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PowerShell for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 : Special Operators

12/10/2013 2:19:16 AM
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Windows PowerShell includes special operators that you can use to perform tasks that cannot be performed by the other operators. Special operators in Windows PowerShell allow you to perform tasks such as dot-sourcing, creating arrays, and more. Table 1 lists the special operators that are available.
Table 1. Windows PowerShell Special Operators
..Range operatorIndicates a range of values; the first value in the range goes before the operator and the last value goes after it
&Call operatorRuns a command, script, or script block
.Dot-sourcing operatorRuns a script and includes the items, functions, and variables in the script to the current scope
::Static member operatorCalls the static properties operator and methods of a .NET Framework class
-fFormat operatorFormats strings by using the format method of string objects
$()Subexpression operatorReturns the result of an expression placed in a parenthetical list
@()Array subexpression operatorReturns one or more statements as an array
,Comma operatorAs a binary operator, creates an array; as a unary operator, creates an array with one member

The range operator (..) is used to retrieve a specified range from an array.

PS > $array = 1,2,3,4,5
PS > $array[0..2]

This example retrieves the elements with index 0 to 2.

The range operator also accepts negative ranges.

PS > $array[-1..-2]

The call operator (&) in Windows PowerShell is used to run commands, scripts, or script blocks. One thing to keep in mind is that the call operator does not interpret parameters. This example demonstrates how to run a command stored in a variable and represented by a string:

PS > $myCommand = "Get-SPWeb"
PS > & $myCommand -Identity http://SPServer01


Here, we use "Get-SPWeb" as the input string to the variable and specify the arguments when we call the variable.

You can also use the call operator to run script blocks. A script block can contain any amount of code and is defined by braces.

PS > & { 1 + 1 }

The dot-sourcing operator (.) is used to include variables and functions from a script to the current scope. This means that you can store functions and variables in a script and use the dot-source notation to quickly access the functions and variables contained in the script. Here is an example:

PS > $variableInScript
PS > . .\myScript.ps1
PS > $variableInScript
This variable is placed in the myScript.ps1 script

Here, we first try to call the variable $variableInScript. Since we have not created a variable called $variableInScript in our current session, the command does not return a value. Next, we dot-source our script, which contains the variable $variableInScript. When we call the variable a second time, a value is returned.

The static member operator (::) is used to call static methods and properties of a .NET Framework class. To find out static methods and properties of a class, use the Get-Member cmdlet with the Static switch parameter.

PS > [System.Math] | Get-Member -Static

Here are some examples of using the static member operator with the static methods and properties of the System.Math class:

  • Use the static method Pow() to return the specified number raised to the specified power:

    PS > [System.Math]::Pow(5,5)
  • Use Sqrt() to calculate the square root of 9:

    PS > [System.Math]::Sqrt(9)
  • Call the static property PI, which represents the ratio of a circle to its diameter:

    PS > [System.Math]::PI

The format operator (-f) is a binary operator that uses the same formatting rules as the Format() method in the .NET Framework. It takes a string on the left side and an array of values on the right side. Here is an example:

PS > "{0}" -f "PowerShell"

In this example, the value enclosed in braces represents the index of the element on the right side. Since the format operator allows an array on the right side, you can use more values.

PS > "{0}" -f "PowerShell","Windows"

With two elements on the right side but one on the left, the operator returns only the first element. If you add a second value on the left side, you can retrieve both values:

PS > "{0} {1}" -f "PowerShell","Windows"
PowerShell Windows

You can also switch the places of the numeric values to change the output.

PS > "{1} {0}" -f "PowerShell","Windows"
Windows PowerShell

The subexpression operator ($()) returns the result of one or more statements. If the result contains multiple values, an array is returned. The next example demonstrates how to use the subexpression operator.

PS > "There are: $((Get-Command -Noun SP*).Count) SharePoint cmdlets available
in Windows PowerShell"
There are: 531 SharePoint cmdlets available in Windows PowerShell

The array subexpression operator (@()) returns the result of one or more statements as an array. You can use the operator to create a simple array, as shown in this example:

PS > @("Windows","PowerShell")

You can access elements in the array by their index.

PS > @("Windows","PowerShell")[0]
PS > @("Windows","PowerShell")[1]

The comma operator (,) is a binary operator used to create simple arrays in Windows PowerShell.

PS > 1,2,3

You can also use the comma operator to place a single line in an array.

PS > $array = ,"PowerShell"
PS > $array[0]

When you place a comma operator in front of a value, Windows PowerShell treats the value as an element in an array. When you place the statement in a variable and call the first element in the array, the string value is returned.

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- PowerShell for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 : Arithmetic Operators
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