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Windows Phone 8 : Phone Integration - Using Tasks (part 1) - Launchers

8/8/2013 11:28:40 AM
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Windows Phone has several of the features of the operating system, including accessing the address book, launching the web browser, and using the camera. To give you access to these features, the Windows Phone SDK supports a list of tasks you can execute. These tasks are divided into two categories: launchers and choosers. A launcher simply takes the user to another part of the phone experience to accomplish some goal (for example, launch a web page, make a phone call, and so on). A chooser takes the user to a facility on the phone but returns to the app with some information (for instance, choose an email address, take a picture, and so on). Tables 1 and 2 show the launchers and choosers available for the phone.

TABLE 1 Launchers


TABLE 2 Choosers


All these tasks are in the same namespace: Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.

1. Launchers

Each launcher works in a consistent manner. They create an instance of the launcher, set optional properties that will help the launcher, and call a Show method to take the user to the phone’s functionality. For example, the code for showing the Microsoft website in the web browser is as simple as this:

void webBrowserTask_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  var task = new WebBrowserTask();
  task.Uri = new Uri("");

Although the launchers do not use a common interface, they do follow the same convention, so they should be easy to work with. Let’s look at each one.


The EmailComposeTask enables the user to compose and send an email without necessarily sharing those details with your app. For this task, you can set most of the information about an outgoing email, including information in the To, CC, Subject, and Body sections:

void composeEmailButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  var task = new EmailComposeTask();
  task.To = "[email protected]";
  task.Cc = "[email protected]";
  task.Subject = "Your Email";
  task.Body = "This is an email";

All these properties are completely optional. If the user just wants to launch an email, you can create it and call Show. The Body property is always plain text. There is no support for creating a body with HTML in this release or adding attachments to emails.


Inside the SDK are tasks for using the Bing maps, but because those are there for backward-compatibility with Windows Phone 7.5 and earlier, they’ve introduced new tasks for working with the built-in Nokia maps. To get at these new maps, there are three new tasks; the first of these is the MapsDirectionsTask. This task simply enables you to get directions in the Maps app (using the Nokia maps instead of the Bing maps).

This task is like the others in that you simply set default data and then call the Show method. In this case the task has a Start and Stop property. Each of these properties takes a structure called a LabeledMapLocation. The location, in turn, takes both a Label and a Location. The Label is a string that can contain a simple label or can contain a search term. The Location property takes a GeoCoordinate object that contains the latitude and longitude to use for the maps. For example

var start = new LabeledMapLocation()
  Label = "Home",
  Location = new GeoCoordinate(33.769138, -84.33596)

var end = new LabeledMapLocation()
  Label = "Turner Field",
  Location = new GeoCoordinate(33.735194, -84.389645)

var task = new MapsDirectionsTask()
  Start = start,
  End = end


When the Show method is executed, the Maps application is launched and attempts to calculate the directions. If your goal is to navigate from the user’s current location, you can just omit the Start property on the MapsDirectionsTask altogether:

var end = new LabeledMapLocation()
  Label = "Turner Field",
  Location = new GeoCoordinate(33.735194, -84.389645)

var task = new MapsDirectionsTask()
  End = end


By leaving off the Start property, this simply assumes that you want to start from the user’s current location. Calculating GeoCoordinates can be a pain so you can also omit the Location property to have the Label of the LabeledMapLocation act as a search phrase:

var end = new LabeledMapLocation()
  Label = "Turner Field"

var task = new MapsDirectionsTask()
  End = end


In this example, the ending location will be marked as “Turner Field” and the map application will attempt to find Turner Field from your location. You can also do this using any search information like an address as the Label:

var end = new LabeledMapLocation()
  Label = "755 Hank Aaron Drive Southeast  Atlanta, GA 30315"

var task = new MapsDirectionsTask()
  End = end



This task is specifically used to show and search in the maps app for the user. There are two ways to use the MapsTask. First, you can simply show a location and a zoom level. For this, you need a specific GeoCoordinate object. For instance:

var task = new MapsTask()
  Center = new GeoCoordinate(33.735194, -84.389645),
  ZoomLevel = 2


The Center property is the center of the map to show. The ZoomLevel is how far into the map to display. In this case, ZoomLevel of 2 is going to show most of the world. If you omit the Center property, it will simply center the map on the current location for the user.

The other way the MapsTask works is to enable you to search on the map. In this case you would just supply the SearchPhrase property with what you want to search for. If you simply want to show an address, just use the SearchPhrase with the address:

var task = new MapsTask()
  SearchTerm = "755 Hank Aaron Drive Southeast  Atlanta, GA 30315",


More commonly you would use the SearchTerm property to search the map. For instance, to find pizza restaurants, you would:

var task = new MapsTask()
  SearchTerm = "pizza",


Note that the ZoomLevel and Center properties are ignored if you use the SearchPhrase.


The last of the maps tasks is the MapsDownloaderTask. This task simply launches the Maps app to allow the user to select which maps to download to the device for offline use. The task has no properties; you just call the Show method to launch that part of the Maps app, like so:

var task = new MapDownloaderTask();



This task’s job is to launch the Marketplace app to show the details of a specific application. Although the task does allow you to show specific items using the ContentIdentifier and ContentType properties, it normally launches without specifying these properties and will launch the details page for your own application:

void marketplaceDetailButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Show our Detail Page
  var task = new MarketplaceDetailTask();

If you have a specific application content identifier (the GUID that represents the application), you can specify it:

void marketplaceDetailButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Show our Detail Page
  var task = new MarketplaceDetailTask();
  task.ContentIdentifier = "a518bd6c-280e-e011-9264-00237de2db9e";
  task.ContentType = MarketplaceContentType.Applications;


The purpose of the MarketplaceHubTask is to go to the Marketplace application on the phone to allow the user to browse different items in the Marketplace. When using this task, you need to specify whether the user needs to navigate to music or to applications:

void marketplaceHubButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Show the Marketplace Hub
  var task = new MarketplaceHubTask();
  task.ContentType = MarketplaceContentType.Applications; // Or Music

Note that this task does not work in the emulator because the Marketplace isn’t intended to work in emulation mode.


The MarketplaceReviewTask is used to take the user to the current application’s review page to allow him to review the application. There are no properties to set for this particular task, as shown here:

void marketplaceReviewButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Show the Application Review Page for this application
  var task = new MarketplaceReviewTask();

Because your application is not technically in the Marketplace during development, this task will take you to a review page; then it will complain that it cannot find the application. This is enough to test this task. After your application has been deployed, it will take the user to the correct review page.


The MarketplaceSearchTask enables you to send the user to the Search page of the Marketplace app specifying which types of search to perform as well as any keywords with which to prepopulate the search, as shown here:

void marketplaceSearchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Show the Marketplace Search Page
  var task = new MarketplaceSearchTask();
  task.ContentType = MarketplaceContentType.Applications; // Or Music
  task.SearchTerms = "Shooting Games";


The purpose of the MediaPlayerLauncher is to play media (audio and/or video) that comes from your application (instead of media that is in the media library). The media must be either in the application’s install directory (for example, in the .xap file) or in isolated storage. To specify the location, you need to supply the task’s Location property, which takes an enumeration (MediaLocationType) with which you can specify either Install (which indicates the file was in the .xap file) or Data (which indicates the media file is in isolated storage). In addition, you have to specify the Media property, which takes a relative Uri that points to the media either in the .xap file or in isolated storage, like so:

void mediaPlayerButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Launch the Media Player
  var task = new MediaPlayerLauncher();
  task.Location = MediaLocationType.Install; // Or Data
  task.Media = new Uri("bear.wmv", UriKind.Relative);
  task.Controls = MediaPlaybackControls.All;

In addition, you can specify which controls are shown in the media player. When playing with the MediaPlayerTask, the media player can show three different controls, as highlighted in Figure 1. The control on the left is the Rewind control, the one on the right is the Fast-Forward control, and the one in the center is for toggling between Pause and Play.


FIGURE 1 Media player controls

The MediaPlaybackControls includes a set of enumeration flags, so you can select which controls are used. Table 3 shows the MediaPlaybackControls enumeration.

TABLE 3 MediaPlaybackControls Enumeration


Typically, you would show all controls. However, you can decide to use specific controls by mixing the flags, like so:

void mediaPlayerButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Launch the Media Player
  var task = new MediaPlayerLauncher();
  task.Location = MediaLocationType.Install; // Or Data
  task.Media = new Uri("bear.wmv", UriKind.Relative);
  task.Controls = MediaPlaybackControls.Pause |


As its name suggests, the PhoneCallTask enables you to perform a phone call on the phone. All you need to do is specify the phone number and name to display to the user, like so:

void phoneCallButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Make a phone call
  var task = new PhoneCallTask();
  task.DisplayName = "Lottery Headquarters";
  task.PhoneNumber = "(404) 555 1212";

When this task is launched, the user will be asked for permission to make the phone call, as shown in Figure 2.


FIGURE 2 PhoneCallTask confirmation


Like many of the other tasks, the SaveAppointmentTask is straightforward in its approach. The purpose, obviously, is to let users make a new appointment. Although not all fields of the appointment app are available, you can set quite a number of the fields with code, as shown here:

var task = new SaveAppointmentTask()
  Subject = "Dentist",
  StartTime = DateTime.Parse("11/11/2012 2:00pm"),
  EndTime = DateTime.Parse("11/11/2012 4:00pm"),
  AppointmentStatus = AppointmentStatus.Busy,
  IsAllDayEvent = false,
  Details = "Dr. Smith - 404-555-1212",
  Location = "123 Main Street, Atlanta, GA",
  Reminder = Reminder.FifteenMinutes


None of these properties are actually required, but they can be used to fill in default details. The user will still be prompted by the Appointment app to confirm and possibly change the data you send in. The Reminder property is an enumeration of different Reminder values, not the Reminder class that is used to create reminders programmatically. These values specify how long before an appointment to create a reminder (if any).


The SearchTask class is used to direct the user to the phone’s built-in search application (the one that launches when you press the Search button on the phone). You can specify a search query to be prefilled when the search is launched, as shown here:

void searchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Launch the Search App
  var task = new SearchTask();
  task.SearchQuery = "XBox Games";


If you want your application to be capable of sharing a link on social networking sites for which the user has registered the phone (for instance, Facebook or Twitter), this is the task for you. It allows you to specify the link to share, the title of the link (that is, what to display in the hyperlink), and a message to include with the link:

private void ShareLink_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Share a link
  var task = new ShareLinkTask();
  task.LinkUri = new Uri("");
  task.Title = "Shawn's Blog";
  task.Message = "I can't believe his head is turning!";


The user must have a social networking account registered on the phone for this launcher to succeed. If she has more than one social networking account on the phone, it displays a list of which services to use (similar to when you create a new email with more than one account).


Much like the ShareLinkTask, this launcher enables you to share your current status via social networking. This launcher has you specify the user’s status to share:

private void ShareStatus_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Share a link
  var task = new ShareStatusTask();
  task.Status = "I'm writing a #wp7 book!";


After shown, this will take you to the share status UI for the phone.


The SmsComposeTask enables you to get the user to send a text message (for example, SMS message). You can specify both whom to send the text to and the body of the message. The To property specifies a semicolon-delimited list of recipients for the text message. The Body property enables you to specify the message to be sent via SMS:

void smsButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // Send an SMS Message
  var task = new SmsComposeTask();
  task.To = "(404) 555-1212; (206) 555-1212";
  task.Body = "This is a text message!";


This task does not allow you to send MMS messages (SMS messages with attachments).


The WebBrowserTask launches the built-in browser (Internet Explorer) with a specified URI, as shown here:

void webBrowserTask_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  var task = new WebBrowserTask();
  task.Uri = new Uri("");

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