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Preparing for Windows Server 2012 : Planning for Windows Server 2012 (part 2) - Migration process

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2. Migration process

As I said earlier, there is no single approach to how infrastructure migration projects should be planned and executed. However, there are some best practices that apply in various degrees to the different scenarios discussed earlier, and from these one can identify some of the key steps that should be involved in any migration process. I’ll briefly focus on providing some guidance for the following four steps, which are common to most infrastructure migration projects:

  • Pilot testing

  • Assessment

  • Server migration

  • Role migration

Note that to help you use the information in the upcoming sections, some of it is presented in the form of a series of questions that can be used as the basis for creating worksheets for implementing your migration project.

Pilot testing

Pilot testing involves more than just installing the software and playing around with it. Instead, you should start by creating a test plan that defines the scope and objectives of the testing you want to perform. You should also define a testing methodology that describes the architecture of your test environment, your testing tools and techniques, and the type of automation you plan on using for your testing. You then need to identify the resource you need to perform your testing on, and establish a schedule for performing your various tests. Finally, you should have a process for evaluating the results of your testing to see whether the objectives you set have been achieved or not.

The following are some key questions that need to be addressed during pilot testing of Windows Server 2012:

  • Why are we pilot testing Windows Server 2012?

  • Who will be performing the testing?

  • What training will the testers need before they can perform their testing?

  • What are the specific objectives of our test process?

  • What scenarios will we be using as the basis for performing our testing?

  • What roles and features do we plan on testing?

  • How will we test each of these roles and features?

  • What hardware will we require to perform our tests?

  • What additional software will we require to perform our tests?

  • Will we be using any scripts or automation as part of the test process?

  • Where will we set up our test environment?

  • How will we ensure that our test environment will not affect our production environment?

  • What is the schedule for performing our testing?

  • How will we record our results for later analysis and evaluation?


Assessment involves determining the readiness of your organization’s infrastructure, hardware, applications, and personnel for migration to Windows Server 2012. Although some of this will be examined in more detail in the next lesson, here are some of the key questions that need to be addressed as part of the assessment process:

  • Have you inventoried all the various hardware in your environment?

  • Do you have any tools for performing an inventory of your infrastructure?

  • Is your existing server hardware capable of running Windows Server 2012?

  • Is your existing server hardware capable of supporting the various roles and features of Windows Server 2012 you plan to deploy in your environment?

  • Will your existing storage hardware work with Windows Server 2012?

  • Is your network infrastructure ready for Windows Server 2012?

  • Are your various network appliances (for example, firewalls, VPN gateways, and so on) capable of interoperating with Windows Server 2012?

  • If you plan on deploying DirectAccess, do your network infrastructure and appliances fully support Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)? And does your Internet Service Provider (ISP) support IPv6?

  • Have you inventoried all the various operating systems and applications in your environment?

  • Are there any operating systems or applications present in your environment that have compatibility issues with Windows Server 2012?

  • Will you be virtualizing any of your existing operating systems or applications on Hyper-V hosts running Windows Server 2012?

  • Have you inventoried the server roles on each of the servers of your infrastructure?

  • Are there any considerations with regard to virtualizing any of the server roles currently running on your servers or migrating these roles into the cloud?

  • Have you assessed your budget to ensure you have sufficient funding to purchase any hardware or software needed for your migration?

  • Have you assessed the potential cost savings and return on investment (ROI) your organization can achieve by migrating to Windows Server 2012?

  • Are your IT staff members ready for the migration? Do they need any additional training?

Server migration

A server migration can take several different paths, depending on the migration scenario you decide to implement. The choices you make concerning the migration process can be dictated by various factors, including cost, timeframe, the topology of your organization, the complexity of your infrastructure, and the server roles you currently have deployed in your environment. Some of the key questions to address concerning the server-migration process include the following:

  • Do you have a rollback plan in place in case something goes wrong with the migration?

  • Have you performed a full system backup of the servers you’ll be migrating?

  • Which of the following method or methods will you be using for migrating your servers?

    • In-place upgrade, which keeps the current hardware and upgrades the current server operating system to Windows Server 2012. If you follow this approach, make sure you are aware of the supported upgrade paths for your existing server operating systems.

    • Refresh, which keeps the current hardware, saves the state information (operating system and application settings) of the current installation, wipes the hardware to remove the current operating system, performs a clean install of Windows Server 2012, and restores the state.

    • Replace, which saves the state of the current installation to a network location, retires the current hardware, performs a clean install of Windows Server 2012 on new hardware, and restores the state.

    • New computer, which involves either deploying Windows Server 2012 yourself on bare-metal hardware or purchasing preconfigured server systems from your vendor and further configuring the server as desired.

  • Have you acquired and learned how to use tools such as Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) and System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), which can be used to perform server migrations? 

  • Will you be migrating any physical servers into virtual environments? If so, you might need System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) or other tools for performing the physical-to-virtual (P2V) migrations of your server workloads.

  • Will you be migrating any servers running operating systems that are out-of-lifecycle, such as Windows 2000 Server, that might require special procedures such as migrating to an intermediate operating system before migrating to Windows Server 2012? 

  • Will you be migrating any servers across architectures? For example, migrating a server running Windows Server 2003 x86 to Windows Server 2012?

  • Have you developed plans for migrating the roles on each of your servers? Role migration should be planned concurrently with server migration. See the next section for more information on this topic.

  • Have you developed plans for migrating any business data stored on any of your servers? Will you be migrating your storage hardware as well as your servers? Is your business data safely backed up to prevent data loss from occurring during the migration process?

  • Have you developed specific plans for migrating server applications, such as Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft SharePoint? The migration of server applications such as these requires special planning and consideration. Search the TechNet Library if you require more information on planning the migration of Microsoft server applications.

  • Have you discussed your migration plans with the vendors of any third-party server applications you have deployed in your environment? Will the new operating system require a new version of these applications?

  • Have you developed plans to ensure business applications and services remain available to users during the migration process?

  • Have you prepared the expectations of your user population concerning any possible service interruptions or problems that might arise during the migration?

  • Have you laid out a schedule for when you’ll be performing your migrations and in what order you’ll be migrating your servers?

  • Have you assigned responsibilities to different members of your migration team?

  • Have you thoroughly tested your server-migration plans in a test environment that mirrors your current production network?

Role and feature migration

A key aspect of server migration is the migration of server roles, features, operating system settings, and data. To migrate roles and features from previous versions of Windows Server to Windows Server 2012, you can use the Windows Server Migration Tools. These tools include best-practices documentation and are designed to ensure the role and feature migration process goes smoothly and without errors.

Windows Server Migration Tools can be installed on the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2

  • Windows Server 2003 R2

  • Windows Server 2008, full installation option

  • Full installation option of Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Server with a GUI installation option of Windows Server 2012

  • Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2012

The source server is the server you are migrating the role or feature from, while the destination server is the server you will be migrating the role or feature to. For example, the source server might be running a Full installation option of Windows Server 2008 R2 and the destination server might be running a Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2012. The Migration Tools must be installed on both the source and destination servers, and you must be a member of the Administrators group on both servers.

The following migration paths are supported:

  • Migrating between x86 and x64 architectures

  • Migrating between physical machines and virtual machines

  • Cross-subnet migrations

The following migration paths are not supported:

  • Migrating between source and destination servers that have different system UI languages.

  • Roles on the Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2008 cannot be migrated because the Microsoft .NET Framework is not available on this installation option.

The sections that follow demonstrate how role and feature migration can be performed.

Installing the Migration Tools on the destination server

The following procedure shows how to install and configure the Migration Tools on a destination server running Windows Server 2012. The goal is to be able to migrate a role such as the DHCP Server role or the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) role from an existing server running Windows Server 2008 R2 to the new server running Windows Server 2012.

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell session with elevated rights on a server running Windows Server 2012 in your environment.

  2. Execute the following command to install the Windows Server Migration Tools feature on the remote server running Windows Server 2012 and named SERVER7:

    Install-WindowsFeature Migration -ComputerName SERVER7

    If the local server running Windows Server 2012 you are logged on to is a Server Core installation, type powershell.exe before executing the PowerShell command just shown.

    If the local server running Windows Server 2012 you are logged on to is a Full installation, you can also install the Migration Tools on the remote server by launching the Add Roles And Features Wizard from Server Manager.

  3. Open an elevated command prompt by typing cmd in your elevated Windows PowerShell session, and change the current directory as follows:

    Cd %systemroot%\system32\ServerMigrationTools
  4. Create a deployment folder on the destination by running the SmigDeploy.exe utility. This utility creates an installation package for performing the migration and places it in a new folder named C:\downloads\<subfolder> where <subfolder> depends on the operating system version and architecture of the source server. For example, if the source computer has AMD64 architecture and is running Windows Server 2008 R2, run SmigDeploy.exe using these parameters:

    SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture amd64 /os WS08R2 /path C:\downloads

    This creates a new deployment folder named C:\downloads\SMT_ws08R2_amd64 on the destination server and copies the Migration Tool files to the folder.

  5. Copy the deployment folder to the local drive of the source computer running Windows Server 2008 R2 using any appropriate method.

Installing the Migration Tools on the source server

The following procedure shows how to install and run the Migration Tools on a source server running Windows Server 2008 R2 to which you have already copied the deployment folder from the destination computer. Note that additional steps might be required for migrating certain roles, such as the Hyper-V role, the Routing And Remote Access Services role, and others.

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell session with elevated rights, and execute the following command to load the Server Manager module:

    Import-Module ServerManager
  2. Install the Windows Server Migration Tools feature by running this command:

    Add-WindowsFeature Migration
  3. Note that if your source server is running an earlier operating system such as Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, you also need to install the Microsoft .NET Framework and Windows PowerShell on the source computer and then run SmigDeploy.exe on it to register the Windows Server Migration Tools cmdlets into Windows PowerShell.

You can now launch the Migration Tools from either the destination or source server. For example, to launch them from a destination server running Windows Server 2012, right-click on the Windows Server Migration Tools tile on the Start screen and click Run As Administrator on the app bar, as shown here:

image with no caption

This opens a custom Windows PowerShell session from which you can run the various Windows Server Migration Tool cmdlets as shown in Figure 1.

Displaying the list of available Windows Server Migration Tool cmdlets.
Figure 1. Displaying the list of available Windows Server Migration Tool cmdlets.
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