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Windows Phone 8 : Other Ways of Launching Your App (part 1) - Using a Custom Protocol

8/13/2013 11:18:31 AM
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Although having the user run your app directly from the start screen or the list of apps is interesting, it would be useful if there were other ways to invoke your application. In fact, you might want other apps to be able to launch your app. For example, if you’ve created a Twitter application, you might want to be able to have other apps launch your app (instead of just being able to share with the “official” Twitter integration). Luckily, that is supported.

There are two ways of automatically launching your app:

Launching from a custom protocol

Launching from a file association

Launching from a custom protocol involves allowing other apps to launch using a special method and a shared protocol name. Launching from a file association involves registering a custom file extension with the phone to enable your users to launch your application when they tap on a file from an email, SkyDrive, or documents. Let’s see how each of these works.

Using a Custom Protocol

A custom protocol is simply a specially formatted URI that contains a special moniker (that is, myapp:someotherdata?and=querystring). The special moniker is used to allow other apps to launch your application using the LaunchUriAsync on the Launcher class:

async void secondQuery_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(
    new Uri("funwithassociations:showsecond?id=foo"));

This allows one application to launch another with data included so that the other app knows what action to perform. The moniker is what is before the colon (:); what is after is completely up to you. Monikers have to follow these simple rules:

Must be a name of 2–39 characters

Can contain numbers, lowercase letters, periods (.), and hyphens (-)

Cannot be one of the reserved URIs (as documented at

To register a protocol, you must open the WMAppManifest.xml in the text editor (right-clicking and selecting “View Code” works well). The built-in application manifest editor cannot be used to add protocols. Just after the Tokens element, create a new element called Extensions. Inside the new element, add an element called Protocol, like so:

<Deployment xmlns="..."
  <App ...>
      <Protocol Name="funwithassociations"
                TaskID="_default" />


The Protocol element’s Name attribute is the name of the moniker (adhering to the rules listed previously). The NavUriFragment and TaskID must be the same as this example. Now that you have that, you will need to listen for launching with the new URI.

To facilitate listening for the launching URI, you will need a class that derives from the UriMapperBase class. This class will get called as the navigation framework gets notified of the navigation using the protocol URI, like so:

public class AssociationMapper : UriMapperBase


In this new class, you need to override the MapUri method. This is the method that will be called as the navigation framework attempts to navigate. In this case, you’ll look for your URI and return a URI that maps it to the resulting page in your application, like so:

public override Uri MapUri(Uri uri)
  var decodedUri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(uri.ToString()).ToLower();

  if (decodedUri.Contains("funwithassociations:showfirst"))
    return new Uri("/ShowFirst.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
    // Let normal navigation happen
    return uri;

The first thing to do is to decode the URI as it comes to the navigation framework URI encoded. After you have done that, you can search to see whether the URI contains your moniker. Remember that anything after your protocol (and the colon) is data specific to your application. In this example, we are specifying that if the characters after the protocol moniker say “showfirst,” then we can change the navigation to go to the FirstPage.xaml file. If it doesn’t match what we expect, we simply let the original URI pass through to the navigation framework. In this way, you can handle multiple types of uses for the protocol and data:

public override Uri MapUri(Uri uri)
  var decodedUri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(uri.ToString()).ToLower();

  if (decodedUri.Contains("funwithassociations:showfirst"))
    return new Uri("/ShowFirst.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
  else if (decodedUri.Contains("funwithassociations:showsecond"))
    var split = decodedUri.Split(new char[] { '?' },

    if (split.Count() > 2) // There is a questionmark after protocol
      // Add query string
      return new Uri(string.Concat("/ShowSecond.xaml?", split[2]),
      return new Uri("/ShowSecond.xaml?", UriKind.Relative);
    // Let normal navigation happen
    return uri;

In this example, the code is looking for the showsecond command after the moniker to do something different. In this case, the user could have passed in a query string with useful data for us to start the application with. Notice that the code uses split to separate the URI at the question mark. This is common if you’re using a query string, but be careful because the decoded URI that is actually launched looks like this (the second question mark and colon were URI-encoded to protect the URI):


This means that if you want to split off the query string, you will need to manipulate the entire string correctly. The example does this by splitting on the question mark and just taking the entire third part of the split to post-pend to the page URI.

Now that we have the handler, we need to register it with the phone. You should open the standard App class file (usually App.xaml.cs). Near the bottom of the file is a private method called InitializePhoneApplication. Just before the handling of the NavigationFailed method, add a new line that assigns the UriMapper to a new instance of your UriMapperBase derived class (AssociationMapper in this case):

private void InitializePhoneApplication()
  if (phoneApplicationInitialized)

  // ...
  RootFrame = new PhoneApplicationFrame();
  RootFrame.Navigated += CompleteInitializePhoneApplication;

  // Add my mapper
  RootFrame.UriMapper = new AssociationMapper();

  // Handle navigation failures
  RootFrame.NavigationFailed += RootFrame_NavigationFailed;

  // Handle reset requests for clearing the backstack
  RootFrame.Navigated += CheckForResetNavigation;

  // Ensure we don't initialize again
  phoneApplicationInitialized = true;

The non-bold version of the code should already exist—you’re just adding your new URI mapper to the RootFrame object so you can intercept the navigation calls. At this point, you should be able to call your app from another app by calling the following:

await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(
    new Uri("funwithassociations:showsecond?id=foo"));

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