Windows PowerShell cmdlets on the server that is being managed. The number of Windows PowerShell cmdlets available to manage Exchange 2013 RTM CU2 is 965, with nearly 200 new cmdlets introduced to deal with features such as site mailboxes and DLP policies. Windows PowerShell is the basis of automation for Windows-based servers, and automation means that a single administrator can become more productive by being able to manage more servers. It also means that operational processes are carried out reliably each time because they can be encapsulated in a Windows PowerShell script that can be executed across a set of servers at one time. True economic value can therefore be derived from automation, but the same value might be gained by using Windows PowerShell with Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010.

Apart from the potential represented by automation, putting a price on better management interfaces is difficult. Having one (EAC) interface rather than two (EMC and ECP) is good because it’s easier to train people to deal with one tool than with several. On the downside, EAC will take time for all to learn and master.

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